Consolidated development
- О краткосрочных планах на будущее разработки в статье Планы разработки Dwarf Fortress.
Это расширенная расшифровка старой страницы Consolidated Development Page до изменения дизайна веб-страницы Dwarf Fortress. Здесь указаны все долговременные и краткосрочные арки, элементы Core, Req, Bloat и Powergoal. Страницу можно найти по этой ссылке.
Из-за возраста страницы многие из указанных целей могут устареть, но они всё ещё могут дать общий обзор мысли, заложенной в разработке игры, и Toady всё ещё часто ссылается на некоторые широкие арки при описании разработки.
Арка — множество фич одной тематики. Множество из них можно реализовать одновременно, но это не обязательно, поэтому иногда бывает сложно судить о готовности той или иной арки.
Краткосрочные арки — те, которые будут, скорее всего, реализованы в ближайшем будущем. Долговременные, с другой стороны, будут разрабатываться в более далёком будущем, возможно, даже после версии 1.0.
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Кратковременные арки
Арка | Описание | Требования |
BUSTLING TOWN ARC | Города должны быть более структурированными. Жители должны не бесцельно бродить, а заниматься делами. Предметы должны быть не только в магазинах. Должна быть стража. Медовые залы нужно сделать более интересными. en | Core41, Core42, Core43, Req148, Req162, Req249, Req261, Req344, Req348, Req369, Req379, Req408, Req415, Req471, Req477, Req588, Bloat165, Bloat188, Bloat203, Bloat204, Bloat210, Bloat233, Bloat242, Bloat243, Bloat266, Bloat267, Bloat373, Bloat378, Bloat381, Bloat382, PowerGoal34, PowerGoal36, PowerGoal41, PowerGoal48, PowerGoal55, PowerGoal67, PowerGoal73, PowerGoal74, PowerGoal82, PowerGoal91, PowerGoal131, PowerGoal137 и PowerGoal148. |
FIRE AND LIGHTING ARC | Сейчас пещеры неестественно освещены, хотя в них должна царить кромешная тьма. То же самое справедливо для пасмурных безлунных ночей. После добавления тьмы в режиме приключения понадобится огонь. Его также можно добавить в режим крепости. en | Core14, Core55, Req96 и PowerGoal150. |
BURROWS, TRANSPORTION AND AUTOMATION ARC | Дать возможность указать дварфам пространство ("нору"), в пределах которого они будут жить и работать, чтобы уменьшить количество работ по переносу. Сюда относится большая часть req, связанных с переноской или складами. Можно автоматизировать другие мастерские, хотя систему выдачи приказов можно сделать более мощной, чтобы уменьшить количество возни с интерфейсом для заказа, например, стекла или мыла. en | Core36, Core56, Core57, Req1, Req2, Req18, Req22, Req24, Req27, Req28, Req38, Req41, Req46, Req47, Req67, Req74, Req82, Req83, Req86, Req90, Req112, Req128, Req129, Req140, Req146, Req162, Req197, Req273, Req287, Req349, Req384, Req385, Req392, Req393, Req400, Req404, Req409, Req410, Req413, Req422, Req424, Req428, Req429, Req435, Req436, Req437, Req439, Req450, Req482, Req528, Req533, Req534, Req544, Req558, Req560, Req572, Req584, Bloat6, Bloat10, Bloat19, Bloat28, Bloat30, Bloat32, Bloat54, Bloat59, Bloat60, Bloat83, Bloat218, Bloat253, Bloat281, Bloat308 и Bloat313. |
ADVANCED HELP ARC | У игры крутая кривая обучения. Для помощи игрокам можно ввести руководства, внутриигрового советника, внутриигровую помощь. en | Core19, Core22 и Core58. |
CARAVAN ARC | Перед добавлением армий нужно сделать так, чтобы караваны действительно перемещались по карте мира, а не просто появлялись около крепости, чтобы они двигались между городами на карте, хотя от введения экономики лучше пока воздержаться. Нужно, чтобы была возможность найти предметы, проданные из режима крепости, в режиме приключения, и наоборот. en | Core3, Core38, Core81, Req21, Req132, Req133, Req175, Req204, Req218, Req220, Req260, Req279, Req364, Req463, Req516, Req555, Bloat155, Bloat263, Bloat267, PowerGoal24, PowerGoal33, PowerGoal56 и PowerGoal148. |
COUNTY ARC | Нужно дать возможность развивать большее поселение за пределами непосредственной игровой зоны. en | Core28, Core29 и PowerGoal53. |
ARMY ARC | Добавить возможность контролировать патрули и армии в режиме крепости. Приключенец должен иметь возможность присоединиться к армии или даже возглавить её. В режиме крепости нужно добавить возможность контролировать отдельных солдат патруля, как в режиме приключения. Добавить войны, от налётов бандитов и монстров до полноценных войн между цивилизациями. Потревоженные цивилизации могут патрулировать окрестности своих городов и мест, что может привести к схваткам на дикой местности, и т.д. en | Core26, Core27, Core35, Core45, Core46, Req18, Req29, Req61, Req71, Req81, Req125, Req126, Req221, Req273, Req301, Req371, Req398, Req414, Req417, Req427, Req444, Req449, Req475, Req478, Req496, Req503, Req545, Req571, Bloat44, Bloat117, Bloat130, Bloat131, Bloat175, Bloat289, PowerGoal1, PowerGoal2, PowerGoal3, PowerGoal4, PowerGoal5, PowerGoal6, PowerGoal7, PowerGoal8, PowerGoal11, PowerGoal17, PowerGoal40, PowerGoal59, PowerGoal70, PowerGoal71, PowerGoal76, PowerGoal92, PowerGoal98, PowerGoal119, PowerGoal127, PowerGoal130, PowerGoal138, PowerGoal140, PowerGoal141, PowerGoal142, PowerGoal143, PowerGoal144 и PowerGoal147. |
NEMESIS ARC | Лидеров цивилизаций нужно разными способами конкретизировать и дополнить. en | Core11, Core15, Core40, Req161, Req277, Bloat48, Bloat68, Bloat176, PowerGoal98, PowerGoal101, PowerGoal102 и PowerGoal122. |
RELATIONSHIPS ARC | Добавить возможность найти супруга, завести семью, создать играбельных наследников в режиме приключения. Можно подробней расписать дварфийские отношения и личные черты. en | Core59, Core60, Bloat51, Bloat93, Bloat95, Bloat105, Bloat123, Bloat374, Bloat375, Bloat380, PowerGoal20, PowerGoal21, PowerGoal109 и PowerGoal119. |
DIPLOMACY ARC | Должно быть гораздо больше дипломатии между вашей крепостью и внешним миром, особенно после появления знати. Сейчас в этом плане в игре почти ничего нет. en | Core33, Core62, Core63, Req174, Req177, Req291, Req451, Req527, Req542, Req543, Bloat31, Bloat72, Bloat73, PowerGoal10, PowerGoal98 и PowerGoal101. |
GHOSTS ARC | Посещение приключенцем вашей старой крепости можно сделать более интересным. Так как игра следит за каждым дварфом, живущим или умершим в крепости, эти данные также можно использовать. Цивилизации, воюющие во время генерации мира, могут создавать руины, которые можно посетить (старые замки, храмы, т.д.). en | Core67, Core68, Core69, Core70, Bloat21, PowerGoal11, PowerGoal92 и PowerGoal107. |
AFFILIATION ARC | Дать возможность приключенцу добиваться успеха в отношениях с людьми, городами, цивилизациями. Полный набор ответственностей подождёт, для начала нужно сделать хотя бы возможным получать статус в глазах людей. За помощь вас могут по-разному наградить, от разрешения спать в доме и еды в дар до предложения свадьбы. Более мелкие сущности (бандиты, культы) могут предлагать более сомнительные задания (кражи, убийства, похищения, т.д.) для подобных привилегий. Можно получить возможность спать в главном зале города, если вы с ним в хороших отношениях. Тем не менее бродяжничество должно наказываться. en | Core64, Core65, Core71, Req586, Req587, Bloat163, PowerGoal12, PowerGoal19, PowerGoal27, PowerGoal37, PowerGoal41, PowerGoal42, PowerGoal44, PowerGoal48 и PowerGoal54. |
COMBAT ARC | Много новых боевых навыков, атрибутов и т.д. en | Core72, Core73, Core74, Req45, Req54, Req85, Req92, Req104, Req149, Req164, Req171, Req183, Req188, Req192, Req198, Req199, Req200, Req206, Req224, Req230, Req233, Req234, Req290, Req315, Req330, Req331, Req340, Req352, Req403, Req466, Req532, Req568, Req575, Bloat15, Bloat55, Bloat76, Bloat102, Bloat127, Bloat135, Bloat136, Bloat137, Bloat138, Bloat139, Bloat141, Bloat142, Bloat162, Bloat222, Bloat254, Bloat271, PowerGoal28, PowerGoal29, PowerGoal61, PowerGoal63, PowerGoal77, PowerGoal79, PowerGoal89, PowerGoal90, PowerGoal93, PowerGoal94, PowerGoal96, PowerGoal103 и PowerGoal150. |
SCENARIOS ARC | Генерация персонажей подлежит значительному изменению. Текущий план — иметь интерактивных генератор истории, который пронёс бы персонажа от рождения до играбельного возраста, вплетая его в ткань мира. Кнопка "Play Now!" сразу автоматически решила бы все вопросы, возможно, с большой склонностью помещать персонажа в страшные/интересные ситуации. en | Core75, Core76, Req214, Req317, Bloat26 и Bloat143. |
LIFE CYCLE ARC | Сейчас в городах и других поселениях никто не рождается и не стареет. Вместо этого нужно с основания города симулировать и отслеживать эти вещи, начиная с генерации мира. Это сделало бы мир более интересным, а также более устойчивым к действиям игрока. Однако это добавляет нестабильность, независящую от действий игрока, так что это нужно реализовать аккуратно. en | Core77, Core78, Req317, Req441, Req489, Bloat115, Bloat193, Bloat194 и PowerGoal31. |
ARTIFACT ARC | Специальные предметы, созданные дварфами, сейчас не очень интересны, и приключенец мало что может с ними сделать. Эти объекты должны иметь магические силы и оказывать большое влияние на действия сущностей, контактирующих с ними. Даже если приключенец не сможет сам найти применения артефакту, он сможет найти покупателя из знати и использовать эту возможность, чтобы получить дом или хорошее положение в сущности, например. en | Core79, Core80, Req395, Bloat49, Bloat173, PowerGoal13, PowerGoal60, PowerGoal68 и PowerGoal134. |
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ARC | За мелкие преступления должны быть мягкие наказания. Сюда же входит увеличение интересности пьянки в городе, добавление драк в баре, нормальные кражи, арест, тюремное заключение, казни… en | Core82, Core83, Req303, Req327, Req366, Bloat53, Bloat75, Bloat143, PowerGoal14, PowerGoal22, PowerGoal23, PowerGoal25, PowerGoal26, PowerGoal38, PowerGoal47, PowerGoal66, PowerGoal80, PowerGoal91, PowerGoal99, PowerGoal124, PowerGoal126, PowerGoal136 и PowerGoal146. |
ADVENTURER SKILLS ARC | Работы и профессии в режиме крепости неплохо реализованы. Приключенец должен уметь делать то же самое, особенно то, что связано с выживанием в дикой природе. Постепенно можно будет строить свои конструкции, сделать дом и иметь своё место на карте. en | Core84, Core85, Core86, Req32, Req34, Req99, Req107, Req168, Req236, Req302, Req327, Req491, Bloat160, Bloat317, Bloat380, PowerGoal9, PowerGoal15 и PowerGoal103. |
ADVENTURER PARTIES AND ENTITY | Играя за приключенца с последователями, нужно иметь возможность создавать сущность — если у вас много людей, вы можете поручать им работы и управлять ими более стратегически. Также нужно иметь возможность контролировать каждого члена вашей группы, которую сделали вы сами. Можно, как сейчас, играть за одного и остальные будут идти за ним (как сейчас) или контролировать всех, особенно во время напряженных ситуаций, когда вы не доверяете ИИ. en | Core24, Core61, PowerGoal20 и PowerGoal135. |
DUNGEON ARC | Улучшить области обитания кобольдов и гоблинов и цивилизации, помня о расширении понятия сущности и дальнейшей случайной генерации. Включает в себя добавление определения сущности и тегов для более примитивных гуманоидов. Сделать так, чтобы мегачудища лучше вписывались в мир. en | Core89, Core90, Core91, Req8, Req80, Req107, Req148, Req232, Req284, Req324, Req375, Req426, Req476, Req479, Req504, Req576, Bloat17, Bloat23, Bloat169, Bloat172, Bloat189, Bloat190, Bloat241, Bloat383, PowerGoal13, PowerGoal27, PowerGoal32, PowerGoal49, PowerGoal50, PowerGoal51, PowerGoal52, PowerGoal62, PowerGoal100, PowerGoal111 и PowerGoal145. |
HUMANOID ARC | Сделать крепости дварфов, не управляемые игроком, выглядеть и действовать как управляемые игроком, в рамках разумного. Улучшить эльфов как в арке подземелий, с их жилищами в многотайловых деревьях. en | Core87, Core88, Req148, Bloat206 и PowerGoal129. |
PRESENTATION ARC | Более понятный интерфейс, больше настроек для интерфейса, поддержка перевода. en | Core21, Core50, Core51, Core52, Core54, Req37, Req43, Req79, Req142, Req152, Req179, Req180, Req207, Req218, Req258, Req306, Req314, Req320, Req328, Req332, Req338, Req381, Req382, Req383, Req386, Req387, Req388, Req390, Req401, Req402, Req411, Req421, Req430, Req432, Req434, Req443, Req460, Req483, Req513, Req520, Req531, Req546, Req547, Req548, Req550, Req556, Req558, Req559, Req560, Req564, Req566, Req570, Req585, Bloat52, Bloat106, Bloat107, Bloat108, Bloat118, Bloat153, Bloat199, Bloat268, Bloat303, Bloat307, Bloat311, Bloat354, Bloat355, Bloat358, Bloat361, Bloat364, Bloat368 и Bloat379. |
LANGUAGE ARC | Нужна более хорошая структура для внутриигровых языков, так как множество простых вариантов наименования невозможны в текущей системе. Не помешало бы добавить базовую грамматику и фонетику. Нужно иметь возможность разными способами изучать бумажные и гравированные записи, книги, поэмы, песни и прочее в разных режимах игры. en | Core97, Core98, Core99 и Core100. |
RANDOMIZATION AND RAWS ARC | Множество вещей нужно сделать вне raw-файлов, после чего можно добавить возможность рандомизировать вещи, получаемые в игре. Текущие объекты, хранящиеся в raw-файлах (существа, сущности, растения, металлы, горные породы), также должны быть создаваемы случайно. Это подразумевает не только случайное изменение существующих объектов, но и, что более важно, создание совершенно новых. Это должно быть настраиваемым при создании мира, от мира только с объектами из raw до полностью случайного мира. В мирах со случайными объектами игроку нужно представлять их так, чтобы он постепенно стал с ними знаком, включая описания, истории возникновения и т.д., чтобы это не было просто кучей шума с глупыми названиями. en | Core53, Core92, Core93, Core94, Core95 и Core96. |
Долговременные арки
Arc | Description | Requirements |
HIGH LEVEL PLOTS AND DIPLOMACY | Различные интриги и интересные конфликты (необязательно с применением силы) между сущностями и отдельными существами. Существа должны действовать согласно своим нуждам и нуждам сущности, которой они принадлежат (в зависимости от привязанности к сущности). Приключенцы и крепости игрока также должны попадать под влияние ИИ. Сейчас в это частично реализовано (квесты выдаются в зависимости от окружения и связей с сущностями), но нужно, чтобы этот эффект был везде. Так как армии и вторжения будут сделаны до этой арки, к тому времени уже будет ИИ, которым можно будет дорабатывать. en | Core30, Core33, Req131, PowerGoal18, PowerGoal47, PowerGoal57, PowerGoal65, PowerGoal95 и PowerGoal124. |
LATE GAME | После того, как приключенец сможет убивать наиболее опасных существ, мир становится скучным. Можно приготовить игру к этому и сделать этакий гибрид сказки, Беовульфа и Роберта Говарда с человеческими цивилизациями и редкими монстрами, чтобы игра продолжала быть интересной. Это и так сейчас происходит естественным путём, но нужно изменить диалоги и реакции людей, чтобы они соответствовали этим изменениям. en | Bloat149. |
EARLY GAME | Эпоху Мифов в генерации мира нужно сделать играбельной. en | Bloat148. |
HUMAN TOWN | Нужно дать игроку возможность управлять человеческими городами так же, как сейчас дварфийскими крепостями, с соответствующими изменениями. en | Req469 и Bloat146. |
GOBLIN/KOBOLD/CAVER | Очевидное развитие мысли — возможность играть за злых существ, которые могут устраивать рейды на окружающий дружелюбный радостный мир. en | |
ELF FOREST RETREAT | Yes, elves for the elf people -- but thinking more general, as we list all these racial civilizations, we should think in broad terms and use the civilization definitions to allow any type of civilization to be played. Elves will provide some necessary extra elements for this process. Mixing the cliff dwelling, wilderness dwelling, town building, ethics/sphere-aligned/religious tendencies into a robust interface for civilization building is a long-term goal. | Bloat25. |
MONSTER | Playing the dragons and other large beasts seems like another good (and fairly easy) extension. You'd have to be careful, since there aren't very many large beasts in the world and you don't want to just possess them and have them all burn out in a blaze of glory. Or maybe you do... or it could just give you new ones. You could also just occasionally have fun going out on an excursion and retiring, then play an adventurer and take a quest from a town to go and dispatch your old self. | PowerGoal60. |
MERCHANT | With the Caravan Arc, we have traders moving around the world, but I said over there that I didn't want to mess around too much with having a real economy, or it would surely fall apart and all the towns would starve. Once I get up the nerve to tackle these problems, it would be a lot of fun to play a merchant or guild yourself. You could even retire and be visited by yourself in a subsequent dwarf game. | PowerGoal62. |
MAGIC | There are no specific decisions nailed down yet, although we've thought about it a lot. It's probably best to go for a very general system here, as in the first Armok attempt. Then the world generator and entities can decide what they want to use from what's available. Early efforts might be to make dwarven artifacts more interesting and to increase the power and variability of enemy leaders, rather than focusing on traditional spell-casting adventurers. | Bloat134, PowerGoal58, PowerGoal68, PowerGoal84, PowerGoal92, PowerGoal97, PowerGoal108, PowerGoal122 и PowerGoal128. |
CONTROL A WIZARD ENTITY | Not just one of those guys that backs up the team and shoots fireballs, but run something more like a dwarven outpost and construct your own multilevel tower or other such dwelling. This could include adventure style elements where your wizard is engaged in various activities, as well as larger scale army battles and so on. Randomized creatures could also be introduced as you create your minions, and they should be able to breed and expand outward, perhaps becoming a playable race in either adventure or civilization modes. | Bloat134, Bloat147, PowerGoal58 и PowerGoal60. |
DEITY | Have religions in the game correspond to forces or deities and let you play one and do whatever you like, possibly restricted by your defining characteristics and geography. | Bloat344, Bloat376, Bloat377, Bloat382, PowerGoal64, PowerGoal75, PowerGoal82, PowerGoal86, PowerGoal90, PowerGoal105, PowerGoal109, PowerGoal113, PowerGoal118, PowerGoal122, PowerGoal125, PowerGoal135, PowerGoal139, PowerGoal141 и PowerGoal146. |
WORLD GENERATION PARAMETERS | Allow some degree of control over the world and the more sweeping aspects of play. Possibilities include control over terrain, magic, religions, random vs. stock creatures, fantasy vs. a more 'historical' (ie human) feeling. Ideally, the variability would allow you to move between standard fantasy, fairy tales, mythic fantasy and gothic fantasy, for example. If there are concepts like planes or dimensions implemented, you'd have control over that as well. You could also set the mood -- there's no reason the game needs to be violent at all, for example, assuming the rest of the game can carry it at that point. The world could be generated completely underwater or with no water at all. You could be the first or last sentient creature. There are lots of ways this could go. | Bloat150, Bloat217 и PowerGoal125. |
TERRAIN/WEATHER/SWIMMING/FLYING/BOATS | Boats of some kind might go in early to make different regions more accessible, but you won't be able to be a pirate or an undersea civ for quite a while. Rivers freeze with daily temperatures instead of seasonal temperatures. Realize river and ocean squares when you visit them (forcing town layouts to adapt). Realize interesting canyons and so on in such areas. Track hurricanes and other major storm/disasters, in-game and during world gen. Thunderstorms with lightning strikes (with corresponding lighting effects) and hail. Levels of rainfall. Eating snow, making snowballs and picking up hail during and after hail storms. Tornados with wind flows that push items, projectiles and creatures. Proper eclipse modeling. Tides, deep oceans and pearl-diving, etc. More intricate interplay between cliff faces, inner rivers and outer rivers, using Z coord and waterfalls. | |
PLANES | Once it's all established, you can make regions arbitrarily strange, and you make a lot of them. The real chore here is allowing multiple world maps to be active in one way or another and to allow game elements to move between them. It would be a headache to program, but it would add a lot to the game. | PowerGoal81. |
EDITORS | Draw your own region maps, create your own towns, creatures, items, start situations, etc. For example, you could create Earth at various time periods (or an amalgamation of various time periods). | |
AND MORE, AND WORSE | I'm still too embarrassed to share every idea we had... The Keep and Event Horizon came up. You don't want to know. |
Building blocks for some of the arcs
Core элементы
Номер | Название | Статус | Описание | Требования |
WRESTLING | Завершено | Ввести ближний бой с разнообразными маневрами. en | |
ADVENTURER EATING AND DRINKING | Завершено | Приключенцы начинают игру с едой и могут есть и пить. en | |
CARAVANS | (В будущем) | Отслеживание ресурсов и инфраструктуры режима приключения для создания групп торговцев, которые ходят между городами. Убедиться, что текущий режим игры в режиме крепости не пострадает, хотя караваны больше не будут "генерироваться", когда это необходимо. Связано с передачей знаний между сущностями, если к тому времени это будет сделано. Торговля, осуществляемая караванами, будет взаимодействовать с системой отслеживания ресурсов и, таким образом, будет немедленно доступна приключенцам. Это включает в себя предметы, проданные вашей крепостью дварфов, хотя, возможно, они могут быть немного абстрагированы, если их слишком много. en | Core38 |
GROUND INTERACTIONS | Завершено | Позволить приключенцам взаимодействовать с окружающей средой. en | |
ADVENTURER TRAVEL | Завершено | Позволить приключенцам и компаньонам путешествовать по миру. en | |
BASIC ADVENTURER ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS | Завершено | Такие вещи, как дождь, снег, температура, дневной свет. Пока что эффектов температуры или локального освещения нет. en | |
CONVERSATIONS | Завершено | Добавить возможность разговаривать с другими существами в режиме приключения. en | |
ADVENTURER SHOPS | Завершено | Базовая покупка и продажа предметов в режиме приключения. en | |
TOWNS | Завершено | Добавить базовые карты городов в режим приключения, использовать координату Z для поселений и историй. en | |
OO CODE UPDATE | Завершено | Обновить все основные области кода до C++. en | |
ENEMY PETS | (В будущем) | Можно выдавать лидерам животных в зависимости от их личных симпатий, расы, описания сущности и местных доступных популяций дикой природы. Эти животные могут иметь имена и профили, как обычные существа. Можно взять часть поведения с дварфов, имеющих питомцев. en | |
END GAME | Завершено | Обработать конец игры в режиме крепости. en | |
BEAST ATTACKS | Завершено | Большие чудовища в пещерах, нападающие на крепость в режиме крепости. en | |
FIRE | Завершено | Предметы могут загораться. Огонь распространяется. Деревья снаружи могут загореться. Существа загораются, когда это уместно. Предметы повреждаются. Очень горячие металлические предметы могут плавиться, и они могут плавиться над персонажами, несущими их, используя ту же систему "загрязнений", которая в настоящее время обрабатывает инъекции яда. en | |
PRESENTATION OF ENEMY LEADERS AND OTHER IMPORTANT FIGURES | (В будущем) | Вражеский лидер играет важную роль в создании истории конфликтов, поэтому можно позволить представлять лидеров таким образом, чтобы вы, как игрок, могли узнать что-то об их прошлом, мотивации и внешности, не копаясь в экране легенд. Для этого может быть множество механизмов. Дипломаты и другие, которые посещают вашу крепость, могут позволить себе такое же обращение, а также люди, с которыми вы разговариваете и о которых в режиме приключений и т. д. en | |
END GAME 2 | Завершено | Дополнение к концу игры режима крепости. en | |
LEGENDS | Завершено | Ввести отображение легенд, исторические события и фигуры. en | |
INTERFACE KEYS | Завершено | Поместить кнопки интерфейса в редактируемые файлы. en | |
TUTORIALS | (В будущем) | Создать файлы-учебники, которые можно было бы загрузить отдельно и которые содержали бы текстовые инструкции и небольшие обучающие задания, позволяющие быстрее обучиться играть. en | |
TITLE MOVIES | Завершено | Сделать вступительный ролик со звуком. en | |
SOUND | (В будущем) | Сделать всю музыку/звуки опциональной, по группам. Больше музыки, возможно, зависящей от сезона или событий (например, обнаружение первого кобольда в пещере и т.д.). Звуки для боя, окружающей среды, интерфейса. en | |
ADVISORS | (В будущем) | Что-то вроде абстрактного советника, либо реально живущие дварфы, которые могли бы оценить текущее состояние крепости и дать советы, чтобы помочь крепости выживать и развиваться. en | |
THE MANUAL | Завершено | Сделать все части базового руководства доступными для просмотра из игры. en | |
ADVENTURER PARTIES | (В будущем) | Создавать, скажем, 6 персонажей одновременно. Они будут контролироваться как дварфийские рейдовые партии. Возможно, будут создаваться исторические связи для объяснения, почему они вместе. Группе можно выдавать имя, как дварфийским отрядам, и NPC можно пригласить, как в обычном режиме приключения, присоединиться к группе. en | Core61 |
PLOT CLEANUP | Завершено | Режим крепости использовал некоторые фиксированные сюжетные события, такие как атака армии нежити и так далее. Они были вырезаны, но требуется подчистить связанный с этим код. После этого игра будет готова для армий. en | |
OVERLAND ARMIES ATTACKS | (В будущем) | Вторжения различных существ больше не должны генерировать солдат, а должны использовать сухопутные армии. Должны быть некоторые ограничения AI, чтобы крепость на ранних этапах не подавляли огромными армиями (по крайней мере, по умолчанию). en | Core25, Core45 |
ARMIES OF DWARVES | (В будущем) | Вы должны иметь возможность отправлять патрули (и, когда вы наберёте достаточно дварфов, армии) по карте мира. Они могут атаковать меньшие близлежащие угрозы, такие как пещеры кобольдов, или сообщить вам о входящих вторжениях. en | Core26 |
CONTROL OF TERRITORY AND EXTERNAL LOCATIONS | (В будущем) | По мере того как ваша крепость расширяется в баронство, графство и герцогство, эти слова должны обрести смысл в отношении окружающих земель. Дополнительные аванпосты / деревни / рабочие лагеря могут быть основаны под вашим контролем, но вне игрового поля, обеспечивая местную торговлю и дополнительный пул населения для войны и других начинаний. Область действия не определена, но это может включать типичные горные аванпосты, дварфьи/человеческие/смешанные деревни поблизости в других биомах или более глубокие места, которые вы нашли в созданных туннелях. en | Core29, Bloat172 |
EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTIONS | (В будущем) | Дороги, мосты, стены и туннели на карте мира не должны создаваться только во время генерации мира. Вы должны иметь возможность отправлять дварфов и материалы для выполнения этих задач (хотя количество материала, используемого в типичной созданной во время генерации мира дороге, фактически запретило бы делать это в настоящее время, поэтому что-то нужно будет изменить). en | Core28 |
KINGDOM | (В будущем) | Если вам удастся получить монарха, вы должны получить по крайней мере косвенный контроль над всей соответствующей дварфийской цивилизацией. Это включает в себя перемещение всех армий дварфов по карте и способность принимать самые важные дипломатические решения. en | Core28 |
MAPS FOR SITES | Завершено | Карты для пещер и крепостей гоблинов. en | |
STARTING QUESTS | Завершено | Возможность спрашивать про окружение, простые квесты и защиту города. en | |
SERVING YOUR MONARCH | (В будущем) | Как только у вас есть внешняя деревня (или даже раньше), вы можете получить приказ от лидера дварфов отдать часть населения в качестве войск. Если солдат является одним из обитателей вашей крепости, вы можете контролировать их в любых будущих армейских боях позже в этой игре, или вы можете контролировать весь отряд, если больше ваших солдат были призваны. en | |
ABANDONMENT | Завершено | После покидания крепости дварфы сохраняются в «армию» для дальнейшего использования. en | |
DWARF RAIDS | (В будущем) | Если вы посылаете один из ваших патрулей атаковать участок, и он достаточно мал, вы должны иметь возможность управлять блоками индивидуально, как в режиме приключений. Если ваша группа большая, то вы можете либо управлять одним отрядом как партией, а остальные оставить ИИ, либо вы можете позволить всему этому работать как в режиме крепости. en | Core27 |
BURROWS | (В будущем) | Дать возможность связывать здания и дварфов с областями, называемыми норами. Дварф может работать только в своей норе и не мог передвигаться между норами, если только ему не было сказано это делать. Шахтеры, внешние рабочие, граверы и так далее будут освобождены от выполнения этих работ. У нор могут быть общие цели для количества объектов, таких как бункеры, которые им нужны, и вы можете заказать переводы между норами с менеджером. Заказы на работу менеджера могут указывать норы. Как только ваша крепость большая, наличие такой системы для уменьшения количества работ по переноске очень важно. В сочетании с некоторыми другими идеями, большие крепости должны стать легче управляемы. en | |
RETIREMENT | Завершено | Добавить возможность уйти в отставку (или на отдых) вашему приключенцу в любом городе. en | |
SITE RESOURCES | (В будущем) | Объекты необходимо отслеживать в абстрактной форме, чтобы можно было использовать их без загрузки файлов сайта. Рабочие разных профессий, работающие в городе, должны иметь возможность производить и использовать ресурсы на основе этих запасов и местных картографических свойств. Любые изменения могут быть применены к существующим файлам города ретроактивно при их загрузке. Магазины должны пополнять свои запасы. Объекты должны быть разделены на основе того, кому они принадлежат, так как в одном и том же месте может быть несколько сущностей. en | |
END GAME 3 | Завершено | Дополнение для конце игры режима крепости. en | |
MONSTERS | (В будущем) | Нападения драконов должны быть более правильными. Их полеты должны приносить больше пользы. Должно быть возможным хватать и бросать людей. Также было бы хорошо вернуть волшебников и армии нежити из старого фиксированного сюжета обратно в микс. Было время, когда мертвые дварфы и домашние животные внезапно поднимались в вашей крепости из-за сюжетного события. Возможно, этого придется ждать, пока не будет магии. en | |
TOWN, HOME AND SCHEDULES | Завершено | Люди в городах должны иметь семьи, и они должны жить вместе. Люди должны иметь примерное представление о том, где они должны быть в течение дня. Крестьяне должны есть и спать, но пока они хорошо обеспечены. Много вооруженных людей в городе должны быть охранниками, которые не присоединятся к вам. en | |
TOWN, ITEMS | (В будущем) | Основные предметы по всему городу, включая различия между домами различных людей. Ключи. Одежда, наряды, униформа и символы. Мастерские и т.д. в городах, связанных с профессиями, торговлей и ресурсами. en | |
TOWN, IMPORTANT LOCATIONS | (В будущем) | Заставить важных персон находиться в соответствующих локациях. Сделать замки в столицах более интересными. Добавить интересные украшения. Добавить немного культуры в медовый зал, где останавливаются мэр и пьяницы. en | Core42 |
OVERLAND TOWN MIGRANTS | Завершено | Если города опустеют (возможно, из-за приключенца), мигранты могут появляться на краях карты или на морских побережьях из морей, прилегающих к краям карты. Эти группы могут входить в города и объединяться с существующими городами. Вы можете встретить эти группы в режиме adventure. en | |
CIVILIZATIONS AT WAR | (В будущем) | Цивилизации (например, гоблины или экспансионистские люди) должны иметь возможность объявлять войну друг другу и создавать армии. Они могут посылать гонцов в отдаленные города или собирать солдат, маршируя из города в город к месту назначения. en | Core44 |
ARMY BATTLES | (В будущем) | Вражеские армии, которые встречаются друг с другом, должны иметь возможность сражаться и нести потери. Армии должны иметь возможность атаковать города, брать в плен исторических деятелей и со временем менять города на новые. Не включает в себя длительные осады, тактику или стратегию — только основы. Приключенец на месте армейского сражения может наблюдать за ним. en | Core45 |
CLEANING HISTORY | Завершено | Незначительные мертвые исторические фигуры должны быть абстрагированы, чтобы сэкономить место. en | |
SEAMLESS MAP | Завершено | Перемещаясь по миру в режиме приключений, вам больше не нужно доходить до края экрана местности, чтобы перейти в другую область. Это должно поддерживать и текущие места. en | |
FULL Z AXIS | Завершено | Ось Z должна поддерживаться в режиме крепости и режиме приключения. en | |
TILESET SUPPORT | (В будущем) | Разрешить использование графических тайлсетов для всех игровых объектов. en | |
SIZEABLE GAME WINDOW | (В будущем) | Разрешить изменение размера игровых окон и, возможно, поддержку шрифтов переменной ширины для отображения большего количества текста. en | |
INTERFACE OVERHAUL | (В будущем) | Понятный интерфейс, дополнительные опции и поддержка мыши. en | |
MORE RAW FILES | (В будущем) | Все должно быть перемещено из кода в папки с raw, насколько это позволит процессор. Должна быть обобщенная основа для таких вещей, как материалы и продукты, связанные с растениями и животными. Это получится не со всеми типами зданий, но мастерские и печи, безусловно, являются хорошими кандидатами. en | |
TRANSLATION SUPPORT | (В будущем) | Объявления и другой текст интерфейса должны быть размещены в редактируемом формате для поддержки любых потенциальных переводчиков, хотя текущие реализации шрифтов ограничивают этот процесс на данный момент, если будут задействованы символы, отличные от ASCII. en | |
LIGHTING | (В будущем) | По сути, это старое задание из разработки, теперь усовершенствованное: теперь важно, чтобы были правильное освещение, поле зрения, светильники и т.д. Самая важная часть — сделать зависимость поля зрения от освещения, а не от того, где вы стоите, и добавить средства для освещения (факелы, свечи и т.д.). Связано с Req96 en | |
IMPROVED FORTRESS TRANSPORTATION | (В будущем) | Хотя здесь всегда будет место для улучшения, некоторые основы необходимы в первой версии. Работа животных, повозки или тачки, возможно, некоторые более механические варианты, а также возможность организовать склады, мастерские и другие элементы крепости, чтобы переноска предметов стала менее болезненной. en | |
IMPROVED FORTRESS AUTOMATION AND WORKSHOP HANDLING | (В будущем) | Как и в случае с транспортом, сама цель открыта для бесконечного развития, но определенные базовые цели должны быть достигнуты для v1. Возможность более легко использовать конкретные материалы, приоритеты работы, лучшее автоматическое создание рабочих мест с помощью триггеров менеджера и т. д. и все остальное, что считается необходимым. en | |
DOCUMENTATION | (В будущем) | Внутриигровая документация ужасна — не как страшный волк времен плейстоцена, но скорее как "ужасный экономический прогноз". Любые ручные улучшения, контекстная справка с помощью мыши или внутриигровая энциклопедия могут сделать игру более доступной, так же как и учебники и расширенные параметры графики. en | |
LOVE AND ROMANCE | (В будущем) | Хотя некоторые из диалогов, вероятно, будут провальными, особенно в сочетании со генератором случайных стихов (да, это угроза), любовь всех видов очень важна для вождения историй и ситуаций и должна быть введена в генерацию мира, в мир во время игры, режим крепости и режим приключений. en | |
HEIRS | (В будущем) | Иметь играбельных наследников в режиме приключений было бы весело. Дварфы также должны делать немного больше для своих детей, чем иногда бегать, чтобы забрать их, когда они ползут к вентиляционному отверстию магмы в младенчестве, и понятие семьи в целом может иметь большее влияние на игру. en | |
ADVENTURER ENTITIES | (В будущем) | Ваша группа в режиме приключения должна заслуживать статус сущности, так как это, возможно, одна из самых важных групп в истории. Это позволить использовать механики взаимодействия сущностей с другими сущностями и с отдельными существами и позволит занять своё место в мире, когда изменения, касающиеся сущностей, позволят делегировать поручения подчинённым и так далее. Группа может сохраняться при смене приключенцев и игры. en | Core24 |
FURTHER DIPLOMACY | (В будущем) | В дипломатию в режиме крепости можно внести много изменений. Помимо торговых соглашений, которые более интересны, интересны для поддержания и связаны с состоянием мира, могут быть установлены всевозможные отношения как с соседними цивилизациями, так и с родительской цивилизацией. Хотя мы оставим довольно много работы для более поздних версий, система должна быть удовлетворительной для версии 1, поскольку она должна сочетаться с караванами, войнами, данью и конфликтами наследования, описанными в других элементах v1 dev. en | |
SUCCESSION, ASSOCIATED CONFLICTS AND SCHISMS | (В будущем) | Прежде всего, преемственность на должности должна происходить в игре, чтобы мертвые посредники заменялись, как и мертвые монархи. Тогда процесс должен быть более беспорядочным. Войны из-за престолонаследия, расколы из-за религиозных разногласий и т. д., начиная с world gen и до обычной игры. В режиме крепости вы можете быть вовлечены в ту или иную сторону, прямо или косвенно, полагаясь на более вовлеченную дипломатию и армейский код, чем у нас в настоящее время и режим приключений также может получить много от таких конфликтов. en | |
INDIVIDUAL AFFILIATIONS | (В будущем) | Люди в городах должны быть более разными, и у всех них должны быть цели, с которыми игрок может им помочь. Они могут быть основаны на симпатиях и антипатиях, отношениях с другими людьми в городе или за его пределами и т. д. и хотя они начнутся во время генерации мира, крайне важно, чтобы формировались также новые цели во время жизни. Индивидуальные цели жизненно важны, чтобы ИИ был не апатичным из-за однородности мира, а чтобы существовало давление со стороны разных сущностей, обеспечивающее сложное поведение. Это обеспечит полезный материал для приключенческого режима (возможно, большую его часть), и любые изменения могут быть добавлены в режим крепости. en | |
ADVENTURER SITE AFFILIATIONS | (В будущем) | Когда вы выполняете задания для сущности, вы можете быть связаны с ней, но это всё. Это нужно значительно расширить. Нужно не только дать возможность занимать разные должности, нужно, чтобы вы могли быть приняты группой, получали жилую площадь, экипировку, плату и т.д. по необходимости. Также было бы хорошо, чтобы задания соответствовали целям сущности и, где это возможно, смягчить понятие задачи — если вы делаете что-то, что приносит пользу группе, даже если группа явно не просила об этом, это должно улучшить ваши отношения с ними в целом (в той мере, в какой действие/выгода обнаруживается с технической точки зрения), и человек на соответствующем положении в группе должен в некоторых обстоятельствах иметь возможность действовать, имея свою власть, с подчинёнными. Основные цели для первой версии — солдаты, охрана караванов, бандиты и религиозные группы. en | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | Ни одну игру нельзя считать законченной без скрытых источников веселья! en | |
RUINS | (В будущем) | Раньше существовали руины со скелетами и зомби с архитектурой, не встречавшейся нигде более в мире. Можно реализовать это разными способами, самый очевидный из которых — заставлять цивилизации с разной архитектурой хоронить своих мертвых, а вымирающие цивилизации создают руины. Потерянные и погребённые руины, как те, что на местах раскопок, можно найти после некоторой работы. Восстанут ли мертвецы, будут ли там просто ловушки или не будет ничего, зависит от множества вещей, в основном от того, от чего вымерла цивилизация. en | |
GRAVEYARDS AND TOMBS | (В будущем) | Сейчас мертвые настолько мертвы, что они не существуют вне воспоминаний людей, которые слышали о них. Должны быть различные методы захоронений, некоторые как в режиме приключения — кладбища и гробницы, в том числе большие и сложные гробницы со всеми видами сокровищ и ловушек, соответствующих цивилизации, которая их создала. en | Core67 |
OLD BATTLEFIELDS | (В будущем) | Поля сражений сейчас ссылаются на их общие координаты на карте мира во время легенд, но на самом деле они не существуют как места. Хотя не все сражения оставляли бы следы, особенно после того, как прошло много времени, некоторые оставляют. Первоначальная цель – генерация полей битв во время создания мира, но поля битвы, которые происходят, когда армии сражаются, также должны обрабатываться, независимо от того, присутствуете ли вы в качестве приключенца или армии дварфов или нет. en | |
FORTRESS RUINS, PRODUCTION TRACKING AND HISTORY TRIGGERS | (В будущем) | Сейчас заброшенная крепость — это, по сути, куча разбросанного мусора. Нужны правдоподобные причины для того, чтобы предмет изменил своё местоположение. Дополнительно, отслеживание слишком большого количества предметов в режиме крепости может привести к проблемам, так что была одна ранняя идея оставлять, после того, как крепость заброшена, дополнительные предметы, которые бы подробно описывали крепость, например, производственные журналы и дневники. Сначала они будут запрещены для использования дварфами, так что их надо будет отметить разрешить. В зависимости от того, как это будет реализовано, эти предметы, возможно, будут встречаться и во время обычной игры, или нет. В любом случае, различные факты о производстве и выдающихся (и других) ремесленниках должны быть отслежены и доступны после того, как вы достаточно тщательно обследуете крепость (или раньше, если параметры требуют этого, как с историческими событиями). en | |
BANDITS AND CULTS | (В будущем) | Важно, чтобы группы действовали самостоятельно или вообще создавали проблемы, не обязательно принадлежа к совершенно другой цивилизации. Бандиты и культы — хороший выбор для начала. Бандиты могут угрожать или выдвигать требования ранней крепости, культы могут возникнуть в более поздней, и приключенец может стать членом или противником. en | |
ROBUST ATTRIBUTE SYSTEM | (В будущем) | Атрибуты сейчас — грустный, грустный заполнитель. Должно быть больше атрибутов, скажем, из Armok 1, и их развитие должно зависеть от использования, а не от случайного назначения. Они должны медленно деградировать с течением времени, если их полностью не использовать. en | |
COMBAT OVERHAUL | (В будущем) | Это немного расплывчатый пункт, потому что включает в себя много мелких изменений, а не одно крупное. Помимо очевидных изменений в снарядах и интерфейсе борьбы, навыки могут перекрываться, атрибуты должны быть связаны с навыками должным образом, навыки могут забываться и в конечном итоге деградировать, как в Armok 1, могут быть добавлены новые общие боевые навыки, стили/методы для оружия/безоружного боя примерно как в Armok 1, и т. д. Этот пункт будет закончен, когда бой будет более или менее осмысленным. en | |
WOUND HANDLING | (В будущем) | Раны сейчас сделаны довольно глупо и приводят, по крайней мере, к одной серьезной проблеме (экстремальная и длительная фантомная боль в конечностях). Правильные описания, шрамы, инфекции и т.д. сюда же. en | |
ADVENTURER GENERATION AND SCENARIOS | (В будущем) | Сейчас приключенец — довольно туманный объект. Есть много углов, с которых можно его рассматривать: вплетение предыстории приключенца в локальную историю, игра за действительно существующее существо из мира, создание стартовых сценариев, которые хотя бы придавали смысл существованию приключенца и/или его мистическому прибытию и т.д. en | |
EMBARK SCENARIOS | (В будущем) | Высадка — одна из наиболее стерильных, упрощенных частей игры, её стоит улучшить. Хотя высадка вида отведи-повозки-отсюда-до-туда выходит за рамки того, что планируется в v1, хотя бы описание истории путешествия и добавление соответствующих эффектов к начальным условиям помогло бы с погружением в игру. en | |
AGE AND POPULATION TRACKING FOR ENTITIES | (В будущем) | После генерации мира смерти от старости происходят только локально (?), а люди больше никогда не имеют детей. Это нужно исправить, особенно когда армии и мигранты начнут набираться из реально существующего населения, а не создаваться из воздуха. en | |
WILDERNESS POPULATION TRACKING | (В будущем) | Население дикой природы довольно ограничено и в некоторых отношениях хуже, чем до введения оси Z. Это должно быть исправлено во время генерации мира и во время игры во всех режимах для всех категорий диких или подземных существ. en | |
COLLECTORS AND FINDING BUYERS | (В будущем) | В дополнение к дварфийской системе предпочтений и неприязни, могут существовать люди, коллекционирующие объекты. Можно начать с простых объектов, таких как монеты и жуки. Также должно быть само по себе приключением нахождение покупателя для многих ценных предметов, если вы хотите получить больше, чем может дать местный торговец, и новости о вашем приобретении должны держать вашу жизнь интересной. en | |
ARTIFACT MAGIC | (В будущем) | Ранняя точка зрения на магию, которая должна найти своё место в игре. Хотя это в целом будет регулироваться настройками мира, DF будет, скорее всего, фокусироваться на редких, уникальных, несколько мистических эффектах. Некоторых клише, наверно, невозможно избежать, хе хе хе. Артефакты, вероятно, придёт немного изменить, артефакты могут быть созданы во время генерации мира или во время игры, хотя артефакты игрока всё ещё должны иметь большую важность. en | |
TRIBUTE | (В будущем) | Отношения дани, установленные во время создания мира, должны быть конкретизированы, а затем приведены в игру. Дань будут перемещать по карте. Данники также могут возникнуть в рамках дипломатии режима крепости. en | |
THIEF AND SUPPORTING CAST | (В будущем) | Кроме проблем, описанных в следующем пункте, вор в режиме приключения может только продавать вещи другой цивилизации, а в изначальной немедленно считается преступником, из-за чего последующие попытки воровства там являются скорее сумасшедшим разбоем. Есть много способов, как исправить это. Преступления не должны мгновенно приписываться приключенцу, и в достаточно больших городах должно быть достаточно много уязвимых мест для того, чтобы хотя бы некоторое время быть успешным преступником даже без покидания города. Сейчас нет достаточно больших для этого городов, но самые населённые города больших империй должны быть завершены (после реализации соответствующего пункта разработки). Будет ли поведение воров распространено на режим крепости — открытый вопрос. en | |
ARREST AND PUNISHMENT | (В будущем) | Охранники не должны просто убивать. У тебя есть права, вроде того. В любом случае важно, чтобы были тюрьмы, темницы и казни. Охранники должны будут арестовать вас, после чего нужно будет правильно выполнить некоторые шаги, чтобы всё заработало(?). Все, что происходит в режиме приключений, должно быть привязано к режиму дварфов. Если это включает в себя бритье бороды, ну, вам лучше просто подчиняться закону. en | |
HUNTING AND GATHERING | (В будущем) | Нужно иметь возможность добывать еду в дикой природе и выполнять другие задачи, связанные с обработкой тела убитого на охоте существа, чтобы иметь возможность выживать в дикой местности, возможно, торгуя с городом. Более абстрактная охота в режиме путешествия должна быть примерно эквивалентной охоте в обычном режиме. Вы должны быть способны найти признаки животных, что поможет охотиться, и вы должны быть в состоянии собрать любые растения, которые вы найдете. en | |
CHOP, DIG, BUILD! | (В будущем) | Возможность в режиме приключенца рубить деревья, рыть каналы, копать скалы, строить любые структуры, на которые у вас хватит терпения. Всё это должно быть сохранено как полноценное место или хотя бы что-то подобное (как гостиницы и прочее возле дорог), и содержимое строения должно оставаться относительно нетронутым при должных предосторожностях. en | |
ADVANCED ADVENTURER SKILLS | (В будущем) | Почти каждая работа, доступная в режиме крепости, должна быть доступна в режиме приключенца, хотя она может опираться на инфраструктуру города, особенно сначала. en | |
PROPER DWARVES | (В будущем) | Дварфы, разумеется, нормально реализованы в режиме крепости, но в режиме приключения их места полностью отсутствуют (?), и их общество нигде не реализовано за пределами режима крепости. Их нужно привести к стандартам мира и в режиме приключения. Также обратите внимание, что этот и три следующих пункта разработки акцент делается не только на создании базовой вселенной, но и на расширении случайной генерации и возможностей для модификации для всех цивилизаций, предоставляя их как конкретные и более-менее разнообразные примеры. en | |
PROPER ELVES | (В будущем) | Как и дварфы, эльфы сейчас, и особенно их поселения, страдают от недостатка почти всего. Многотайловые деревья, взаимодействие друидов с местными силами, их отношение к животным и семиридам, их предпочтения в еде — всё это надо реализовать не только на этапе генерации мира, но и в игре. en | |
PROPER GOBLINS | (В будущем) | Как минимум, нужно доработать роль похитителя детей. Гоблинские лидеры должны иметь корректные всемирные амбиции. Большую часть элементов их этики «право за сильными» нужно конкретизировать и ввести в геймплей. en | |
PROPER KOBOLDS | (В будущем) | Каждый под кобольдом понимает своё; в DF кобольд — это ни гуманоидный чихуахуа, ни маленький человекодракон, это небольшая млекопитающая гуманоидная рептилия с заострёнными ушами и жёлтыми глазами со склонностью к обману и шалостям, с основанным на контексте подязыком, коллекцией ядовитых животных, ловушек и с клептоманским накопительством. en | |
PROPER UNDERGROUND/MAP FEATURES | (В будущем) | Сейчас подземелье — это место, где есть куча камня и скучных вещей, и иногда попадается что-то интересное. Нужно сделать больше чего-то интересного и меньше скучного и каменного. Сюда входит проработка областей снаружи гор, а также некоторые интересные природные особенности в основном безликих надземных районах. en | |
APPEARANCE VARIABLES/DESCRIPTIONS | (В будущем) | Описания внешности особенно актуальны для индивидуализации цивилизованных существ, которых вы встретите, но также важно и в других областях, и поможет в реализации случайно генерированных зверей и прочих вещей. en | |
RANDOMIZED MEGABEASTS AND POWERS | (В будущем) | Чудища и мегачудища и их способности должны быть случайно генерируемы в соответствии с местными поверьями и сферами местных религий. Степень случайности должна зависеть от параметров мира, так что всё ещё могут быть использованы обычные, не генерированные существа. en | Core92 |
RANDOMIZED REGIONS AND THEIR FLORA/FAUNA | (В будущем) | Текущую систему добрых/злых регионов надо заменить системой, которая бы в разной степени связывала регионы с определёнными наборами сфер. Так, могут создаваться, например, пустыни с поющими камнями или леса, в котором у деревьев есть кровь, со разнообразными случайно генерируемыми существами и растениями, соответствующими сферам. Важно медленно представлять случайно созданные объекты игроку, а не просто кидать в него один за другим, чтобы обеспечить погружение, хотя что-то есть в идее кинуть игрока в совершенно случайный мир, при условии, что он сможет получить достаточно информации, наблюдая, слушая и разговаривая. en | Core92 |
RANDOMIZED ENTITIES AND CIVILIZED CREATURES | (В будущем) | В продолжение темы случайной генерации, нужна возможность генерировать полное определение сущностей и существ и вводить их в мир. Как и с другими случайно генерируемыми вещами, мера случайности должна настраиваться при генерации мира, и процесс генерации должен быть доступен через raw-файлы. en | Core93, Core94 |
GENERALIZED CURSES AND OTHER ALTERATIONS | (В будущем) | «Зомби» и «скелеты» сейчас реализованы неудовлитворительно, так как зомби, призраки и т.д. по большей части зависят от деталей трансформации и особенностей трансформированного существа. Обобщённые проклятия, зависящие от сфер, могут отличаться от мира к миру и включать в себя самые разнообразные изменения существ (и других объектов). en | Core92 |
IMPROVED PHRASE STORAGE | (В будущем) | Текущая система хранения имён не очень расширяемая, так что её надо заменить, чтобы можно было делать другие изменения. en | |
BASIC GRAMMAR | (В будущем) | Абстрактные фразы могут быть реализованы каждым из внутриигровых языков разными способами. Структура для этого должна храниться в raw-файле. en | Core97 |
WRITING | (В будущем) | Существующие объекты (такие, как гравюры и лезвия) должны поддерживать надписи на любых внутриигровых языках. Возможно, это будет связано с определёнными навыками и профессиями. en | Core98 |
NEW LANGUAGE ITEMS | (В будущем) | Пергамент и прочее, книги, песни, поэмы и т.д. en | Core99 |
Reqs are old bugs, additions and adjustments that have to be handled.
Req-item | Name | Status | Description | Requirements |
PILE MASTERY AND TYPES | (В будущем) | Ability to have specific item types in a pile, ability to move a specific number of items from one pile to another, etc. | |
IMPROVED WORK ORDERS | (В будущем) | Allow deletion of work orders, allow work orders to have different priorities and try for a balance rather than just doing them in order. | |
PARTY NOTIFICATION OPTION | (В будущем) | Option to turn off notification about dwarves organizing parties. | |
RIVER ACTIVITY AND ATTACKS | (В будущем) | If dwarves are constantly on the shore, throwing refuse in the chasm, building bridges, etc., then attacks should be more likely. Large river attack without provocation should be very rare. | |
RESTRAINED SLEEP | (В будущем) | People don't sleep/rest when they are chained/caged. | |
CARETAKER WELL USE | Завершено | Caretakers seeking water should be able to use wells. | |
IMPROVED RESCUE | (В будущем) | People should try to recover the wounded with more zeal, rather than just stopping to eat when they are a little hungry. | |
WRESTLE TARGET PROBLEMS | Завершено | A creature normally targets anybody wrestling with it, but this should be toned down properly for melee training. | |
WINTER CAVE RIVER | Завершено | (Obsolete) The cave water should dry up during the winter to allow you to repair your floodgate systems and so on. | |
OUTSIDE LAVA BLOCKING | Завершено | Units shouldn't attempt to enter the map if you've blocked it off with lava. | |
LAVA AND TREES | Завершено | Lava flow should destroy trees, although this might wait for fire and the tree could catch fire first. | |
REMOVE PUBLIC CHEST/CABINETS | Завершено | This is part of the swap over to the bin system. | |
ARMOR-CLOTHING CONFLICTS, RACK/STAND USE/PILES | (В будущем) | People had trouble changing from armor to clothing or back because they'd be made unhappy by nakedness. These thoughts are currently turned off. In general, how armor (and weapons) are handled is due to be modified. Specific soldiers can claim their own racks and stands, and piles and bins can be used for general storage of the excess. | |
TARGETING PROBLEM | Завершено | Champions didn't seem to want to target anything. | |
PILE CHECKING | (В будущем) | People should seek possessions in bins/piles before the economy starts. They used to do this with chests, so that they could wear little baubles they like, but since we changed over to bins they don't do it anymore. | |
BODYGUARDS LEAVING | (В будущем) | Sometimes merchant bodyguards will wait a long time to leave after everybody else in the caravan has already departed. They should just leave. | |
HAULING PROFESSION | (В будущем) | New profession for pile hauling. This is part of burrows. It will allow you to leave hauling on for your artisans, so that they can do some local hauling, while leaving longer hauls to specific dwarves. | |
TRANSFER PILES | (В будущем) | You should be able to place piles that have no default item types associated to them. Then you can use some of the other reqs to transfer specific items through these piles, branching off to other burrows and so on. | |
TANTRUM THROWS | Завершено | Thrown tantrum objects don't hit other friendlies, but they should. | |
SLEEPING THROUGH TANTRUMS | Завершено | Tantrums/berserking are maintained while the dwarf sleeps. This is inappropriate. Berserk dwarves shouldn't even be able to sleep. | |
IMPROVED WORKSHOP INTERFACES | (В будущем) | Many workshops should give you the option to choose which material, plant etc. you'd like to use, rather than just picking the closest one. | |
CHASMING REFUSE | Завершено | They used to throw refuse in the chasm. Now they don't. They should. | |
SOLDIER PROFILES | (В будущем) | Entity definitions should track what kinds of soldiers the civilization uses (they currently track weapon types, which is part of the picture). Reintroduce goblin lashers with scourges and make sure every adventurer skill choice yields the correct equipment. | |
MORE TRADE GOODS | Завершено | Access to more items during trading, including weapons, armor, clothing, toys, instruments, lumber (for no-tree sites) and so on. | |
SKILL SYNERGY | (В будущем) | Have some skills give bonuses to other skills. | |
SMARTER ENGRAVER | Завершено | Make engraver use the dig code to select the next square to detail. They currently do this after wall jobs, but not floor jobs. | |
SHODDY ITEMS | (В будущем) | Shoddy items from low skill craftsdwarves. These can have various malfunctions and so on, especially things like crossbows. | |
SHODDY START ITEMS | (В будущем) | Shoddy items for low skill settlers. | Req34 |
INIT BUG | Завершено | Potential initialization problem for dwarf mode if previous games have been played. | |
TRIGGER LINK INTERFACE | (В будущем) | It could be more clear about what you are linking to and what it will do. | |
JOB INFORMATION RETENTION | (В будущем) | Let jobs keep more information when a worker quits for purposes unrelated to the job. This way goods that are in use won't first be brought back to the storage piles. | |
IMPROVED OUTPOST LIAISON | Завершено | Liaison should come earlier and be more useful. | |
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ITEM SELECTION | Завершено | There are some requests for the items you select for buildings to be listed by distance from the build site. Others want items grouped by material, or simply to have material lists with numbers of items available. | |
MOVIE MAKER INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Put fast-forward back in, some other tweaks. | |
TARGET OPTIMIZATION | Завершено | (Obsolete) There are some ways to make this code faster. The overall impact would be slight. | |
JOB AMOUNT ABUSE | (В будущем) | Make sure jobs don't abuse the amount of resource vs. amount of output. This problem used to be worse, but it still exists. | |
GENERAL CHASMING OF ITEMS | Завершено | Once they throw refuse in the chasm again, you should be able to designate any object for disposal. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
ERRANT BLOOD PLACEMENT | Завершено | In adventure mode, when in a dwarf fortress, blood can get added to squares off your viewable level sometimes. | |
OVER-POWERED TANTRUMS | (В будущем) | Damaging certain buildings is too easy. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
FOCUS 3D | (В будущем) | Focus should respect z-coord. Focus is what tells the game you can be hit from behind. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
COLOR ON UNIT SCREEN | Завершено | ||
BLOCK EXPLANATIONS | Завершено | Can't tell what's blocking you when are blocked going down dwarf stairs. | |
INVASION AFTER-EFFECTS | (В будущем) | If your fortress is attacked and overcome, it could be looted. The way in which the invading army stays is currently very haphazard. | |
SITE CLIFF DEFINITION | Завершено | There are a few places in the code where the game still assumes there is a cliff face present. This isn't appropriate for human towns and other locations. | |
SMALL PET ATTACHMENTS | (В будущем) | People don't care when their smaller pets die. | |
ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES | (В будущем) | Sometimes items get stuck in channels and cause lags and annoyances. There are also times when a job can have different components in disconnected parts of the dungeon. All of these need to be accounted for. Caveins can disconnect the dungeon and cause trouble. | |
CRASH BUG WITH BOWS | Завершено | ||
MONSTER BURIAL | Завершено | They didn't put a kobold body in refuse, but they put the bones there after it rotted. This problem might be fixed. | |
HUNTING ARMOR | (В будущем) | Aside from the other concerns with armor/clothing conflicts, the hunting profession seemed to determine whether a dwarf chose to wear leather. | |
IMPROPER BURIAL | Завершено | They put a corpse in a coffin that wasn't flagged "Use for Burial". | |
BREAKUP ITEM STACKS | (В будущем) | Should break up bone and other clusters when moving site items around, possibly respecting tombs. Sometimes it could also elect to leave the skeletons intact. | |
ARMY PROFILES | (В будущем) | This is related to soldier profiles and would determine how an entity tries to configure its armies, from the soldier types available in the definition. | |
SOME CODE CLEANING | Завершено | ||
MINING DESIGNATIONS | (В будущем) | A mining designation that makes the resulting stone and other products remain on the ground invisible to haulers until you say otherwise. | |
REWALL | Завершено | Option to re-wall or fill in channels, using some stone. | |
INTELLIGENT HUNTING | (В будущем) | Crossbow hunters should be more intelligent about their ammo. | |
TWEAK FOR PILES | Завершено | ||
JOB CANCEL NOTICES | (В будущем) | Option to turn off job cancel notices. Make it smarter about posting multiple notices in the first place by making jobs handle themselves when they are in trouble. | |
WILDERNESS INTERACTIONS | (В будущем) | Wilderness creatures should interact with each other, rather than being like the Peaceable Kingdom. | |
ARTISANS WEARING ARMOR | (В будущем) | Option to let dwarves always wear armor, but they won't like to do it unless they feel threatened. | |
NUMBERED JOB REPEAT | (В будущем) | Option to have numeric repeats for a job. | |
INTELLIGENT JOB HANDLING | (В будущем) | More job suspensions rather than complete cancellations. | |
SKILL ROLL CONSISTENCY | (В будущем) | Improve consistency between skill rolls. Right now, the process for getting a good strike and making a good item are related, but it would be nicer to have everything use the same process. | |
PAIN DEADENING AND SCARS | (В будущем) | Wounds should stop hurting after a while (unless they get infected). Eventually, wounds should scar over, and you should be able to view scars (they would be maintained on your old foes between games, etc.). | |
JOB PRIORITIZING | (В будущем) | Right now, there is a fixed order in which units decide to do the different types of jobs. This could be changed for a given unit (or for the whole fortress). | |
IMPROVE DROWNING | (В будущем) | Drowning is way too harsh right now. It should also track the kill cause correctly if somebody climbs up on the shore and still suffocates. | |
STOCKS AND CORPSES | Завершено | Problem with corpses/body parts in the stockpile screen. | |
MULTIPLE AUTOMATED SHOP | (В будущем) | Must be more careful about how it handles multiple automated shops (e.g. butcher) of the same kind. They might fight over jobs. | |
LEATHER COUNTING | (В будущем) | Smaller creatures should have smaller skins. When skin is tanned, it could be turned into multiple pieces of leather, more like metal bars, with many being required for the larger goods like armor. | |
BETTER SHOOTING INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Archery can neglect same square and grounded targets, need to have choice if many are in same square. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
ABANDONMENT FIX | Завершено | ||
BETTER TRAP TEXT | (В будущем) | Better trap text in adventure mode, flesh them out a bit, more variables, respect their glory. | |
LIGHTING | (В будущем) | Should be pitch black inside adventure caves and on cloudy moonless nights. Vision state should influence what you can see. Can try to make sunlight shine inside caves a bit by casting light lines on map-gen. Can track light with RGB filters so that things through red gem windows look red, etc. Things seen through glass statues could be distorted from their proper positions. Once fire is in, can do torches and other such light sources. Dwarves could place fires or gem lamps in dark places. Any magical take on alchemy could make extensive use of gems in this fashion, and the different colors of light can please certain nobles etc. Related to Core55. | |
ART IMAGES | Завершено | ||
BURYING THINGS | (В будущем) | Allow items to be buried under the soil. | |
COIN STORES | (В будущем) | Dwarves should set up their coin stores every month or so. Doing this should be a fairly high priority. They should complain if they can't obtain or don't have room for their coins. | |
SOME WAGE ADJUSTMENTS | (В будущем) | Jeweler and mechanic jobs should take a little longer but pay more. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
SLAYER ANNOUNCEMENT | (В будущем) | In dwarf mode, it could include the slayer in some of the death announcements if it is warranted. | |
FINALIZING THE STATE OF ACTIVE FLOWS | (В будущем) | If flows are active when the player quits, their effects need to be handled. | |
PRIMITIVE WEAPONS | (В будущем) | Primitive item making in both dwarf mode and adventure mode. This includes use of primitive weapons by primitive entities. | |
FINISH TRAP BAITING | (В будущем) | It's very sparse right now. Gems aren't actually used. | |
NEMESIS TRADES | (В будущем) | If you trade a historical figure in a cage, it is currently released outside and stranded. There are many ways this can be upgraded. | |
FILE I/O CHECKING | (В будущем) | It could give more feedback about save/load errors. | |
ITEM AGGREGATES | (В будущем) | Need fake item stacks that combine items that aren't identical. There are a number of associated difficulties. Identical items should also be combined into actual stacks. These currently exist but are never reformed once they are broken part. | |
DWARF LEVEL TWISTING ISSUES | Завершено | Can see/shoot through dwarf twisted areas improperly sometimes. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
PET CAGE ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM | (В будущем) | Purchased pets retain their old cage assignments improperly. You can also reassign small pets that are owned. | |
SOLDIER STATIONING LOAD PROBLEM | Завершено | Bug with soldier stationing after load. | |
LOSS OF THREAD PLANT RESOURCES | Завершено | It still gives you one thread from pig tail(5). | |
OFF DUTY SOLDIER STORES | (В будущем) | Off-duty soldiers don't store their belongings, but they should. | |
BACKPACK AND QUIVER USE | Завершено | Problem with quivers and backpacks conflicting in dwarf mode especially. | |
RESPECT BELT SLOT | Завершено | The belt inventory slot is created by pants, but this is only partially respected. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
CAVE-IN RAMIFICATIONS | (В будущем) | There are a few jobs that don't handle cave-ins effects properly. Possibly engraving. | |
BUILDING DAMAGE AND INVADERS | (В будущем) | Invaders currently ignore buildings they can destroy. It should either make them ineffective against these buildings, or they should go after them. | |
INVADERS AND WELLS | Завершено | (Obsolete) Invaders are blocked by wells, but they don't destroy them. | |
CLARIFY DOOR DESIGNATIONS | Завершено | The door designations are very confusing right now. | |
TRAFFIC JAMS | Завершено | The creatures need to make minor path adjustments to reduce traffic before attempting to crawl. | |
IMPROVE COOKING | (В будущем) | More food. Food should require a substrate, rather than just being seeds etc. Seeds, syrups, drinks and other such objects can contribute to the likes/dislike checks as they do now, but they shouldn't add to the number created. A good roll could lead to the recipe being given a name and saved to the entity definition, where it can then be encountered in other cities in subsequent games. | |
SOME MORE END GAME STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
RECEIVING OFFERINGS | (В будущем) | When you get king, you should receive offerings. | |
ELF CHECK DEFICIENCIES | (В будущем) | Elves should be angered if your depot is wood. The animal check is not as thorough as it should be for item improvements. | |
ELVEN TRADE GOODS | (В будущем) | Elf trade items should be more interesting. This can be accomplished by a general extension of the entity definitions. | |
FORTIFICATION OBJECT PROBLEMS | (В будущем) | Lost projectiles in fortified squares can cause complications. You should be able to retrieve them somehow. | |
ADVANCED STEALTH | (В будущем) | Stealth should be able to handle people walking right by sometimes. Right now stealth is ineffective even in low-light conditions and there's no notion of sneaking up from behind unless the target is actively engaging somebody else. Sneaking needs to be squared with swimming and flying. | |
ORPHANED BABIES | (В будущем) | Handle orphaned babies less cruelly. At least bring them to a bed and feed them or something. A dwarf could be selected to adopt one. | |
ALCHEMY AND HEALING | (В будущем) | Extracts are not used for anything right now, except cooking. Antivenom used to be in but was removed for a bit. All of this can go back in and be extended, making the alchemist's workshop worthwhile rather than a soap factory. | |
POSSIBLE KO BUG | Завершено | Repeated KOs cause you to stay out longer, but the variable that causes this might never clear in your lifetime. | |
BETTER JOB CANCELLATION | (В будущем) | If you are a few steps from completing your job and get a little hungry, you should stick it out. | |
HANDLE DISCONNECTED COMPONENTS | Завершено | Sometimes needs to deal with disconnected caves on loss. | |
WEIGHT/INJURY INTERFACE | (В будущем) | It should let you know why you can't stand if you press stand. There are a number of other things like this. Carrying capacity and associated notifications are included here. | |
ADVENTURE WEAR ISSUES | (В будущем) | The wearing things in adventure mode should take time and be interruptable. | |
NAME ENTRY | Завершено | Ability to enter name manually, at least your first name (which is never translated). | |
CHANNEL INTERFACE PROBLEMS | Завершено | Sometimes channels can display several times because of the way it links them. This can be changed. | |
PILE ISSUES | (В будущем) | Hunter should bring corpses to refuse pile if no available butcher's shop and clean up the pile mastery interface. | |
EXPANDED DUNGEON AI | (В будущем) | Make townies and dungeon dwellers a bit more interesting in terms of their milling-around behavior. They can adopt some of the behaviors from dwarf mode. | |
FINISH ITEM DAMAGE | (В будущем) | Fully implement item wear-and-tear, especially during combat. People throwing tantrums should be able to damage items in their square rather than just throwing them. | |
SAFE-CAGING ISSUES | Завершено | Possible problem with caging dangerous animals. | |
LEGENDS SCREEN | Завершено | ||
GRAMMAR PROBLEMS | (В будущем) | There are various grammar problems. | |
LINE DRAWING | Завершено | Basic problem with how line code treats adjacent squares. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
PROJECTILE UNIT KILL CAUSES | (В будущем) | Flaw with unit projectiles and lava flows. Sometimes it doesn't track the cause of death properly, especially if the unit in flight is already dead. | |
THEFT WEIGHT LIMITS | (В будущем) | Fix up theft weight limits. They are currently arbitrary. | |
LEADER TITLES | (В будущем) | Civilization leaders need proper titles. | |
ENTITY RECIPES | (В будущем) | Civilization initial recipes. This also includes some food management for civs so food items can be created more easily. | Req129 |
NEMESIS SAVE BUG | Завершено | ||
ITEM DAMAGE ISSUES | (В будущем) | Handle projectile damage for odd objects. There are also problems with projectile damage being used when ammo is used in close combat. | |
REFINE POISONING | (В будущем) | Refine unit contamination amounts and levels. | |
REFINE WAGON AI | Завершено | Improve wagon scuttling code. They shouldn't just die immediately if they can't find their way. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
ADVENTURER RIDERS | (В будущем) | Your adventurer should be able to ride creatures. There are some issues that need to be resolved before this is possible. | |
RAMP USAGE | Завершено | ||
TARGETING AND MOVEMENT ISSUES | (В будущем) | Some adventure mode melee targeting and movement code issues. | |
PROBLEM WITH MULTIPLE HUMAN CIVS | (В будущем) | It only checks one human civ per season, so some of the update code can work too slowly. | |
CULLING | (В будущем) | Cull things when there are too many. It needs to pick the things that are less likely to be missed. | |
REASON FOR OFFERING | (В будущем) | There's no point of offering goods to your own king right now. | |
TRADE OPTIMIZATION | (В будущем) | Improve trading code. | |
PET TRADE PROBLEM | Завершено | ||
KING ENTOURAGE | (В будущем) | Handle offering inventory concerns with these migrants, and line them up nicely perhaps. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
SMALL PET INVENTORY DESCRIPTIONS | (В будущем) | Pet-in-inventory descriptions need to respect the body of the holder. | |
ENGRAVING LOOK PROBLEMS | (В будущем) | You can see engraving descriptions even if you are off of the facing level. | |
MOUNT PROJECTILE ISSUES | (В будущем) | There are potential problems with riders when mount becomes projectile. | |
BUILDING PLACEMENT INTERFACE | Завершено | Need to explain why red X appears. | |
LOOK/SHOOT INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Improve look interface code a bit. Let you choose targets in shoot/throw. | |
FLOORS IN LOOK SENTENCES | Завершено | In the look sentence in adventure mode, it could include information about the floor type. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
PROPER CIV NEIGHBORS | (В будущем) | Properly display your civilization neighbors in dwarf mode. It can use the surroundings chat system to figure out who they are. This could also change with the caravan and army arc though. | |
SEVER EFFECTS | Завершено | Inventory like gloves, rings etc. do not respect severs. For now, gloves can fall off when both hands are gone. Whether or not to add left/right gloves later is an open question. It would be realistic, but it would also bog-down dwarf mode. However, being able to mix and match gloves etc. would lead to many interesting situations and possible enhancements. | |
SPEED REFINEMENT | (В будущем) | Differentiate attack and move speed. This has many ramifications and associated difficulties. | |
ARCHER ARMOR START SKILLS | (В будущем) | Starting skills for archers are a bit off. They should have some armor skill if they use light armor. | |
CREATURE KNOWLEDGE | (В будущем) | Need to diversify likes/dislikes beyond dwarves, and they need to apply to creatures in adventure mode. | |
TREE PREFERENCES | (В будущем) | Tree preferences are fairly arbitrary right now. | |
TRANCE BONUSES | (В будущем) | Consolidate trance bonuses. Right now, they are spread out somewhat haphazardly. | |
CHANGE ITEM ACQUISITION | (В будущем) | When people choose inventory items they like, they don't consider dropping what they are already wearing. | |
STARTING BELT OBJECTS | (В будущем) | Rarely a creature can be given a belt object but no pants. The belt object is dropped immediately. | |
DRINK APPRECIATION PROBLEM | (В будущем) | Liking drinks is flawed, since they like the drink more if the entire drink stack is larger. | |
BUTCHERY OPTIMIZATION | (В будущем) | The butchery code can be consolidated with some other sections of the program. | |
KO VOMIT CHOKE | (В будущем) | If you are knocked out, you should choke if you vomit sometimes. | |
VOMIT TEXT ISSUE WITH WEBS, AND SOLUTION | (В будущем) | There's some undisplayable text that can only be salvaged by adding projectile vomit, so there you go. | |
ARCHER ISSUES | (В будущем) | Range penalties for throw/shoot aren't applied properly for grounded targets. Throwing needs some weight and strength modifiers. | |
POTENTIAL PROJECTILE PROBLEM | (В будущем) | No symptoms, just a code-check. | |
DRESS/ROBE PROBLEM | Завершено | If dresses/robes are added, there is a problem with how armor would work that needs to be addressed. | |
PROPER HEALING | (В будущем) | Nemeses should not just heal on travel, it needs to use the amount of time passed. This is related to infections and scarring. | |
MID-TRADE GAME ENDINGS | (В будущем) | If the game ends in the midst of a trade, the world might have some issues making that caravan continue on properly. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
ITEM WRESTLING | (В будущем) | Disarms, user-interface twists (rather than the current methods), struggling over items more explicitly. | |
CONSOLIDATE MISS ANNOUNCEMENTS | (В будущем) | Consolidate repeated miss announcements. A few other announcements could also be collapsed. | |
DEAL WITH POTASH VS ASH | Завершено | ||
ENTITY DEF ITEM TYPES | Завершено | ||
TOMB STORAGE AND ACCESSIBILITY | (В будущем) | Problem storing inaccessible body in tomb. The job was repeatedly created. | |
RE-EVALUATE HAUL LOCATIONS | Завершено | A dwarf should re-check where an item should be placed when they pick it up, since this could save them a lot of time. | |
BABY SEARCHER PROBLEM | Завершено | Thirsty mothers cannot seek lost babies effectively. | |
START SCENARIOS | (В будущем) | See the scenarios arc in the dev section, this is part of that, and could be upgraded to a core component in the future. | |
NEMESIS SAVE BUG | Завершено | ||
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROBLEM | (В будущем) | Suspend building constructions if item blocking the build site are unreachable. | |
MERCHANT ANNOUNCEMENTS | (В будущем) | Notification when merchants are done unloading. | |
VERMIN PROBLEM | (В будущем) | Possibly issue when cleaning vermin references. | |
MULTIPLE DEPOTS | (В будущем) | Randomize the incoming merchant path for multiple depots, or else the wagons can get mixed up and scuttle. | |
HISTORY GENERATION | Завершено | Refine the history generator. This includes many issues related to the army arc. Age delineations should be tracked explicitly, and they shouldn't just be set numbers like they are now. As they civilizations spread out, they can make claims on the various regions and fight over them. It should retain the location of major battles for various reasons, even if there isn't a town or cave there. | |
PARRYING AND ITEMS | (В будущем) | Refine parrying chances, based on item type. | |
BUILDING ADMIRATION BUG | (В будущем) | A metalsmith was able to admire "own furnace" even though ownership shouldn't apply to such buildings. | |
PEAKS AND VOLCANOS | Завершено | Record the names of the mountain peaks and their general character. This includes adding volcanos. Volcanos should also be able to exist independent of a large mountain range. | |
AIMED SHOTS AND BODYPART SIZES | (В будущем) | Should be able to aim at parts, AI should do it too, body parts currently have relative sizes but it should depend on the creature rather than just the part type. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
CAVE RIVER ENTITIES | (В будущем) | Realize certain cave dwellers as entities, with all that implies about items and persistent historical figures, etc. | |
ISSUES WITH ITEM SHARING | Завершено | There are some potential problems with shared items that need to be addressed. | |
MULTIGRASP WEAPON PROBLEM | (В будущем) | It might be screwing the multi-grasp check when it does skill penalities. And somebody shot a bow with one arm. | |
ENTITY ARMOR ISSUES | Завершено | For incoming units -- specific armor materials based on desired armor level. Right now it isn't exact enough. | |
ADVENTURE MODE BUILDING INTERACTIONS | (В будущем) | Pickup and topple furniture. Plant seeds in the mud. Use the furnaces. Break windows and knock down supports. Using wells. Use siege engines. Deactivate, dismantle or set off traps. Use animal traps. Use archery targets and get feed back. Lock yourself or others up in cages and chains. Tie creatures up with rope. Interact with impaled players. Lock doors, push doors open briefly so you can see out before they close, secret doors, close doors, slam doors on vermin, lockpicking. | |
IMPROVE SMELTING | Завершено | ||
IMPROVE END GAME | Завершено | ||
ADVENTURE STORE RESTOCKING | (В будущем) | Adventure mode stores need to restock and put scattered items back in place. It might be best to wait for production tracking or even caravans before adding these features. | Core3 |
PATH BLOCK MESSAGES | Завершено | On a hunt job, path block message was issued repeatedly. | |
USE BARRACKS BEDS | (В будущем) | People should use the barracks beds when they don't have their own rooms, but they don't do this properly. | |
JUSTICE MANDATE NUMBERS | (В будущем) | The amount of guards and cages can be treated as a permanent mandate attached to a noble rather than the current vague system. | |
BUTCHERY ISSUES | (В будущем) | Butchery should not be instant. Should be able to butcher the small creatures too. Need to mix this with extraction properly. | |
TYPES OF EATERS | (В будущем) | It's not clear whether deer and other herbivores are actually playing that role or if they behave as omnivores. | |
STRANGE MOOD HELP | (В будущем) | Artifact builders are difficult to handle sometimes, especially when you don't even know what kind of building they want. It shouldn't be easy, but the frustration level is too high right now. | |
DEGREES OF BARTERING | (В будущем) | Merchants need to tell you the extent to which your offer failed. | |
BARTER CONTAINER PROBLEMS | (В будущем) | In adventure mode, container contents mess up bartering in a number of ways. | |
PROBLEMS WITH WATER | Завершено | Water currently rots and should be value zero. | |
INAPPROPRIATE CONTAINERS | (В будущем) | Some containers can hold too much. With certain mixes, the items should interact as they should, possibly ruining them. | |
RETIREMENT ISSUES | (В будущем) | Shouldn't be able to retire while you are talking or otherwise in the middle of something. | |
SITE LOOTING | (В будущем) | Should loot roads and expensive items near the front of your old dwarf fortresses and other sites. Once resource tracking is in, it can gives these goods to appropriate groups. | |
AUTOSAVE | Завершено | We had an autosave feature for a while, but it involves copying a very large folder, so this needs to be tightly controlled if we put it back in. | |
SAND ISSUES | Завершено | Need to define the sand object more broadly, as a miscellaneous powder (this is a technical issue that will allow easier expansions later). | |
CLARIFY COIN QUOTAS | Завершено | When the economy starts up, you have to produce coins. The bookkeeper tells you what is needed, but it could be further clarified. | |
STATE OF EMERGENCY | (В будущем) | Having castle and royal guards uses up soldiers you'd like to use sometimes. Add state of emergency declaration. This allows you to stop these guards from performing their regular duties, and you can control the castle guard under their captain (the sheriff), and you can control the royal guard under the hammerer. They don't like this of course, and the ensuing negative thoughts can ensure that the option is used sparingly. | |
ABORTING WORLD GENERATION | Завершено | Ability to leave history generation in the middle. | |
KIDNAPPING ISSUES | Завершено | Check some technical stuff with kidnapping. It seems to generate a "(kidnapped unit) has died in a cage" message sometimes. | |
STRANDED NEMESES | (В будущем) | Making regional creatures go home properly instead of being assigned to fairly random places after a game ends. | |
COIN STACKS | Завершено | Adjust the size of minted coin stacks upward to make the economy easier to manage. Might need to make coins worth less. | |
MERCHANT COUNTER-OFFERS | Завершено | Merchants need to make counter offers if your offer fails, to make bartering more realistic and less frustrating. If a counter-offer is impossible, it needs to be clear about that. | |
STAIRWAY BLOCKAGE INFORMATION | Завершено | Needs to tell you why stairways are blocked when you fail to move. | |
CONTAINER PLACEMENT | (В будущем) | Containers should be placed deeper in the dungeon if the contents are valuable, or the contents could be removed. | |
OLD BLOODY WALLS | (В будущем) | Need to handle bloody river walls in dwarf mode. | |
HUNTER SLEEP PREFS | (В будущем) | Make hunters sleep on the ground only while hunting. | |
SPECIFIC MATERIAL USE | (В будущем) | Need to be able to choose specific rocks or logs to process sometimes, since this is important for noble demands. | |
FLOODGATE PLACEMENT ISSUES | (В будущем) | It's very common for people to get blocked off by floodgates while placing them. | |
MORE CLEANING | (В будущем) | Make cleaning jobs more wide ranging. Some areas that are just out of range leave the fortress bloody forever. Allow designation of cleaning areas. | |
WIELD ISSUES | (В будущем) | It can be confused about which object is wielded, and there are some issues about the primary hand. | |
NOBLE DEATH | (В будущем) | Killing off nobles needs to have serious consequences. Once the counties (see Core28) are in, there could be revolts from the village if the count is popular. Other nobles could have angry relatives. Losing your law enforcement nobles could lead to more tantrums and other acts in large fortresses. Nobles should all be upset by the death of the tax collector. When a noble is buried, other dwarves could be sealed in the tomb. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
STORAGE OPTIMIZATION | Завершено | The periodic storage checks of items can make things lag, especially if you dig out 3000 stone and just let it sit there. The items can learn that they are not going to be picked up soon and make calls less frequently. Calls can also be smeared out. | |
NO SILK ROPE SKILLS | Завершено | Does clothesmaking skill go up when silk ropes are made? | |
DROWNING ISSUES | Завершено | Although drowning is generally harsh, there was a case of people just swimming around in the river. | |
INDOOR PLANT DEATH | Завершено | Some indoor bushes would die and disappear quickly. | |
INNER DEFENDERS | Завершено | The inside defenders need to occasionally go on forays or you can just pick them off at range. | |
SLIDING UNDER ENEMIES | (В будущем) | If you move toward an opponent that is one square away from you, you'll end up sliding underneath it sometimes instead of attacking it. Sliding under creatures in town is related. | |
RIVER SITE UPDATE | Завершено | If you've found an underground feature in a fortress, it should receive the same abstract building designation as other sites. | |
TREE DISPLAY PROBLEM | (В будущем) | Snow covered leafless deciduous trees aren't white. | |
TRAP AVOIDANCE | (В будущем) | Invaders shouldn't fall for traps if they've seen them used. | |
ADVENTURER PROFESSIONS | (В будущем) | Need to be able to tame the lizards you find, wood work, make clothes, whatever. | |
ENTITY ENEMY LEGEND | (В будущем) | If you become a town's enemy, it needs a legend event for it. | |
STRANGE FOOD OWNERSHIP | (В будущем) | Dwarves took food to their rooms and placed it there, and it rotted, rather than eating it or something, this was early game. Related to Req347. | |
CHEAP BARRELS | (В будущем) | In the start up screen, when you buy booze for 2 points you get a 10 pt barrel thrown in too. It might track what sort of containers are implied by your other purchases. | |
UNIT NAME ISSUE | (В будущем) | Technical problem with unit name display. | |
BLANK TANTRUM MESSAGE | Завершено | "(blank) is destroyed by Aliz, craftsdwarf." | |
FARM FERTILIZER DISPLAY | Завершено | Show fertilizer amount for farms where it has happened. | |
CHANNEL/AQUEDUCT INTERACTIONS | Завершено | Water should go from channels to aqueducts or you should be able to place floodgates on channels. | |
ITEM NAME ISSUE | Завершено | Technical problem with item name display. | |
MELEE TRAINING ISSUE | Завершено | Melee training seems to be deadly again. | |
DOUBLE IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | Artifact was studded with gold and gold. | |
ROAD BUILDING | (В будущем) | Need an easier way to build roads, rather than just picking out items from long lists and placing them section by section. | |
LEGEND DISPLAY PROBLEM | (В будущем) | Long history names busted -- it should instead place it on two lines if possible. | |
REPEAT ATTACK BUTTON | (В будущем) | Repeat attack button, esp. for specific wrestling. | |
WAIT KEY | Завершено | Wait key in adventure mode. | |
CORRECT AGING | (В будущем) | Need creatures to age properly when reloaded, incl. retirees. | |
ALCHEMY PILE | (В будущем) | Alchemical pile filled with lye, vials and so on. | |
WAKE UP! | Завершено | Adventure mode sleep needs to clear upon being attacked. | |
NAMING ISSUE | (В будущем) | There's an issue with some unit names | |
ARCHERY PRACTICE GROUNDING | Завершено | While doing archery practice, people that were grounded don't stand up until it's over. | |
COIN BATCH ISSUE | Завершено | Potential problems with coin batches for non-currencies. Need to check. | |
BREAK EXPLOIT | (В будущем) | Can draft then undraft to end breaks. | |
PROACTIVE BEAST ATTACKERS | (В будущем) | The large beasts could afford to be slightly more aggressive. | |
PUNGENT BUGS | (В будущем) | Dead insects and really small things shouldn't create miasma. But dead rodents should still stink. | |
HARDER FISHING | (В будущем) | Fishing is a little too easy, maybe. | |
CORPSE PROCESSING | (В будущем) | Can process corpse to eat etc if you have a sharp object. | |
NAMING ISSUE | (В будущем) | Issue with some unit names. | |
STRANGE POPULATION ISSUES | Завершено | Every region currently makes 2 oceanfish populations. This is to simulate fishing for seaside civs, but it should be handled properly instead. | |
CHARGE CHANGE | (В будущем) | Knock-backs without people falling on the ground should be more common in charging. | |
ATTACK OPPORTUNITY NUMBERS | (В будущем) | It should generate random variations on rolls for each attack for a given turn between each creature, so that a swing at the head one turn is almost impossible, while grabbing the arm could be three times as easy as normal. This will lead to more variety in combat AI, rather than just having the 'best' moves used all the time. | |
SHORT JOB NAMES | (В будущем) | In certain contexts, it should display shorter job names. When making glass objects for instance, you can't tell what you are making if you don't have the menus tabbed out. | |
RESPECT CONTAINER CAPACITY ON PICKUP | (В будущем) | Container capacity needs to be respected on pickup as it is with the put command. | |
CRASHING ISSUE I | Завершено | There is a crash bug related to store assignment of objects after building destruction. I had a town attacked by 100 dragons, and something went wrong. | |
INFESTATION FREQUENCIES | Завершено | The creatures selected to infest caves don't respect their population frequencies. | |
GOOD/EVIL/SAVAGERY VERMIN CHECKS | (В будущем) | A lot of vermin creation doesn't respect good/evil/savagery of the particular square involved. Undead regions should have undead vermin, but there are some technical issues here. | |
IN-GAME SNAPSHOTS | Завершено | Just as you can export an image of the world map, you could also export an image of the entire fortress or adventure area. | |
MEMMAP ISSUES | (В будущем) | There are some issues with it showing the green and yellow stair symbols improperly on the memmap. The memmap should also highlight staircases, and the symbols for previously seen creatures are currently overdone. | |
MYSTERY WEB | Завершено | A web printed off in a hidden area during dwarf mode. It was probably on an unseen river branch since it disappeared during the flood, but it shouldn't have been visible at all. | |
FIRE FLOW SLAYER CREDIT | (В будущем) | Creatures don't get credit for killing creatures directly with flows. | |
RIVER LOOPS | Завершено | The world map generator doesn't completely loop erase the rivers. At least I think it's done. They always seem to come back. | |
FROZEN WATER DISAGREEMENT | Завершено | The out-of-play river squares sometimes display as frozen when the in-play river is not frozen. | |
CORNER DOOR DETAILING | Завершено | A room corner caught between two doors should detail immediately, not later when the dungeon is converted or other detailing occurs, or else it shouldn't detail at all. | |
TOWN ANIMALS UNDER THREAT | (В будущем) | Attacking stray animals in town should still anger the entities, or at least be a misdemeanor or something. | |
REST/SLEEP CONFLICT | Завершено | When somebody is healing, they don't always take time off to sleep, so they can become drowsy when resting. | |
PROJECTILES FALLING THROUGH FLOORS | Завершено | Corpse pieces have occasionally been observed falling through the floor. | |
ERRONEOUS FOOD OWNERSHIP | (В будущем) | If you remove a chair somebody is planning on eating in, they cancel their eat job but retain ownership of the food. Then they store it in their room, where it rots and smells, rather than eating it later. Related to Req304. | |
SURROUNDING CHAT BIOME VERIFICATION | (В будущем) | When discussing which creatures roam a region, it doesn't do biome verification, so it could refer to creatures that aren't actually found in the region. | |
PATH FIND ALTERATIONS | (В будущем) | Right now, people go to the ground a lot when dealing with path find problems. If it isn't urgent, they should wait a bit but retain their paths. However, it's also important not to create traffic jams or lags. | |
CRASH ISSUE ON BODY PART VIEW | Завершено | During a fight with some zombies in dwarf mode, crashed while viewing body parts after moving the cursor. | |
PET INFO CRASH | Завершено | There was a crash related to null pet and owner pointers inside some pet info. | |
TEMPERATURE FLOW SLAYERS | (В будущем) | Dragons and other flow-creating creatures aren't credited properly for kills via temperature. | |
PROJECTILES AND FLOWS | (В будущем) | Some projectiles survive environmental effects unaffected. | |
DIAGONAL FLOW PATHS | (В будущем) | Diagonal-tending dragonfire has a tendency to wrap backward. | |
LIQUID CREATURE SUPPORT | (В будущем) | Some creatures like magma men need better support for extreme temperature effects to work properly for them. | |
GRASS-TREE BURN SPEEDS | (В будущем) | Grass and trees undergo different burn-speed transformations between dwarf mode and adventure mode, leading to unwarranted mode differences. | |
FIRE AND TEMPERATURE | (В будущем) | In some flow and map square situations, items are still burned away immediately instead of using temperature to affect them. | |
CONTAMINANT MATERIALS | (В будущем) | Contaminant materials need to be tracked more carefully. | |
CONTAMINANT TEMPERATURE EFFECTS | (В будущем) | Most importantly, metals that melt over creatures should have an effect, but the temperature of contaminants isn't currently stored. | |
TEMPERATURE AND ROTTING | (В будущем) | The recycling critters that rot corpses and food work faster and are more abundant in higher temperature areas in general, though it might also be linked to the biome specifically. | |
CORE TEMPERATURE VS EXTREMITIES | (В будущем) | Frostbite doesn't work properly now, because temperatures are fairly uniform, even in homeotherms. | |
CREATURE SUBTYPES AND TEMPERATURE | (В будущем) | The safe temperature calculations don't take the gloss into consideration, so even if "oak" and "mangrove" have different temperature properties, the game doesn't use them for related creature doesn't use them in some instances. | |
VERMIN AND TEMPERATURE | (В будущем) | Vermin are currently unaffected by temperature and flows. | |
VENOM... BARRELS? | (В будущем) | Traders bring venom in barrels instead of vials. This might be excessive. | |
AGGRESSIVE SAPLING GROWTH | (В будущем) | Saplings seem to show up all over the place, including under lava or water. Might be handled. | |
DISTANT OFFICERS | (В будущем) | It will often select the worst possible officer for a case. It should consider distance issues, for example. | |
LOST FOOD | (В будущем) | The eat job sometimes loses control over the munchy's location. | |
THE WELL BUCKET AND MAGMA | (В будущем) | The well bucket is not affected by local temperatures as it should be when it descends. | |
MISSING UNIFORM | (В будущем) | When resetting clothing for temperature conditions, it can destroy guard uniforms. | |
EATING IN STRANGE ROOMS | (В будущем) | The dwarves exhibit a propensity for eating in odd rooms when more appropriate rooms are available. | |
AXE USE DEACTIVATED | (В будущем) | Deactivating squads can do strange things to axe use preference. | |
TANTRUM EXHAUSTION | (В будущем) | Dwarves throwing tantrums might get a bit tired of what they are doing, especially if they are injured. They shouldn't destroy their beds when they are trying to sleep unless they are in a particularly bad mood. | |
RAMP WALLS | Завершено | There are some inconsistencies with ramp use regarding whether or not an adjacent wall is needed. | |
PET CAP | (В будущем) | Evaluate alternatives to the 50 per type animal cap. | |
OTHER CAVES | (В будущем) | Need to use some rock outcrops to add caves to soil heavy environments (or tighten soil with roots). | |
ADV MODE LIGHTING PROBLEMS | (В будущем) | There are some problems with adventure mode lighting versus lower fluids and the memory map in open spaces. | |
AMAZING VERMIN ENTRY | (В будущем) | Eater vermin from map features can get into things that are impossible to get into. | |
LACK OF FLUID MIXING IN CONTAINERS | (В будущем) | It lets you have for instance "water" and "stagnant water" as distinct items in your flask, and you can also fill up your backpack with water without getting other objects wet and without leakage. | |
TRAILS AND ROADS | (В будущем) | There should be trails and roads all over the place in civilized areas. | |
AREA DIFFICULTIES | (В будущем) | There need to be some more additions to challenging areas and perhaps a little more work on making calm areas calm. | |
MOOD WORKSHOP | (В будущем) | There should be additional indicators of which workshop has been taken over by a mood dwarf. | |
OFFER CONFIRMATION | (В будущем) | A confirmation might be helpful for making offerings in the depot. | |
RAW FISH NAME | (В будущем) | Raw fish might need to be renamed for clarity | |
BUILDING JOB CHECKS | (В будущем) | Need to look into how often buildings do job checks and when they reset their counters. | |
HAUL JOB OVERRIDES | (В будущем) | Workshop jobs should remove haul tasks from items within them if the item is applicable for the job. | |
PERSISTENT CURSOR POSITION | (В будущем) | There are some mode changes in dwarf mode where the cursor position should persist. | |
TOTAL PROFESSION NUMBERS | (В будущем) | There should be a way to view the total numbers enabled for each labor list item. | |
ROOM QUALITY DISPLAY | (В будущем) | There should be an easier way to view the quality of a room. | |
PERSONAL ROOM TRAFFIC | (В будущем) | Dwarves should probably get upset if a bunch of dwarves walk through their rooms while they are around to notice. | |
JOB INFORMATION | (В будущем) | You should be able to view more information about jobs so that you can better understand how to complete them and what you have available to do so. | |
WOUNDED BABY CARE | (В будущем) | Mothers don't care if their babies are wounded, even if they are being carried at the time. | |
HAULING ORDERS | (В будущем) | More ways to control hauling orders, so important corpses can be picked up and lone bolts can be ignored. | |
MINING SKILL SETTINGS | (В будущем) | There are situations where it would be nice to have the ability to set skill threshholds for gem/ore mining jobs. | |
VARIOUS COMPENSATION METHODS | (В будущем) | Certain jobs should pay by the hour instead of by the job (or by other factors). Examples include hauling and pump operation. | |
HOLDING ARTIFACTS | (В будущем) | There seems to be something a bit loopy with how artifact keep/drop/hide decisions are made. They can hold on to an object for a very long time without committing to anything. Even if a dwarf chooses to keep an artifact, it shouldn't just walk around with a floodgate or something. | |
OBSTACLE HANDLING FOR BUILDERS AND MINERS | (В будущем) | When a dwarves are mining or placing a building which will become an obstacle, they should do the jobs from the first good square they touch so that they don't lock themselves in. | |
ERRONEOUS CAGED UNIT DEATHS | (В будущем) | A container item that is destroyed can kill units, even if the unit itself is resistant to the destroyer of the item (magma for example). | |
PLATE/CHAIN LAYERING VS. ARMOR LEVEL | (В будущем) | Wearing mail under plate is permissible, but it can be confusing to see when you select plate as the armor level. | |
DIRT ROADS ON ICE | (В будущем) | When roads are built over ice, trampled dirt can be created spontaneously. | |
DYED CLOTH STOCKPILE SEPARATION | (В будущем) | The ability to separate dyed and undyed cloth in stockpiles can be useful for speeding up production. | |
PREMATURE TRADE SCREEN EXITS | (В будущем) | It's easy to skip out of the trade agreement screens without knowing what happened. | |
SAVE TO MAIN MENU TRANSITION | (В будущем) | Need a prompt after save has completely successfully, and it should finish cleaning before asking you to press the key. | |
DAMBLOCK OPTS | (В будущем) | There are some optimizations that can be made to the damage blocking calculations. | |
STILL BARRELS | (В будущем) | If a booze stockpile contains empty barrels, a brewing job should be able to use them for storage. | |
VERMIN TRACKING | (В будущем) | There are some problems with the accounting of vermin populations. | |
PUT ON YOUR MASK BEFORE ASSISTING THE CHILD NEXT TO YOU | (В будущем) | Parents can die from thirst seeking their infants. It might help them to prioritize if they are dehydrated. | |
RECLAIM STACKS | (В будущем) | On reclaim, some of the container emptying procedures can be very annoying, especially if there are tons of coin piles. | |
DOMESTICATION AND ENTITY DEFS | (В будущем) | The "common domestic" state of animals should be in part an entity property, rather than solely a creature property. | |
BAG RESERVES | (В будущем) | The ability to reserve bags for uses other than seed storage would be useful. | |
KITCHEN ISSUES | (В будущем) | It would be useful to have kitchen options for items that you don't necessarily have in stock at the moment, and there's an issue with needing milk's cook setting active to make cheese. | |
ZOOMING AROUND | (В будущем) | It would be useful to have more ways to get between object screens and zooming to objects between all of the views. | |
DROWSINESS VS. KNOCKOUTS | (В будущем) | Dwarves can having drowsiness problems if they are KO'd for long periods of time. | |
PAIRED ITEMS ON ARMOR STANDS | (В будущем) | Armor stands need to be able to hold 2 gloves and shoes, rather than just one item. | |
EQUIPMENT STORAGE | (В будущем) | Need to salvage some armor stand/weapon rack storage code for use by soldiers. | |
SCHEDULING ISSUES | (В будущем) | There are some minor adventure mode town schedule issues that need addressing. | |
PAIRED IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | For the most part, improvements on pregenerated paired items should be made identical. | |
"WATER"SKINS? | (В будущем) | Military dwarves should be apt to carry booze instead of water. | |
WEIGHT AND VALUE PROBLEMS | (В будущем) | There are a lot of inconsistencies with weight and value numbers in the raws. | |
PRICE SETTER STORAGE | (В будущем) | Technical issue with price setter storage. | |
DRINK JOB CONNECTION CHECKS | (В будущем) | Some drink jobs don't check connectivity correctly. | |
BUILDING NAMES | (В будущем) | Custom names for buildings. For stockpiles they can be inherited by containers. | |
ROCKY ROAD | (В будущем) | Road building can be annoying on rocky maps. | |
WEALTH OVERCOUNTS | (В будущем) | Held/worn items are counted too much toward fortress wealth. | |
PLANTING CANCELLATIONS | (В будущем) | Farming plots that are set to fallow won't cancel their jobs if there's even a single seed planted. There are also issues with cancellation for redded out plants. | |
DWARVEN WAGONS | Завершено | Dwarves have wagons, so they should use them to trade. | |
WATERFALL EDGES | (В будущем) | Waterfalls have an issue where water at the bottom can potentially flow up off the edge into the unallocated void. | |
ELITE SOLDIER SETTINGS | (В будущем) | You should be able to set soldier preferences for elite soldiers, though they should be unhappy to part with their favorite weapons. | |
TASK PRIORITIES | (В будущем) | It should be easier to single out a dwarf as the only one permitted to perform a task, or to give that dwarf higher priority for the task. | |
FARM SETTINGS LOST | (В будущем) | It can destroy preset crop selections for future seasons when there's a problem with the current season. | |
JOB POSSIBILITIES DISPLAYED | (В будущем) | When adding jobs to workshops, it should be more clear which jobs could actually be Завершено at that time. | |
EQUIPMENT CLEANING | (В будущем) | You need to be able to clean off dirty equipment, both modes. You might need to use grass or some kind of intermediate object/liquid to avoid getting more dirty. | |
SETUP SCREEN CHANGES | (В будущем) | Various minor changes to the dwarf mode setup screen. It should be easier to see the skills of the dwarves you are bringing and you should have more of an idea what the equipment you are bringing it for. It should update the profession names of dwarves as you change their skills. | |
FLOATING | (В будущем) | Objects with proper densities should float in liquids. This should also apply to swimming creatures. | |
MESSAGE CONTROL | (В будущем) | All messages should be optional with optional pause-zooming. There should be optional building completion announcements. | |
SETTINGS FOR BASIC JOBS | (В будущем) | There should be specific labor list settings for jobs like harvesting, level pulling and depot hauls that all dwarves do. | |
EQUIPMENT DISPOSAL | (В будущем) | There should be more standing orders for how unusable clothing, armor and other equipment are handled to expedite siege cleaning and the disposal of old clothes. | |
ASHERY SKILLS | (В будущем) | Potash-making from lye should be skillless, and ideally you'd just set the stuff to evaporate. The ash to potash job should give lye-making skill. | |
REFERENCE UPDATE | (В будущем) | Some internal references should be stored differently. | |
FISHERY AUTOMATION | (В будущем) | The fishery (and other workshops) should have automation features. | |
TRAVELER OUTFITS | (В будущем) | Sometimes it fails to update the clothing of people that have traveled to another town to account for temperature. | |
CHILDREN AND GROWTH | (В будущем) | Children need to change sizes more gradually as they grow up. It must also handle their clothing sizes without generating a ton of garbage objects. | |
SHOPKEEPERS AND THEIR INVENTORY | (В будущем) | Owners of dwarf mode shops aren't tied closely enough to their wares, even though they pay for them. | |
UNIT-JOB SCREEN IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | The unit-job screen should be improved in myriad ways, though the options people have requested are too numerous to fit in a simple screen. | |
FLEEING SOLDIER AI | (В будущем) | Fleeing soldiers don't cope well with not being able to reach their exit location. | |
INJURED HUNTERS | (В будущем) | Injured hunters should not attempt to hunt in general. | |
COOKING SELECTION ISSUE | (В будущем) | Cooking had an issue where it selected a barrel and the object inside of it. | |
PRESERVING VALUABLE STONES | Завершено | There should be a way to stop valuable stones like obsidian from being used in general stoneworking jobs. | |
INTERRUPTED JOB DURATIONS | (В будущем) | Issue with job durations versus interruptions. | |
BARRACKS ASSIGNMENTS | (В будущем) | Allow barracks assignments for squads, including specific assignments (possibly automated within the barracks) for weapon racks and armor stands for soldiers. | |
USEFUL BREAKS | (В будущем) | Dwarves should actively pursue non-work related activities while they are taking breaks. | |
LIAISON AND WORKERS | (В будущем) | You should be able to request specific workers and worker types from your outpost liaison. | |
IMPROVE LOCAL MATERIAL TABULATION | (В будущем) | The game doesn't quite have a handle on which materials are available locally. This would make demands more reasonable. | |
COFFIN OBJECT ISSUES | (В будущем) | Issues with the items in coffins versus building destruction and rotting. | |
FOOD SELECTION | (В будущем) | There are some issues with food choice relative to value and distance. | |
RAMPS ON BOUNDARIES | (В будущем) | Some ramps were omitted on block splits. | |
KIDNAP INFO HANDLING | (В будущем) | Kidnapped dwarves need to have more game info removed. | |
STEAM EFFECTS | (В будущем) | There are currently problems with steam temperature damage, and the effects of walking through a forest fire. | |
ZOMBIE BODIES | (В будущем) | Zombies should just leave rotten corpses instead of rotten zombie corpses, though their former status as a zombie might have impacts on the body's properties later on. | |
CAVE-IN COLUMN WEIGHTS | (В будущем) | Cave-in columns need more careful weight calculations. | |
INITIAL RIVER DISPLAY | (В будущем) | It needs to initialize river flow directions before the rivers are initially displayed. | |
FLOWS AND DIRECTIONAL CALCULATIONS | (В будущем) | Certain flow calculations still only run in 4 directions. | |
CONTAMINANT TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE | (В будущем) | Contaminants on units and items need to have temperatures so that these objects can be covered with snow or heated oil. Some contaminants also need to have some kind of moisture content so that blood can dry out and stain for example. | |
FORBIDDEN WARES | (В будущем) | The "good" creatures should be a little less likely to purchase leather or other items made from the bodies of civilized creatures, with various exceptions. | |
EXCESSIVE BAIT | (В будущем) | Dwarves should not use entire stacks of meat or fish to bait traps. | |
METAL BLOCK/BAR WEIGHTS | (В будущем) | Need to watch out for the weight of metal objects versus metal bars. | |
WRESTLING GRASPS VERSUS OTHER ACTIONS | (В будущем) | It should be more difficult or impossible to use the grasps you are using for wrestling in other tasks at the same time. | |
UNDEAD HEALING | (В будущем) | Undead and construct-type creatures tend to heal when they shouldn't. | |
EXTRACT MATERIALS | (В будущем) | The extract system needs to be overhauled to support more robust material definitions and more potential extracts from a given creature or plant. | |
HUMAN MIGRANT ISSUES | (В будущем) | In the limited test I did of human migrants in a dwarf fortress, there were several issues, including the humans being treated like tame beasts. | |
UNDEAD POPULATIONS | (В будущем) | Undead populations aren't tracked properly. | |
ASKING DIRECTIONS | (В будущем) | You should be able to ask directions more robustly in adventure mode. They should be able to give you directions and location descriptions. You should be able to ask about general or specific items or trades, and various other things. Different creatures might have a broader knowledge of more areas depending on various factors. | |
MIXING LIQUID CONTAMINANTS | (В будущем) | Liquid contaminants should mix so that you can't just act on one of them, assuming they overlap on the object in question. | |
MATERIAL REWRITE | (В будущем) | There's a technical rewrite required to support things like object materials which are, for instance, the blood of a specific creature. | |
PATH BUFFER CLEARING | (В будущем) | There's a bit of an optimization that can be done to the periodic path buffer clearing. | |
SIEGE ENGINES AND THE Z AXIS | (В будущем) | Siege engines need to respect the z axis. | |
DEEP OBJECT PLACEMENT ISSUE | (В будущем) | There's an issue with object placement in one of the deep areas. | |
CONNECTED SITE COMPONENTS | (В будущем) | Sites in areas with large elevation changes need to connect up their components. For instance, a town built into several areas on a cliff might have some stairs carved into the walls to connect the components. | |
LOCAL ARMY MOVEMENT | (В будущем) | There are some issue with army movement in adventure mode, especially related to armies you are visiting that would like to move. | |
GOBLIN TOWER ISSUES | (В будущем) | There are some issues with swamps, vegetation and subterranean areas in goblin towers. | |
DWARVES ON FIRE | (В будущем) | Dwarves should really handle themselves a bit better when they are around fire. They should start by recognizing that it's actually a problem to be on fire. | |
HATCH OPENING FOR DIAGONAL FLIERS | (В будущем) | It needs to be more specific about how fliers moving diagonally and up interact with multiple hatches. | |
FISH CLEANING IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | You should be able to remove relevant portions (shell/bones) of fish during cleaning. | |
BLOOD VISIBILITY | (В будущем) | Blood of all types should be visible on whatever color stone it falls on. | |
WIND | (В будущем) | Local wind patterns need to be more interesting. | |
GROUNDED/SWIMMING | (В будущем) | Need to square the commonly-used notion of being on the ground with swimming. | |
VISION AND SWIMMING | (В будущем) | Need to work out what should be visible when you are swimming, especially if you are breathing up at the surface. | |
WATER PRESERVATION | (В будущем) | There are some cases where water is deleted when it might be pushed away to other tiles instead. | |
WARM STONE PROBLEM | (В будущем) | There are some rare cases where warm stone next to lava gets its temperature reset. | |
MIGRANT CHILDREN AGES | (В будущем) | The ages of migrant children are not based on the raws. | |
MATERIAL DEMANDS AND MANDATES | (В будущем) | Local materials lists for demands aren't compiled properly now. | |
ADVENTURE MODE TRADE SKILLS | (В будущем) | Some of the features from dwarf mode trade can be moved over to adventure mode. | |
MELTED OBJECT SIZE | (В будущем) | When objects change states, their sizes need to be tracked more carefully. | |
MISSING MIGRANT TYPES | (В будущем) | A few professions don't occur as migrant types. | |
INITIALIZING PREFERENCES ISSUE | (В будущем) | There's a minor issue with unit preferences and which ones it knows about at which times. | |
FISH SEARCH | (В будущем) | Fisherdwarves don't make the same efforts to find locations as thirsty dwarves. | |
WORLD MIGRANT LINKS | (В будущем) | Migrants joining towns on the world map don't get proper entity links. | |
RIVER STONES FOR ENTITIES | (В будущем) | Civilizations don't use alluvial deposits properly. | |
SAME-SQUARE MOVEMENT | (В будущем) | There are some adventure mode issues with same-square interactions. | |
BETTER PRESSURE | Завершено | Water should avoid upward paths when there is a good downward route, though this taxes the CPU slightly. | |
SITE POPULATIONS | (В будущем) | There are various little issues with site animal populations that need to be cleaned up. | |
MINOR WILDERNESS POP ISSUES | (В будущем) | There are some minor issues with the distributions of local wilderness populations. | |
FROZEN WATER CONTAMINANTS | (В будущем) | Contaminants for frozen liquids aren't tracked carefully enough. | |
FLIERS/SWIMMERS AND BUILDING TARGETING | (В будущем) | Creatures with unusual movement types can't target buildings properly. | |
RUIN PLACEMENT | (В будущем) | Ruin placement is disabled in sites that become crowded with buildings, but it should adapt instead. | |
CAVE-IN DUST | (В будущем) | Dust flows from cave-ins need to be generated more carefully. | |
IMPROVED CAVE-IN MECHANICS | (В будущем) | The cave-in framework isn't being used for much. There should be more requirements for supports again. | |
SOIL CAVE-INS | (В будущем) | Certain rock/ground types shouldn't support anything by themselves. | |
WALKING ON BUILDINGS | (В будущем) | It seems like you should be able to walk over the top of something like a floodgate on the tile above, but this is quite annoying to handle. | |
CASTRATING ANIMALS | (В будущем) | Dwarves should be able to castrate male animals. Spaying female animals might be beyond the ability of dwarves to do reliably. | |
FIRES IN CONTAINERS | (В будущем) | Fires should not be able to burn in sealed containers. | |
ARMORED AGAINST JUSTICE | (В будущем) | People shouldn't be able to throw armor on a dwarf that's about to be hammered. All such items should be removed before the sentence is carried out. | |
PERSONAL HYGIENE | (В будущем) | Dwarves get filthy with all manner of foul matter and should clean themselves. Soap might come up. Clothes should also be cleaned. Could have stains. | |
FOOD PLURALS | (В будущем) | Food items need plurals (for the description screen for example). | |
MAP GENERATION BIAS | (В будущем) | The mid-level square maps never use the bottom right corner if all biome priorities are the same. | |
CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PLACEMENT | (В будущем) | You shouldn't have to place construction squares one by one, and you shouldn't have to wait for constructions to be finished to place further pending constructions. | |
ELVES TRADING ANIMALS | (В будущем) | Elves should be reluctant to trade animals to dwarves they haven't built up a relationship with. | |
KIDNAP THOUGHT | (В будущем) | Children should have some kind of thought about being kidnapped. | |
OFFICE WORK | (В будущем) | Proper office work should require a table by the chair. | |
BEAST INTERRUPTIONS | (В будущем) | Beasts should not constantly interrupt workers that aren't actual under threat. | |
EASY-TO-SKIP MEETING SCREENS | (В будущем) | It's too easy to skip passed important meeting screens by pressing space. | |
WATERY RAMPS | (В будущем) | Rivers and pools need ramps for the most part, so you can move in and out of them. Seashores too. | |
FLYING UP | (В будущем) | In adventure mode, it needs to allocate sky for you if you try to fly up into unallocated areas. | |
STREAM WATER FEET | (В будущем) | Stance points need to get water covers when walking over wet streams. | |
SALT WATER PONDS | (В будущем) | You can't designate salt water as a water source, so you can't make salt water ponds from the ocean for example. | |
MORE RIVERS | (В будущем) | Sometimes vast high-rain areas on the world map aren't drained, which is strange. The water systems could be underground, but there should be some in-game explanation. | |
WOOD RAW TOKENS | (В будущем) | Wood raws are missing a lot of customizable properties that other materials have. | |
PROMPT MEETINGS | (В будущем) | People that have meetings should take care of them promptly. The broker should get to the trade depot when called. | |
SOME NEW STOCKPILE SETTINGS | (В будущем) | People wanted stockpiles of meltables, stockpiles that exclude meltables, and stockpiles that distinguish dyed and undyed objects. | |
CONSTRUCTION WEAR | (В будущем) | Constructions don't wear down in the same way that regular smoothed walls do. | |
ORE/ALLOY AMOUNT PROBLEMS | (В будущем) | Some of the alloy smelting reaction numbers don't match up with the amount of bar smelting reactions when they meet certain ores. | |
IMPROVED WORLD MAP DURING EMBARK | (В будущем) | The tiles on the world map should be more representative of what's actually there. | |
EDGE PROJECTILES | (В будущем) | Ammunition fired at the edge of the play area shouldn't bounce against it. | |
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION INCONSISTENCIES | (В будущем) | There are some issues about diagonal access and so on with building constructions. | |
MINING SIDES | (В будущем) | Dwarves sometimes go on a long detour to mine a wall from a particular side. | |
WATER CONTAMINANT CONTROLS | (В будущем) | Salinity and stagnance markers can spread up into areas they don't particularly belong, especially during adventure mode travel. Water shouldn't drop mud all the time. | |
MAP BOULDER | (В будущем) | Should be able to pull up a stone object from boulder tiles. | |
MASTER RECORD KEEPER | (В будущем) | Record keepers gain skill too quickly. | |
MORE VEGETATION CONTROL | (В будущем) | Should be able to designation permanent zones for plant gathering and wood chopping and suspend all of these jobs as well. | |
UNDIGNIFIED DIGGING | (В будущем) | Somebody wanted to dig in the dirt without picks. It's not very dwarven, but I suppose it could be allowed. | |
FULL REACTION CLASSES | (В будущем) | Reaction classes need full definitions instead of just tokens like "FLUX" so that they can have more associated text and information. | |
WATERPROOF AXLES | (В будущем) | Somebody wanted to stick an axle through a wall without it leaking everywhere. | |
NOBLE QUEUE ISSUES | (В будущем) | The queue for meetings is updated sort of haphazardly. It could afford to be more organized. | |
MEETING/CONVERSATION/GAME/PARTY LINKS | (В будущем) | Many social activities in the game should be further organized and consolidated. | |
WORK ANIMAL ASSIGNMENT | (В будущем) | There are various issues with work animal assignment. It needs to be updated. | |
LAZY COMMANDERS | (В будущем) | In addition to whatever else is keeping soldiers from there stations and patrols, they should not hang out with their eating/sleeping/wounded commander. | |
MORE FARM FAILURE INFORMATION | (В будущем) | Farms need to explain more carefully what's going on when there's a biome or other conflict with available seeds. If you don't have any farmers, it should let you plant and fail before telling you. | |
AUTOSAVE NAME CONFUSION | (В будущем) | Autosaves that are loaded can generating somewhat confusing save names that have multiple seasons. | |
IN-GAME INIT OPTION ACCESS | (В будущем) | You should be able to change any reasonable init option within the game (flows as numbers, etc.). | |
PERSONALITY VS. PROFESSION | (В будущем) | Some migrants come with personalities completely unsuited to their line of work. The personalities of dwarves you select for a given profession should matter more. | |
CEILING INFORMATION | (В будущем) | You should be given at least some information about the ceiling above a tile in certain circumstances. | |
LOADED AREA IN OCEAN | (В будущем) | It keeps track of too many Z levels when you swim deep out into the ocean. | |
STUCK AND CAN'T DIG | (В будущем) | Dwarves that get stranded in a pit can't dig out the floor, even if that's the best option. | |
FLOWS VERSUS TREES | (В будущем) | Water and magma should be able to flow passed (and burn for magma) trees. | |
WALLS VERSUS MAGMA | (В будущем) | Constructed and non-constructed walls should be subject to magma. It can't just melt stone though, or the whole map will be affected (since magma currently generates its own heat). | |
MORE EFFECTIVE TRADE AGREEMENTS | (В будущем) | Traders should bring more of your high priority requests. In general, trade agreements can be more specific and interesting. | |
SAVING SOUND OPTIONS | (В будущем) | You should be able to save sound options back to the init file from the sound options menu. | |
FROZEN RIVER SOURCES | (В будущем) | River source squares that are just going to stack water on ice squares shouldn't make water. | |
MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ITEMS IN USE | (В будущем) | Some sort of indication such as TSK for items that are in use from views other than the building item view with more information about what's going on available from the item's screen. | |
POST-EMBARK LOAD INDICATOR | (В будущем) | After getting through the final embark screen, it can leave you hanging for quite a while. | |
WORKSHOP PROFILE CHANGE | (В будущем) | When setting workshop profile dwarves, it would be useful to be able to order the list in various ways (by relevant skills, unit type, whatever). | |
LOCAL WILDERNESS POPULATION REPLENISHMENT | (В будущем) | Local wilderness populations don't replenish like they used to over the course of a dwarf mode game. | |
ROOMS FOR APPOINTEES | (В будущем) | Assigning rooms to appointees would help alleviate problems that come up after the mayor's election. | |
CONSORT POSITION | (В будущем) | Need to handle the position of consorts in the case that their spouses die. | |
MORE CUSTOMIZATION FOR UNITS | (В будущем) | You can set their type names, but being able to set colors or custom tiles should also be possible. | |
CAGE CLEANING | (В будущем) | You need to be able to free cages of all the various filth that collects there. | |
SKY AND ICE | (В будущем) | Need to make ice and sky look different, since there are conflicts at night. | |
SMOOTHING AND ENGRAVING SKILLS | (В будущем) | They aren't closely related, so they should have different skills and professions, although having a skill entirely for smoothing stone seems like a stretch. | |
LIMB BLOOD DROPPING | (В будущем) | Bloody limbs that fly up in the air don't drop blood. | |
BETTER TERRAIN ESCAPE | (В будущем) | There is more that dwarves should be able to do while they are attempting to escape dangerous terrain, specifically in relation to running back and forth over squares they've already checked. | |
VEGETATION TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE AND EMBARK READOUT | (В будущем) | It needs to check temperature tolerances for local vegetation in embark, or else the tree/shrub density could be misleading. | |
STANDING IS GOOD | Завершено | If a passing cat or something forces a training marksdwarf to the ground, they'll stay on the ground throughout archery practice. | |
PLEASE FORM A LINE | (В будущем) | Activity zone users all stack up on the same square instead of looking normal and standing on square where they can move at full speed. | |
BOOZE THE WOUNDED | (В будущем) | Wounded dwarves should be brought booze in the absence of or even instead of water. | |
BUILDING MECHANISM LOSS | (В будущем) | Triggered buildings that lose mechanisms (via melting etc.) shouldn't collapse, but it should let you know. | |
UNDERWATER PROJECTILES | (В будущем) | Throwing/shooting underwater are currently unrestricted, and projectiles in general should be handled. | |
WANDERING FEATURE POPULATIONS | (В будущем) | Creatures that reside in features and sites (such as subterranean creatures) should probably start and stay in their favored habitat, mostly. | |
AMMO PRICES | (В будущем) | All prices have problems, but improved ammo is especially ridiculous. | |
SAME SQUARE DRINKING | (В будущем) | If you are thirsty and it has been a while on dangerous semi-flooded terrain, you should go ahead and drink instead of being confused. | |
CAGE TRAP CONTROLS | (В будущем) | Need to have more control over cage trap loading to control spam. The load job should suspend if it can't find anything. | |
FLUID TEMPERATURE TRANSFER | (В будущем) | It would be nice if warm water could transfer that temperature to squares that it moves into, for example, but it is potentially very expensive CPU-wise to force more temperature updates. | |
CONTAMINANTS WITH CONTAMINANTS | (В будущем) | It needs to track whether you are covered with salt/filthy water for example. | |
UPWARD DIAGONAL MOVEMENT RATES | (В будущем) | It only applies a speed modifier to horizontal diagonal movement. | |
REWALLING IN WATER | (В будущем) | You should be able to drop some simple constructions down into the water, as long as it's reasonable. | |
MORE CONTROL OVER ROOMS | (В будущем) | You shouldn't have to rely on the room-flow to get things right for you. There's also some issues with being able to set doors as 'internal' before they are built and whether or not constructions should be treated as walls before they are built. | |
SNOWY WORLD GEN MAP | (В будущем) | The map in world generation is always covered with a lot of snow as it thinks it is the beginning of Spring. | |
FORMER ENTITY MEMBER STATUS | (В будущем) | Former entity members need to have that status tracked more explicitly. | |
SUCCESSION | (В будущем) | New leaders need to come into power when the previous entity leader is lost. This happens automatically during world generation, but during play the process needs to be more prolonged most of the time. | |
ADVENTURE MODE TOWN BED USE | (В будущем) | Adventure mode townspeople don't think about beds properly and can often stack many, many people in a bed before they'd think about an available second bed. | |
CONSORT HANDLING | (В будущем) | There are some problems with how consorts are handled/finalized during world generation, and how that ties in to previous jobs that might have held. |
Bloats are somewhat superfluous ideas and thoughts of the Adams brothers.
Bloat-item | Name | Status | Description | Requirements |
ITEM GLOSSES | Завершено | ||
MORE ITEM IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | Do more with matching up specific item improvements to the item type. Figurines can have associated shapes, much like engravings, and these can generate more slots for improvement. An image added on an improvement can do the same thing. So a shield could have an image of a tortoise engraved on it, and the tortoise could be given ruby eyes, etc. | |
PLAY | (В будущем) | Kids should want toys and play with them, adults can use puzzle boxes. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | Завершено | ||
BURROWS | Завершено | (Upgraded) Moved this to a core item. | |
BAR COUNTING | (В будущем) | Keep track of bars and blocks more closely. It can count the number of bars and they could be thrown individual by the adventurer. This also allows the refinement of the amount of metal used by jobs. | |
RENTAL UNITS | (В будущем) | Allow bedrooms and dining rooms etc. to be rented out as units instead of the current bedroom only system. | |
RENT SETTING | (В будущем) | Improve the rent setting process. Could be through some kind of supply/demand calc, perhaps realized by hidden bidding. | |
NOBLE RENT TWEAKS | (В будущем) | Nobles tweaking the rent of places they like so as to obtain them. | |
WHEELBARROWS | (В будущем) | Wheelbarrows could be made and used by haulers to do several jobs at once. The AI for this is complicated though. | |
FOOD HOARDERS BEWARE | (В будущем) | Plagues of vermin for people that keep way too much food. Some of them could even be large-sized regular creatures. Fungus civilizations and large crawling beasts. | |
VERMIN TROUBLE | (В будущем) | More vermin trouble for farmers in general. This makes vermin hunting pets more essential to have around. There can be various funny farm vermin. They could burrow in the farms. Creatures outside could also make burrows. | |
HUNTING THE SMALL | (В будущем) | Ability to carry multiple small kills when hunting, hunters should also be able to hunt the smaller vermin that are running around without having to use a special job issued from a building. | |
HUNTER AI | (В будущем) | Be smarter about returning kills when interrupted. | |
FILTHY COMBAT EXTENSIONS | (В будущем) | Throwing sand into eyes, spitting, spitting blood into eyes. Should be able to cup hands to pick up liquid/semi-liquid items so you can pitch vomit etc. at opponents. | |
ADVENTURING IN DWARF MODE | Завершено | (Obsolete -- there's no longer a notion of separate locations for these areas) In the same way as you'll send out baron patrols, send out patrols into wells and side dungeons (in the chasm etc.). Regular adventure mode could also go into these places. | |
UNDERWATER DUNGEONS | (В будущем) | There should be undersea dungeons, swimming and diving. The liquid doesn't have to be water, especially in bad bad places. Ice could also be involved, and grottos open to air. Moats could use some of this. If the elves conquer your fortress they could turn it into a nature preserve of some kind. | |
VERMIN AND DISEASE | (В будущем) | Link vermin to plagues. | |
FLUID WORKSHOPS | (В будущем) | More fluid multi-purpose workshops, where you can do simple tasks in a general purpose shop, but you can add tools to make more specialized objects with bonuses. | |
TRAP CONVERSION ISSUES | (В будущем) | It could change or add new traps to your dwarf cave when it is abandoned. It should only reset spent traps when it makes sense (ie the cave is inhabitated by intelligent creatures). | |
VARIOUS GHOST IDEAS | (В будущем) | Blame the lever puller for flooded dungeon, make a ghost constantly pull the lever. Save relationships with various entities and have ghosts react to entity members as they would in life possibly. Ghosts can show you their bodies. Ghosts can pretend to do their old jobs. Ghost appearance can depend on how they died. Could force the adventurer to interact with ghosts to access now-secret parts of the fortress (could also use writings and legends for this). It can keep outposts that it normally throws away for fun little ghost stories. If the dwarves hate the elves, the ghosts could guide the adventurer to a poisoned goblet or insultingly engraved object to bring back to the elves, and they could lie to the player about it. | |
ART HISTORY | (В будущем) | Comments on art work, over different periods in the artist's career. | |
END GAME EXPANSION | (В будущем) | Extend adventure opportunities in end game caverns. | |
ELVEN FOREST RETREAT | (В будущем) | Control elf forest retreat. They could be on break all the time. | |
SIDE STORIES | (В будущем) | Little scenarios and side stories added to caves to make them more interesting. | |
ABSTRACT KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM | (В будущем) | Implement a more abstract "knowledge" system. Right now it tracks what items a civilization uses and what creatures it has seen, but there could be general things like how good their crossbow making knowledge is or even points of philosophy and law, etc. Knowledge could be transferred, lost and rediscovered. | |
GATES | (В будущем) | Sizeable giant gates that can be opened and closed remotely. | |
MECHANISMS OUTDOORS | (В будущем) | Allow some of the traps to be placed outside. | |
AUTOMATE KITCHEN | (В будущем) | It would be nice to automate the kitchen like the butcher or loom, but it's a harder problem. | |
ABUSING DIPLOMATS AND MERCHANTS | (В будущем) | Various ways to assassinate diplomats and cause trouble. | |
WORKSHOP ASSIGNMENT | (В будущем) | Permanent assignment to workshops. Can also set skill restrictions on shops, assign them to burrows or have a master-apprentice system over the workshops. | |
EYE GLASSES | (В будущем) | Eye glasses and dwarves that need them. Jeweler can make lenses from raw glass, and then make frames from another material. | |
MIRRORS | (В будущем) | Use glass and silver to make mirrored glass, then use another material to create hand mirrors or large standing mirrors. | |
PROSTHETIC LIMBS | (В будущем) | Prosthetic limbs, could be fitted to individuals. Could be improved with hooks and so on. | |
DICE AND PLAYING CARDS | (В будущем) | ||
COSTUMES | (В будущем) | ||
MASKS | (В будущем) | ||
CLOCKS | (В будущем) | ||
BETTER BEDS | (В будущем) | Can extend the list of available materials, add blankets, pillows, etc. | |
MECHANICAL TOYS | (В будущем) | Like regular toys, but they requires small mechanisms made at the mechanic's workshop. These mechanisms could be more or less specific to the task. | |
AUTOMATONS | (В будущем) | Automatons could be created, but it's campy to overdo it, at least in the standard world model. An artifact creating dwarf could make special automatons. | |
THINGS TO SMOKE | (В будущем) | Things to smoke, pipes, smoke circle events and so on. | |
RESCUE OPERATIONS | (В будущем) | Rescuing kidnap victims using baron-level patrols or adventurers. | |
FLASKS | (В будущем) | Use flasks for drinking. Dwarves should seek to have a full flask on their person at all times. | |
PROPER PREGNANCY | (В будущем) | Currently creatures become pregnant from a distance, although it does do a gender check at least. | |
POND FISHING | (В будущем) | Cats should fish things out of your ponds. | |
PERSONALITIES | Завершено | Dwarves should be further individualized with the potential to affect most aspects of the game. | |
ARTIFACT GROUPS | (В будущем) | Connections between artifacts. Some artifacts could be made in groups, especially ammo and small jewelry. | |
RESTRICT ANIMAL TRAINING | (В будущем) | Decrease the effective age range for training animals. | |
FAMILY TREE INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Ability to view family trees. Show marriages, pets, parents of pets, etc. | |
INTERFACE MOVEMENT | (В будущем) | More ways in the interface to get between different unit/building/item views. | |
MANDATE TEXT | (В будущем) | Add some flavor text to noble mandates, including punishment descriptions. | |
BUILDING JOB PRIORITIES | (В будущем) | Soften up and allow some customization to building jobs priorities. This can be done with a job application process (hidden) that works quickly to choose the best units. | |
SULLIES | Завершено | Blood contaminants on units and items from fights and walking through pools, etc. | |
EXTEND FELL MOOD | (В будущем) | Extend fell mood to encompass other victims. | |
LAVA FURNACES | Завершено | ||
MORE LIVESTOCK | (В будущем) | Livestock. Use of feathers. Use of wool. Various eggs and nests. Dwarves should hate eating plants all the time. | |
MORE HAULING | (В будущем) | Animal-drawn carts and large rocks. Use carts and places to post them to do hauls more efficiently (move dozens of objects from post to post between burrows). | |
KITCHEN STORAGE | (В будущем) | Allow kitchen to store some barrels, although not sure about this. | |
WORKSHOP GUILD ASSOCIATIONS | (В будущем) | Extend guild associations to buildings. This can be used to control mandate punishments and other things. | |
COAL BYPRODUCTS | (В будущем) | Coal gas and coal tar. Tar could be used in soaps. Prolonged exposure to gas can cause diseases. | |
PROPER GEM ENVIRONMENTS | Завершено | Link gem types with proper substrates as much as possible. | |
ROCK APPEARANCE | Завершено | Make sandstone look better, can extend rock types in general. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
PET AGE INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Mention pet age in their names or have profiles for them. | |
SCARY EVIL ARMIES | (В будущем) | Evil opponents with flavor, generals riding giant beasts, favorite beasts, could be saved by intervening armies that fight it out in front of your fortress. | |
MORE END GAME | (В будущем) | Pre-endgame and post-endgame warnings and cave changes, in line with nemesis character. | |
ROOM ASSIGNMENT INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Ability to assign rooms from the unit screen. | |
MORE UNIT TYPES | Завершено | Add some more distinctions to dwarf unit types. | |
ELVEN DIPLOMACY | (В будущем) | Right now diplomacy with the elves and so on is pretty lame. They should look over your effects on the wilderness and judge accordingly, but also respect the current state between your civ and theirs. | |
MORE DIPLOMACY | (В будущем) | Some first contact diplomacy stuff. Your outpost could be the first contact between the two entities, or they might already have a long history. All of these things need to be integrated and respected. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
MINOR PUNISHMENT | (В будущем) | Minor punishments like fines and beard shaving and permanent marks. Beard shaving implies beards, which implies wrestling with hair. | |
MONSTER FIGHTING SKILLS | (В будущем) | Some skills for fighting unusual creatures, at least as a dwarf mode bonus from dungeon master, but possibly as general opponent knowledge system. | |
CLAY, MUD, ADOBE STUFF | (В будущем) | Can use the kiln, have glazes, etc. Bricks. | |
WAGE AND JOB MANDATES | (В будущем) | Nobles tweaking wages, nobles demanding jobs. If a noble becomes friends with a miner, the noble could mandate more mining jobs if the friend is poor, or even if the friend isn't poor. The nobles could also retaliate against people they hold grudges against by suspending certain forms of work briefly, although that is dangerous. | |
BONUSES FOR GOOD JOB | (В будущем) | Bonus on top of regular wages for doing a good job. This is partially implemented. | |
POND WATER USE | Завершено | Drink out of ponds if no wells or rivers accessible. | |
VISIBLE SWIMMERS | Завершено | Show swimming wilderness critters occasionally if the population is high. This can include things like the salmon runs. Can be used in ponds as well, although it's already done there somewhat. | |
EXTEND RANSACKING | (В будущем) | Extend ransacking code so that nobles can do it during tantrums. Right now it is restricted to tax collection guards. | |
PORTERS | (В будущем) | Nobles can have other people store their possessions, possibly for a wage. | |
LEFT/RIGHT SPLIT | Завершено | Consider splitting up items like "gloves" into left and right to handle things like severs correctly and to allow interesting mismatches. The downside is that it would make dwarf mode storage more of a hassle. Under consideration. | |
MORE FOOD PREFS | (В будущем) | Prepared food preferences, like "biscuits" or "minced foods" without respect to what is actually in it. Very picky dwarves, especially nobles, could like things like "roasted venison biscuits" or something, but then you'd have to be able to have that much control over the kitchen. | Req129 |
UNIT DISTINCTIONS | (В будущем) | Distinguish thieves a bit based on quality as they gain skill. | |
PET ADMIRATION ISSUE | (В будущем) | Issue/optimization with being satisfied at seeing animals you like. | |
MORE SLEEP DISTURBANCES | (В будущем) | Make nearby violent deaths disturb sleepers heavily, or even wake them up. | |
EXTREME MOOD MODIFICATION | (В будущем) | Reduce the finality of going berserk, at least initially, can also swap between the other final moods like depression and insanity. | |
MUTINY | (В будущем) | Mutinies by mistreated and unhappy soldiers, possibly taking the whole squad or causing conflict within it. Small versions of this can be disregarding your orders. | |
HOUSE OF ANIMALS | (В будущем) | Advocacy from the house of animals noble. | |
BETTER PARTIES | (В будущем) | Official and commemorative parties. If it is a party for a unit, they can invite friends and family. If it is an official party, it can start from the top nobles and go down. There can be organized feasts and so on. | |
AMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS | (В будущем) | Dwarves that become good friends can have little parties by themselves. Eventually they can get married. | |
INSTRUMENT USE | (В будущем) | Instrument use at parties. | |
GRUDGES | (В будущем) | Grudges and personality conflicts. So instead of making friends, sometimes, dwarves will make enemies. Can form grudges over dead pets and fist fight tantrums. If a cat eats an escaped vermin pet, the owner can start a fist fight with the nearest cat or with the cat's owner. | |
WAGE ADJUSTMENT | (В будущем) | Bonuses for dangerous taming jobs. | |
ETCHING | (В будущем) | Etching on items. Could lead to magical runes type stuff. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | Завершено | ||
SELF-SERVICE HEALTHCARE | (В будущем) | Take charge of your own health if nobody comes to help after a while. | |
TECHNICAL SITE EXTENSIONS | Завершено | Some issues with extending dwarf mode to other sites. | |
CAGE OPTIMIZATION | (В будущем) | Optimize the caging routines. | |
AMMO FETCHING | (В будущем) | Improve ammo fetching code. Right now they shoot until they run out, but there were some issues with replenishing ammo sooner that might have to wait for item stacking. | |
THIEF AI | (В будущем) | Improve thieves ability to get around your guys. Right now they just charge in and leave it to chance pretty much. | |
CHITIN PROCESSING | (В будущем) | Handle chitin properly in butcher's shop. Shouldn't need to tan it maybe, but use some other process, or perhaps use it raw. | |
OSTRACISM AND SOCIAL STIGMA | (В будущем) | Alienation of badly misbehaving dwarves. | |
JUSTICE INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Give more information on the justice screen. | |
THIEF INFORMATION | (В будущем) | Give more information about how much thieves have stolen. | |
DRINK IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | More names for drinks, they could have special names, commemorate things, be improved in the kitchen, associated drinking rituals, etc. | |
CAVE-IN INJURIES | (В будущем) | Allow people to survive cave-ins with injuries, instead of the current all-or-nothing system. | |
KNOWLEDGE OF TREES | (В будущем) | Add civ knowledge of trees. There could be more unsavory kinds of trees in the evil places, and the goblins could know about them. For some reason, I stream-of-consciousnessed goblins capturing and butchering your adventurer with you having time to escape here too. | |
IMPROVE CALENDAR | (В будущем) | Make the calendar more interesting. It can depend on the entity involved. There could be days commemorated by certain entities named on the calendar, including those corresponding to historical events that happen during your games. | |
THEFT IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | Thieves should be able to steal tagged items from the depot. Thieves can steal animals and later have the same animal as a pet, or it could be processed into jewelry. | |
THEFT IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | Make the highest power thieves more daring and interesting. | |
MISSING HIST FIGS | (В будущем) | Certain historical figures, such as those in the king's entourage, are currently generated rather than being present during history creation. | |
ART IMAGERY | (В будущем) | More varied art imagery, such as buildings and siege engines. | |
SIEGE ENGINES | (В будущем) | Do more with siege engines, more types, more descriptions like animal-headed battering rams and so on. This also leads to extensive improvements that could be made. This involves taking the general "ballista parts" and so on and making them more specific. | |
INTERFACE MOVEMENT | (В будущем) | Improve ability to hop between interface screens, especially when viewing items, jobs, buildings and units. | |
CONTAINER CONTENTS PAGING | Завершено | Clean up scroll overflows on the item screen. | |
JOB STATS OPTIMIZATION | (В будущем) | Technical tweak of job completion number storage. | |
CHAR MAP CUSTOMIZATION | Завершено | (Upgraded) Ability to customize the character maps has been superceded by tiles. | |
OWNABLE LIQUIDS | (В будущем) | Certain liquids should be ownable. | |
SIBLING MIGRANT ISSUE | (В будущем) | Sibling migrants don't track relationships properly. | |
SMALL MIGRANTS | (В будущем) | Allow migrants to bring babies and the small pocket pets. | |
VERMIN OFFERING RESOLUTION | (В будущем) | Traded vermin should be converted into pets if they are brought back or seen again, or they could just disappear as if eaten or processed. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | Завершено | ||
HEALING CODE TWEAK | (В будущем) | There's a small issue with healing that might slow the mending of breaks slightly. | |
DREAMS | (В будущем) | Use the current dream code to make it track random dreams, could do premonitions with this. | |
INVENTORY SHUFFLING | (В будущем) | Refine equipment shuffling code so that dwarves fill their hands evenly if necessary. | |
OPTIMIZATION FOR INVASIONS | (В будущем) | Speed optimization for invasion code. | |
INVASION HISTORIES | (В будущем) | Improve history keeping for invasions. There are also some issues with ambush invasions possibly being given away by the siege light. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
PHILOSOPHER ADVOCACY | (В будущем) | Advocacy by philosopher (complains to mayor as the others do). Could be some standard ethical stuff, but with a dwarven bent. | |
WIZARD STUFF | (В будущем) | This bloat was just to remind me about books and all kinds of magic stuff arc. | |
WRESTLING | (В будущем) | Track who is lowest if a bunch of people are wrestling in a square and start to crush them. | |
WRESTLING | (В будущем) | Various ways to involve exposed guts in wrestling. Grab the guts. Strangle with the guts. Flames should affect spilled guts. Guts should remain on the field after death. | |
WRESTLING | (В будущем) | Technical issue with stuck-ins and freedom of movement. | |
WRESTLING | (В будущем) | Handle grab-tear shaking and further poison injection. | |
WRESTLING | (В будущем) | Incidental item/item, item/bp tangle-ups. | |
WRESTLING MOVES AND MORE INTERFACE | (В будущем) | Lifts, impalements, smashing into terrain, disarms, throat-slitting, etc. Much more wrestling. Make graspers and the most common moves appear at the top of the interface list. | |
AND MORE WRESTLING | (В будущем) | Reversing wrestling holds. | |
PUNISHMENT | (В будущем) | Thrown in cave as punishment for a crime, remove your possessions. This could also be a typical start scenario. | |
DISEASE AND INFECTION | (В будущем) | Disease and infection. Get some from swamp or blood drinking. Hearty creatures (like dwarves) shouldn't be affected so much. The absence of a spleen can increase the chance of septicemia. Infections of some wounds, especially if you are dirty, leprosy type stuff, plagues. Tumors, especially those caused by magic. The kidneys, spleen, liver, stomach and pancreas should have functions that are reduced by damage. | |
RUST | (В будущем) | Rust and verdigris and so on. | |
HUMAN TOWN MODE | (В будущем) | Control human town. See future dev. | |
WIZARD MODE | (В будущем) | Control wizard from tower, etc. See future dev. | |
EARLY GAME | (В будущем) | Start games in Age of Myth. See future dev. | |
LATE GAME | (В будущем) | Run games passed the Golden Age into more mundane times. See future dev. | |
WORLD CUSTOMIZATION | (В будущем) | Some startup options to speed things up if you already have preferences in mind, including the ability to set the world size. See future dev. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
FIGURINE SHAPES | (В будущем) | Shapes for figurines. | |
MORE UNIT SCREENS | (В будущем) | Other helpful versions of the unit screen for various purposes. This could just wait for tiles and access to graphics and scrollbars and so on. | |
MERCHANT FOOD PRICES | (В будущем) | Expand merchant price tweaks to cover foods. | |
COIN IMAGES | Завершено | ||
CHANGE SNEAK SKILL | (В будущем) | Refine sneak skill gains. You should get the most when someone is trying to detect you and you know they are doing it. | |
KILL VERMIN | (В будущем) | Adventurer should be able to kill live vermin, rather than being forced to eat them alive. Eating them alive should be harder. Cooking should be preferable. | |
MORE PLAYER ABUSE | (В будущем) | Many other ways to abuse the player's body, aside from what it does now. Hang the bodies from trees. Flay. Make clothing and ornaments. Body part sculptures. Crucifixion. Associated shit-talking and historical events. You should be able to do anything to an enemy's body that they can do to you. These should also be recorded in the histories. | |
POWDER THROWS | (В будущем) | Throwing powdery object should make short-lived cloud flows (like dust from cave-ins but slower). | |
COLLECTOR QUESTS | (В будущем) | Quests to gather rare bugs in glass vials (coins too). Since these are actual game objects rather than scripted events, these quests could be very open and challenging. | |
ITEM PLACEMENT | (В будущем) | Items should be placed in dwarf mode ponds sometimes after game. | |
WALL HANGINGS AND RUGS | (В будущем) | Rugs, tapestries, paintings, etc. This leads to things like paint and pigments. The player's skin could hang in the goblin fortress in the same way. It could even be improved like dwarf items. | Core43 |
BATHS | (В будущем) | Bath tubs. Golden bath tubs. Use of soap with a bucket of water. | |
ANIMAL PREFS AND DEATH | (В будущем) | Consider animal prefs/dislikes in thoughts when doing butchering jobs (or in combat). | |
PET EATERS | (В будущем) | Hungry pet carnivore could kill your other pets, leading to fights between pet owners. | |
INSIDE WILDLIFE | Завершено | Diversify behavior of inside wildlife. A lot of them could act more like the outside wildlife than the insane murderers they are now. Then it would make more sense for them to be brought or kept as pets. | |
ROOM CLEANING | (В будущем) | Cleaning rooms more responsibly, perhaps before sleeping. | |
ADVENTURER AND TOYS | (В будущем) | You should be able to play with all the toys. Puzzleboxes can contain things in adventure mode, related to anything (history, secret doors, whatever). | |
DEEP SITES | (В будущем) | There should be more interesting sites deep in the mountains, and it should be possible for you to create multi-tile tunnels under mountain ranges with various sites of your making and not of your making on the way. | |
FINDING BUYERS | (В будущем) | Arranging for buyers for artifacts. It could be harder to access nobles, and this might be a challenge. | |
NOBLE RANK SYSTEM | Завершено | Consider sometimes having just one baron/baroness, but they rank up as you improve, rather than many of these nobles at each rank. | |
CARE PACKAGES | (В будущем) | Being able to send comforting trinkets and provisions to your armies. | |
PHYSICAL FEATURES | (В будущем) | Various superfluous physical features for dwarves and others. | |
PRISON REFORM | (В будущем) | If prisoner situation becomes untenable etc., can have a rebellion against the nobles. Nobles should stop throwing people in jail if enough are already there. | |
MINING TWEAK | Завершено | ||
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
ABANDONMENT ISSUE | (В будущем) | ||
CAVE CLAIMING | (В будущем) | Should be able to run something like reclaim mode on any available cave. You could run a reclaim on anything with a group of adventurers you've assembled yourself. | |
CHILD NAMING | (В будущем) | Children can be named after historical figures, including adventurers, and parents can explain why they selected the name. In general, the fame and infamy of adventurers can be realized in various ways. | |
NO RECORD | Завершено | ||
LIBRARIES | (В будущем) | Books and libraries utilizing histories. Once these are in, people that you chat with don't need to know as much. You can find legends here that reveal locations of ruins made by world gen, or your dwarf games. Various other books are possible. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
WRITING AND GRAPHICS | (В будущем) | If tile graphics go in, be sure to pay attention to the writing system. The writing and associated graphics can be generated for each entity. | |
KEYS | (В будущем) | Keys, the kind that unlock doors. These can be used everywhere, thrown all over your old dwarf caves for some of the doors etc. | Core42 |
INTERNAL AREAS | (В будущем) | Internal mushroom jungles and lost whatevers and so on. | |
UNDERGROUND LAKES | Завершено | Large underground lakes, can build platforms on them, and the platforms can support further buildings. | |
SNAKES AND WORMS | (В будущем) | There are some complications from these creatures since they should always be on the ground and need to start that way. | |
LYING AND BEING PUNISHED | (В будущем) | You should be able to tell people you know how to kill dragons and then some guys could join you and turn on you as soon as you get into the woods and leave you naked. Proper bar tales should be generated. | |
DEMOGRAPHICS ISSUES 1 | (В будущем) | If a town runs out of women, they could seek more. | |
DEMOGRAPHICS ISSUES 2 | (В будущем) | If there are too many men in town, they could start more wars. | |
ADVENTURER MOUNTS | (В будущем) | Should be able to acquire mounts and beasts of burden. | |
VILLAGE STORIES | (В будущем) | Profiles can track the last few spots the creature has been at with the associated years, and they could refer to this while chatting. Certain people could stretch these years out of bounds and talk about ancient things not involving them and write themselves into the story. | |
MINIMAP ISSUES | (В будущем) | Center X on minimap and make sure it flickers properly. | |
SITE SPRAWL | (В будущем) | The largest cities should have multiple site maps linked up at the edges to help with loading issues, though it will have to handle the AI for creatures that have business across multiple sections. | |
MINING/CUTTING ANNOUNCEMENTS | (В будущем) | It could announce when current reachable wood-cutting and mining jobs are done. | |
PERSISTENT CONVERSATIONS | (В будущем) | Conversations can remain active once the screen closes, allowing you to move around and do things while the conversation is still running. Conversations would fade over time. You could have more than one active conversation, and multiple participants could be involved in these. This would be important for group meetings and side discussions with a messenger than comes in and so on. This will require conversations to be saved and loaded as well. | |
CONVERSATION UTTERANCE BUILDERS | (В будущем) | When asking specific questions or making statements, much like wrestling, you could set specific parameters. You could set a topic and a question word or your topic and intention and a tone. | |
CONVERSATION PLEASANTRIES | (В будущем) | Have random pleasantries with random responses. | |
SPECIFIC QUERIES | (В будущем) | Can ask about any entity, site, creature etc that is known to you. | |
STORE QUERIES | (В будущем) | Can ask about stores, people can direct you, even to another town. | |
UNIT KNOWLEDGE | (В будущем) | Could set up a system whereby each creature in the town knows different facts, even if they have the same entity affiliations. | |
DWARF/ELF COMMUNITIES | (В будущем) | Add meaningful things to the dwarf/elf communities. | |
SLOW ESCALATION TO VIOLENCE | (В будущем) | Rather than just killing you, or even creating a crime, there should be a slow escalation through violent stages. For instance, if you throw a toad at somebody (once projectile damage is fixed and projectiles can hit friendlies), they could get upset and yell at you. You could lie about doing it. And they could see through it if they don't see anybody else around. Store owners should yell at you if you leave, but not send the whole town to kill you. | |
VEGETATION ISSUES | (В будущем) | More shrub pictures, flowers with pictures, times of flowering, grass browning should be controlled by more than just temperature (rainfall, etc.). | |
REGION FACTS | (В будущем) | Regions can have legend facts, like what dwells there. Only show discovered populations. | |
STORE NAMES | (В будущем) | The stores in town should have names, saved in the abstract at world level so that people can talk about and direct you to them. | |
RELATIONSHIP OPTIMIZATION | Завершено | There's a technical optimization tagged in the code for how they store relationships. | |
BOTTLING | (В будущем) | Glass bottles for trading away master booze, bottling it and aging it, fun labeling of the bottles complete with names and images and years, comments on years, collector quests. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
SPRINTING | (В будущем) | Move faster, but have to move an extra square and can't turn fast, if you press backward it could make you slide forward on the ground, should cause exertion | |
COIN ISSUE | Завершено | Technical issue with coin batches. | |
FINALIZE ART IMAGES | Завершено | Art images should describe historical events, etc., rather than just being an image. | |
SAVING MAP SEEDS | Завершено | Option to save a map seed once a map is created, so you can generate it again or send the seed to a friend without having to send a whole save folder. | |
VEIN MINING OPTION | (В будущем) | Ability to designate a metal vein for digging. They'd keep mining out the same kind of metal in adjacent squares as they uncover them. | |
HISTORY GROUPING | (В будущем) | When you enter places, it could record it all of the subsequent events under a general heading which it names later, like "the raid of ". | |
AGING ITEMS | (В будущем) | Items that should rot when you visit a site after some time will only undergo one change right now, they can go from fresh to being gone. It would be nice if item aging and rotting could be unified into a seamless system that let you age an item by any amount, but there are a number of obstacles. | |
ART IMAGE COMPLEXITY AND IMPROVEMENT | (В будущем) | Item improvement image complexity can be determined by craft quality, the image can generate slots for further improvements on the item to occupy, but it needs to do this in an abstract way that works for detail events as well, and also statues and figurines | |
FRIENDLY FIRE | (В будущем) | If you fire at an enemy 5 squares away and that creature is wrestling with a friendly, there should be a chance of hitting the friendly. But if the buddy is in the line of fire (by squares) but much closer to you, you shouldn't hit the buddy at all. | |
WILDERNESS CAUTION | (В будущем) | Abort random encounters against large groups of adventurers if there's no chance of attacker victory | |
STATUE IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | Describe statues, analagous to figurines, could have arms that can be moved and hidden levers and buttons and so on, could be linked to creature defs and be animated or come alive | |
UNPREPARED FISH ROTTING | (В будущем) | Unprepared fish should rot slowly in the foodpile, like unrendered fat. | |
WEB CHECK | (В будущем) | Technical issue with webs. | |
LEAPING AND PITS | (В будущем) | Could add little open pits in the caves, respecting Z coord, and the ability to leap into any space with a confirmation, it might be a hassle to teach the path-finding of your opponents to leap after you though | |
ADVENTURE MODE DREAMS WHILE SLEEPING | (В будущем) | Dreams in adventure mode, occasionally you can get history, other information and quests this way | |
QUICKLIME | (В будущем) | Bake limestone in a kiln for it, and implement some uses | |
DWARVEN HUNGER | Завершено | Hungry dwarves should take food from the merchant if they need it, although this could cause trouble between the civs if the merchant doesn't return with enough value | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
SWEAT | (В будущем) | Linked to exertion, can have a number of effects. | |
ARENAS | (В будущем) | Fight for food or money, stuff can be on chains or just waiting inside. Various associated industries. | |
APPROPRIATE ANIMALS FOR CIVS | (В будущем) | Dwarves shouldn't use full-sized horses to pull their wagons, for example. | |
HALF-BLOCKED SKY | (В будущем) | "you cannot view the sky to the south because of the cliff face", etc. This sort of thing would block your vision of certain clouds and the moon and sun at certain times. | |
MARTIAL LAW | (В будущем) | Nobles could declare martial law if things get out of hand, which could have various effects. | |
EVIL ALCHEMY | (В будущем) | Certain of the darker mood dwarves could take over alchemy shops and use the dwarven liver and so on. | |
REGIONAL EVIL EXPLANATIONS | (В будущем) | Right now, the regions just go bad or good without explanation. There needs to be a backdrop for this, even if magic isn't in the game yet. The evil could be linked to certain historical figures in the region that need to be removed or else the evil keeps replenishing. | |
REGION HISTORIES | (В будущем) | There should be associated events for regions going bad etc, and the old name of the region prior to its name change should be recorded. | |
Z VEINS | Завершено | Currently only the main Z level has associated gem and metal vein events, this needs to be changed. | |
CREATURE ANTICS | (В будущем) | Creatures, including ones like kobolds, could dig around for pretty rocks, root around in the mud, and make random vocalizations, rather than just wandering from point to point. | |
REGIONAL POPULATIONS INFLUENCE CIV ITEMS | (В будущем) | The wilderness creatures available locally should influence what sort of objects the people are wearing, although when caravans go in things can become more blurred. Could have notions of what's fashionable. They could comment on the adventurer's clothing in this respect. | |
CLOTHING VARIATIONS | (В будущем) | Entities need to have clothing variations, even at the town level. This includes adding many clothing types beyond the shirt and pants we currently have. Certain materials and dye colors could be in favor (need to add dye first). | |
VOCALIZATIONS | (В будущем) | Battle yells, random grunts, etc. | |
IMPROVEMENT OF ENGRAVINGS | (В будущем) | This is already referred to in many places, but engravings should be able to be improved by gems etc. There's a difficulty selecting which ones need to be improved, since you could place a workshop over it, etc. | |
ORGAN RETENTION | (В будущем) | Rather than just creating "chunks", butchery should keep many creature organs intact for cooking and alchemy | |
HERBIVORES AND LIVESTOCK AND SO ON | (В будущем) | Herbivores should be able to eat grass outside, people can bring livestock, not as pets, sheep/goats -- sheep lead to wool on butcher? or can you process them without butcher at the farm shop, like milking? | |
TRANSLATION CLEARANCE | Завершено | Go through and check languages for tone. | |
PROPER BLOOD SUCKING | (В будущем) | Blood sucking should occur over a longer period like the latch and-shake wrestling move. It should also feed the sucker. | |
AUTOMATIC MANDATE HANDLING | (В будущем) | Could add an option to make noble mandates go directly into the work order queue. | |
USEFUL TREASURER | (В будущем) | The treasurer could walk around and combine coin stacks. | |
ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING | (В будущем) | Some preferences could be gained by children as they play and explore, rather than having them be innate. These can include personality development. Many preferences and other aspects of their profiles shouldn't be visible at first. | |
ADVANCED WORK ORDERS | (В будущем) | Work orders could be made more intelligent, so that they could order up precursors to the job at hand rather than just failing. | |
GRAB-TEARS II | (В будущем) | If the strength+size difference is large enough, a wrestler should be able to rip an enemy apart directly. | |
INCIDENTAL HANGINGS | (В будущем) | If a creature is attached by the neck to a chain building and falls down in the z direction or into a chasm, it should start strangling. | |
VEGETATION MELTING/BOILING | (В будущем) | Vegetation made out of exotic materials that would melt rather than burn aren't currently supported. | |
TANNING | (В будущем) | Tanning should probably be made more interesting. | |
WATERPROOFING | (В будущем) | Waterproofing of leather might become an issue | |
TAWING | (В будущем) | An interesting alternative to tanning. | |
CUSTOM ENGRAVINGS | (В будущем) | People have expressed an interest in engraving custom text and symbols. | |
LEGEND ERASURE | (В будущем) | It should be possible to rehide history events so that a new player can rediscover the legends of a world. | |
MORE THOUGHT INFORMATION | (В будущем) | Certain thoughts need to store additional information. | |
MASTERPIECE TRADE | (В будущем) | Masterpieces should be handled in a more interesting fashion as it relates to trade. Specific people should be interested in obtaining the best works. | |
DYES AND MORDANTS | (В будущем) | There are all sorts of things that can be done with dyes and mordants. | |
WOODEN FURNITURE DISASSEMBLY | (В будущем) | Ability to take apart wooden furniture. | |
TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER | (В будущем) | Ability to ask people, including farmers, about the weather and time of day. They might comment about past or future weather. Weather information might be volunteered without prompting. | |
EXTENDED BARTERING | (В будущем) | Almost every object in the possession of a creature should be available for sale if you set the price high enough, even if the creature in question is not given to bartering. | |
SCREENSHOTS | (В будущем) | Ability to have the game output a screenshot easily. | |
ALCHEMY | (В будущем) | Various uses and reactions of chemicals, acids etc. | |
COMBAT LOGS AND EVENTS | (В будущем) | Combat log display for dwarf mode. Tracking and grouping of combat events for larger historical events. Important specifics of a given combat event might be kept for the historical record. Combat events could be named in the legends. | |
DRAGGING PEOPLE AROUND | (В будущем) | Ability to drag somebody around instead of releasing a wrestling hold when you move. | |
WATER POISONING | (В будущем) | Malicious creatures might attempt to poison or otherwise taint your water supply. | |
ONE-STEP OPTIONS | (В будущем) | Ability to set the amount of time advanced by the one-step key. | |
CUSTOM COLORS | (В будущем) | Customizable unit and custom profession colors. | |
REVENGE AND INJURIES | (В будущем) | More revenge-based thoughts that can mitigate injury thoughts. Development of hatred for groups of creatures after an injury or other act. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
SOUND EVENTS | (В будущем) | Removal of annoying off-screen combat spam and replacement with sound events that have displayed locations. Selection of the sound event might show a further breakdown of associated announcements. Might be very useful if screen is blanked out on blinding. | |
TRAPS THAT PROPEL THINGS | (В будущем) | Weapon traps cannot propel units, but giant hammer traps should propel units. | |
IMPROVED LEVERS | (В будущем) | Improved lever interface with various options for how the lever behaves. Ability to see what lever does after connection. Ability to disconnect levers. | |
ONE-WAY/SECRET DOORS | (В будущем) | These would be nice but raise path-finding optimization issues. | |
IMPROVE ANIMAL MANAGEMENT | (В будущем) | There are many improvements that can be made to animal management, including improved abilities to assign animals and replace lost assignees as well as various breeding and cull settings. | |
MORE MINERAL PROPERTIES | (В будущем) | The various minerals should have additional properties. These might influence dig speed and so on. | |
DEBUG OPTIONS | (В будущем) | Various ways to fiddle with internal settings. | |
RIVER ROCKS | (В будущем) | The way river flows are calculated, the water won't currently make little white waves against boulder tiles in the middle of the water. | |
CREATURE RANGES | (В будущем) | A given creature should often have a more coherent range over the entire world, rather than going region by region. | |
RAIN POOLING | (В будущем) | Rain should have a chance to collect in certain areas. | |
THIN ICE | (В будущем) | Thin ice is a more difficult problem with the Z axis everywhere, but it should still be possible. | |
DUST STORMS | (В будущем) | There should be giant dust storms, the Spain-sized ones you can see from a satellite. | |
HUMANS USE HORSES | Завершено | Humans should ride horses into battle if they are available. | |
LAKE/SWAMP IMPROVEMENTS I | (В будущем) | Water lilies rooted to the soil below, duckweed floating in the water | |
LAKE/SWAMP IMPROVEMENTS II | (В будущем) | Mosquitoes and leeches. | |
DEEP AND PERSISTENT SNOW | (В будущем) | Deep snow that you have to trudge through or that you can sink down into, depending on the regional snowfall number. Snow that lasts for a while at temperatures above freezing, based on amonut and temperature differential. | |
LOCAL ROADS | (В будущем) | Most town sites should have stone or at least dirt roads between all of the buildings, rather than being pristine wildernesses punctuated by buildings. | |
CLEANING ADJACENT INACCESSIBLE SQUARES | (В будущем) | There should be a way to clean chunks and other garbage out of fortifications or other places it gets stuck. | |
WEAPON TRAP EFFECTS | (В будущем) | Traps should often do full damage to units rather than stopping when the unit dies to improve the explosive effect of a many-weaponed trap. | |
FINGERLESS GLOVES | (В будущем) | There are some difficulties with the details of this kind of object. And distinguishing mittens and gloves. And toe socks versus regular socks. | |
CONTINUOUS ITEM AMOUNTS | (В будущем) | Thread, rope, chains and cloth should have variable dimensions that are treated like variable amounts in jobs. | |
IMPERFECT CONSTRUCTIONS | (В будущем) | You should be able to intentionally build submasterpiece buildings and items. | |
FLATWORLD | (В будущем) | For processor and memory needs, an ability to make the world flat, with no significant elevation gains in the mountains to cut down on cliff allocations. | |
ARCHERY TRAINING MATERIALS | (В будущем) | Standing orders for archery training regarding which material to use. | |
BUILDING SQUARE BLOCKAGES | (В будущем) | Handle the various issues and annoyance that come from having workshops always block squares in a given pattern. | |
CREATURE ART ELEMENTS | (В будущем) | Allow art elements for abstract body parts, like eyes and hands, with tendencies toward the ones the artist's entity race actually has. Allow varying degrees of specificity for them. | |
NOISE POLLUTION INDICATOR | (В будущем) | It might be helpful to have more of an idea where sleep-disturbing noise is coming from | |
UNDERGROUND TREE CAPS | (В будущем) | Evaluate elf tree caps with respect to underground tree farms. | |
GUILDS | (В будущем) | Bring guild back more robustly as local and civ-wide organizations. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
DESCRIPTIVE INFO | (В будущем) | Ability to see genders information more easily in adventure mode. Ability to see other descriptive information as it comes in. | |
QUALITY/DAMAGE CUSTOM STOCKPILES | (В будущем) | Allow stockpiles to specify quality/damage state. | |
SENSIBLE MIGRANT PROVISIONS | (В будущем) | Immigrants should arrive with pack animals and various objects that make sense for their role and their journey. | |
STRICT STONE BUILDING MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS | (В будущем) | Some buildings require rock blocks where metal ones would do. | |
UNIT INVENTORY DISPLAY | (В будущем) | Ability to see inventory somewhere on the unit profile screen. | |
MIGRANT CONTROL | (В будущем) | Ability to refuse migrant groups with repercussions. | |
STOCKPILE CONSOLIDATION | (В будущем) | Ability to order the consolidation of items in a given stockpile. Part of the item stacking problem. | |
DESIGNATION SIZE INFO | (В будущем) | When selecting an area, for instance in mining designations, it could show you the dimensions and size of that area. | |
DESIGNATION SHAPES | (В будущем) | Option to designate with circles and custom templates. | |
PIPE SECTIONS | (В будущем) | Square-filling pipes sections that you can place and walk inside and hook together over many tiles and fill with fluids and stuff. | |
PERSISTENT WILDS | (В будущем) | Saving to some extent of non-site wilderness areas. The world is too large to save in its entirety, but some work can be done to save the places you've actually visited without completely filling your hard drive. | |
VARIOUS GRASSES | (В будущем) | Specific grass types associated by midmap square, rather than just 'grass'. Moss could also afford to occur in places other than old sites. | |
IMPROVED BLOOD TRACKING | (В будущем) | It can use stance point blood contaminants to handle blood tracking rather than spreading blood infinitely from spatters. In general, map blood amounts could afford to be tracked more closely. | |
WORLD-SPANNING FEATURES | (В будущем) | Use the world map feature system to create some world-spanning special map features, both indoor and outdoor, aside from rivers. | |
FOOTPRINTS | (В будущем) | Footprints for walkers on sand, wet sand, snow, from blood contaminants on stance points, etc. Need some notion of foot print profiles by creature versus stance versus ground material. | |
MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL ACQUISITION | (В будущем) | Finding jade and so on at certain rivers, finding pearls, amber, etc. Being able to obtain horn and ivory from creatures. | |
WIDER USE OF COLOR DEFINITIONS | (В будущем) | Tying all of the raws to color definitions would improve the coherence of the game. Minerals, plants, etc. should all be linked to color definition tokens. | |
FOSSILS | (В будущем) | Fossils beyond petrified wood. Another good way to start the random creature generator. Fossils could be collected by certain people. | |
ADDITIONAL LIQUID TYPES | (В будущем) | Candidates for new flowing "liquids" include sand, oil, mud, blood of various sorts, slime, farm products like grain and beer for the beer fountain. Only a limited number of materials from plant raws like beer would be able to be supported as a map flow at a given time. | |
SKY AND TOPO DISPLAY | (В будущем) | Add various optional methods for visualizing the 3D stuffs. | |
VARIOUS RIDING POSITIONS | (В будущем) | When a creature rides another creature, it isn't very specific about where that creature is, and 'riding' is used for creatures carrying other creatures at times. The game would profit from more specific information. | |
IMPROVED SEASHORES | (В будущем) | Coastal biome designations, crabs, gulls, washed up jelly fish, ability to skillfully build sand castles in wet sand which can be worn down by waves, shells, washed up objects from distance civilizations that are on the body of water, seaweed, tidepools with anenomes, driftwood interactions. | |
HIDDEN FUN STUFF | (В будущем) | ||
CLEANSING EVIL AREAS | (В будущем) | The cleansing of evil areas needs to be put back in after tracking is improved. | |
PRESSURE EQUILIBRIUM | (В будущем) | Liquid pressure equilibrium can be given a finer resolution at the cost of some map bits. | |
PATTERN FLYING CRITTERS | (В будущем) | Put the pattern flying cave feature critters back in. | |
ARMOR CONTAMINATION FROM BLEEDING | (В будущем) | Requires location specific bleeding information, tied to scarring and infection. | |
IMPROVE LIQUID SINK DIRECTION | (В будущем) | River flows can be made to appear less diagonal on horizontal/vertical paths, but the routine is expensive. | |
IMPROVED FARMING | (В будущем) | Improved outdoor farming. I've already copied down a ton of NPK tables. We'll see what's inflicted upon you. A skilled farmer should make any fertilizer requirements very straightforward and easy to deal with. | |
ITEM PLACEMENT VERSUS SMALL AREAS | (В будущем) | Check some issues with the placement of objects versus small isolated areas. | |
PEAT | (В будущем) | Make peat more than just another soil type. | |
MORE OUTDOOR MAP FEATURES | (В будущем) | Various additional outside and inside features, like mesas, canyons, hill tops and so on. | |
RIVER OVERFLOWS | (В будущем) | River overflows and the return of the associated farming techniques. | |
BOULDER REMOVAL | (В будущем) | The ability to excavate boulders in the ground to make a stone object, as if you want another stone object. | |
STUCK-IN CONTAMINANTS | (В будущем) | Issues with contaminants on item that becomes stuck inside another creature. | |
MIGRANT HISTORICAL EVENTS | (В будущем) | Some issues with migrants and associated historical events. | |
CLIMBING | (В будущем) | Ability to climb terrain that would be otherwise impassable. | |
RELIGIONS AND CULTS | (В будущем) | Return of things like the death and weapon nobles via potentially world-wide religions and cults. | |
WEB MOVEMENT | (В будущем) | Creatures that spin large webs should be able to move along the web, even in open space. | |
SUPER NIGHT SKY | (В будущем) | Stars, entity-named constellations with lines chosen for them. If there are hemispheres, visible stars can change with position. If the world rotates, they can move during the course of an evening. | |
HEREDITY | (В будущем) | Once there are enough physical and other candidate traits to be passed along, the game could model heredity/genetics with some simple algorithms and data. | |
LINGUISTICS | (В будущем) | Aside from having translations for basic words and a displayed written language, civ languages could also have a syntax, phonetic information, etc. | |
UNIT NAMES | (В будущем) | Right now it only lets you specify a few unit names. It should let you do more with profession names by race/entity. This ties in to having specialized unit names for certain customized professions within an entity. | |
MORE MECHANISMS | (В будущем) | Animal power for turning wheels etc., other pumps like tympanum wheels, various other things. | |
UNAWARE OF PROFESSIONS | (В будущем) | Your adventurer should not know somebody is a "guard" for example without knowing a bit about the civilization or at least doing some observation. | |
RIVER/LAKE IMPROVEMENTS | (В будущем) | There are various cosmetic improvements that can be made to under/above ground rivers and lakes. | |
BARRACKS FUNCTION SPLIT | (В будущем) | The barracks has various functions, and you should be able to say what goes on in a given barracks. | |
SAVE KITCHEN SETTINGS | (В будущем) | You should be able to save settings in the kitchen screen for later games. Applies to some other menus as well. | |
TAKING NOTES | Завершено | It would be nice to be able to take notes on both the embark screen world map and during the regular game that you can view later. | |
IMPROVED FISHING | (В будущем) | Dwarves should be able to fish for certain unit-sized creatures. Fish should be visible all over the place and dwarves should possibly have to catch them, depending on how the AI works out. | |
HOLDING BREATH | (В будущем) | Being able to hold your breath in adventure mode might be an interesting mechanic. You wouldn't have to do it explicitly any time you wanted to swim, but it might be a neat way to interact with gases and other features. | |
MACROS | (В будущем) | You should be able to make keyboard macros to perform complicated repetitive actions. | |
UNCONVENTIONAL AMMUNITION | (В будущем) | You should be able to attempt to use various non-standard items in missile weapons and siege weapons. | |
OTHER WATER SOURCES | (В будущем) | There should be various additional ways to obtain water. Rain, filling barrels from streams, simple desalination, etc. | |
EMBARK PROFESSION UPDATE | (В будущем) | As you change skills on the embark screen, it should show the dwarf's resulting profession. | |
VERMIN BODIES | (В будущем) | Small animals should have full body representations, even if they don't have as many effects as they do for unit-sized creatures. These might only be allocated if something actually happens to the creature in question. | |
FURNITURE FLUX | (В будущем) | You should be able to break down furniture and other objects that are made from materials that have occur in reactions (such as a flux) and use them at the smelter for example. | |
SITE RECTANGLE INFORMATION | (В будущем) | Sites should be able to give additional information about what is in their world map rectangle for map export and embark screen purposes. | |
GLACIER/OCEAN INTERFACE | (В будущем) | The boundary between the glacier and ocean biomes probably shouldn't be a regular beach in virtually all cases. | |
SMOOTHER ELEVATION CHANGES | (В будущем) | The game relies on cliffs too much to handle midmap elevation changes, especially in river valleys. | |
WATER ON BUILDINGS DISPLAY | (В будущем) | Water running over buildings currently blots them out. You should probably be able to see what's there -- grates and bars at the very least. | |
GENDER-BASED PICTURES | (В будущем) | You should be able to further specify which graphical tiles are used if you like. | |
LEGENDARY SWIM SPEED | (В будущем) | It could afford to make finer gradations for swim skill passed legendary. | |
ITEMS AND GRATES/BARS | (В будущем) | Small items should have a chance of falling through floor grates. Floor bars should be even worse. Projectiles should also interact with grates and bars (similar to fortifications). | |
SUBORDINATE SITE POPULATIONS | (В будущем) | A site that becomes subordinated under a dwarf site should still be able to maintain its inhabitants after the dwarf game. | |
MORE WITH TRAPS | (В будущем) | Traps, being far too powerful, should probably have to be set up. For instance, you should be required to actually create a stonefall trap using a few different locations to get it to work. Pulling things apart like this will also allow more versatility. | |
IMPROVED DRUNKS | (В будущем) | Adventure mode drunks shouldn't be a separate unit type. They are currently determined by the immoderation personality facet, but much more can be done here. In general, there's an implication that world gen personalities should be stored for more units, but that is expensive memory-wise. | |
CONVERSATION SKILLS IN ADVENTURE MODE | (В будущем) | With the proper skills, you should be able to judge the mood of people you are talking to in finer and finer degrees. You should also be able to exercise the various conversation skills that can be used in dwarf mode. | |
PRIVACY AND ADVENTURE MODE CONVERSATIONS | (В будущем) | Depending on personality scores, people you come up to on the street might not want to talk to you about personal matters when they don't know you. | |
TALKING TO GODS | (В будущем) | Instead of being forced to join a temple first, a player should be able to attempt to speak to any known deity. | |
TEMPLE-SPECIFIC TASKS | (В будущем) | High priests at the temple should have various things for you to do. Though it's best to have all task assignments occur within a general framework according to the goals of the task-giver, just being the leader of the temple and a strident believer in a deity will no doubt give rise to interesting and specific quests. Building a new temple and spreading the faith? Recovering holy relics? Dealing with rivals? Objectives could be vague to remove some of the quest straitjacket effect that can develop, as long as it has means to track your progress and you have various means to accomplish the task at hand. It would be cool to be accepted as a temple higher-up once you manager to spread the faith into an outlying village. | |
MORE BUILDING CONVERSATION | (В будущем) | Right now, you only hear architecture comments when there's a direct relationship between the building and a deity, and those relationships are fairly rare. It could talk about the architect, the central figure around which the building was designed, any of the elements used in the architecture, the material used and its relationship any underlying concepts, etc. | |
LEGEND SUBSET SELECTION | (В будущем) | The legends screen is virtually useless once enough objects and events have been discovered. You should be able to select subsets in various ways, whether by creature type or building type or time period or event type or even using a map to go by geographic area. | |
MOODS AND IMPRESSIONS | (В будущем) | In both modes, relationships need to be stored with some more information. People should have short and long-term impressions of the people that they meet, at least as many as it can safely store (and always with the player). They can also have short and long-term moods that are altered by their interactions with others. | |
GENERALIZE ARCHITECTURE SYSTEM | (В будущем) | The system used for temples linking abstract concepts to architectural elements should be put in to place for other structures, especially castles and towers. | |
MORE SPHERE LINKS FOR TEMPLES | (В будущем) | Right now, only certain deity spheres get architecture links in their corresponding temples. There's more that can be done there, and the concept can be expanded from architecture to many other elements of the faith/temple, so that certain type of items/creatures/festivals/rituals/etc. occur in the temple. | |
GOBLIN DUNGEONS | (В будущем) | The goblins lost the tunnel network under their towers with the building revision, and they want it back in improved form with various untoward goings on. |
Power Goals
Power Goals are the ultimate missions for the future.
PowerGoal | Name | Status | Description |
PowerGoal 1
MIGHTY ARMIES | (В будущем) | Могущественные армии, сжигающие деревни или перевоспитывающие людей под свою цивилизацию. |
PowerGoal 2
DWARVEN ARMIES | (В будущем) | Организовывайте дварфийские армии и используйте их, чтобы атаковать поселения и пещеры на карте мира. |
PowerGoal 3
SIEGE DEFENSE | (В будущем) | Армии, изводящие вражеских солдат, находясь в крепости. |
PowerGoal 4
SIEGE PRESSURE | (В будущем) | После долгой осады голодающие жители могут есть мертвых и вообще всё, что можно прожевать. |
PowerGoal 5
SIEGE POWER | (В будущем) | Your armies totally obliterate and overcome the strength of a fortified position with the power of siegecraft. |
PowerGoal 6
FIGHT AND DIE IN ELONGATED WARS | (В будущем) | Вы вступаете в армию и передвигаетесь с ней. |
PowerGoal 7
THE ONE LEFT BEHIND | (В будущем) | Вы разговариваете с кем-то, у кого погиб в войне родитель. |
PowerGoal 8
NEW SOLDIERS | (В будущем) | You conquer a city and take prisoners back to home, pressing them into service. |
PowerGoal 9
BETTIN' ON FORGETTIN' | (В будущем) | You make a cabin in the woods, decorate it with hides and get a table with utensils so that you can dine like a king. |
PowerGoal 10
HELP US! | (В будущем) | Человеческая или эльфийская цивилизация просит вас о помощи, и вы любезно соглашаетесь и действительно делаете что-то полезное. |
PowerGoal 11
GHOST TOWN | (В будущем) | Уничтоженную деревню стали населять ходячие тела мертвых жителей. |
PowerGoal 12
CLAIM THE THRONE | (В будущем) | You prove your worth to the meadhall's warriors through repeated daring tasks until you can take the throne for yourself. |
PowerGoal 13
ARTIFACT QUEST | (В будущем) | You pledge to the human king that you will recover a lost artifact that is in the willful possession of a monster. |
PowerGoal 14
THE SYSTEM | (В будущем) | You are apprehended, brought to a jail, chained to the wall, interrogated and beaten, brought before the ruler, sentenced, put on public display locked in stocks, subjected to thrown vegetables and ridicule, brought up to a platform and executed. |
PowerGoal 15
REVENGE AND THE WILDERNESS | (В будущем) | Lost in the cold woods naked, you succeed in using your skills in order to find and kill the person who left you that way, despite a beast stalking you, hunger, thirst and the elements. |
PowerGoal 16
CARE FOR YOUR STEEDS! | (В будущем) | You watch as a knight strikes down one of his lieutenants because he whips his horses too hard. |
PowerGoal 17
THE AFTERMATH | (В будущем) | Numerous scavengers pick through the remains on a recent battlefield, squabbling. |
PowerGoal 18
THE WILY USURPER | (В будущем) | The evil advisor usurps the throne from the rightful heir. |
PowerGoal 19
I HAVE PROOF! | (В будущем) | You walk into a town and shout "Behold! The left head of the ettin which I slew!" |
PowerGoal 20
SETTLING DOWN | (В будущем) | After proving yourself in battle, you accept a gift and the hand of your spouse. |
PowerGoal 21
THERE ARE WOMEN UPRIVER! | (В будущем) | You travel from your village to a village down the river. After learning from you that there are indeed many women still living in your birthplace, the village's young men hatch a bizarre scheme to win wives from your village. |
PowerGoal 22
MIDNIGHT SAPPER | (В будущем) | In the dead of night, you swim across the moat, scale a wall dressed in black, wait for the guard to pass by, hit him across the head with a sap, and leave. |
PowerGoal 23
SO YOU CAN FEEL IT | (В будущем) | The ruffian shoves you from behind, kicks you in the ribs, kicks you in the face, picks you up and shakes you until you become conscious, then punches you again. |
PowerGoal 24
MERCHANT TRAITOR | (В будущем) | You bribe a merchant to tell you when the next caravan is coming in and what's on it so that you can raid it. |
PowerGoal 25
STRONG ARM ROBBERY | (В будущем) | You walk up to somebody and say "give me your tunic" and the guy says "a.. anything you want". |
PowerGoal 26
THE INTIMIDATOR | (В будущем) | You draw your blade and step toward a lone man on the street. He runs away down an alley. When you get to the alley, he is playing dead. |
PowerGoal 27
HUNT THE CYCLOPS | (В будущем) | The cyclops breaks into a barn and steals a sheep. The farmer draws a map for you to show where the cyclops's cave is. |
PowerGoal 28
RELEASE THE HOUNDS | (В будущем) | You shoot somebody in the leg, and he starts limping. Then you release the hounds. |
PowerGoal 29
EVIDENCE OF SHAME | (В будущем) | The wound of a kobold's contaminated spear begins to fester, but with the aid of magic herbs it heals, leaving a horrible scar. |
PowerGoal 30
DECLAWED SNACK | (В будущем) | You are thrown in a pit with a ferocious beast. You fail to climb out repeatedly, leaving your fingernails in the wall before you are eaten alive. |
PowerGoal 31
YOUR DAD AND JUSTICE | (В будущем) | You wipe the blood off your sword, revealing the name of your father's tribe, which reminds you that justice has been served. Bards sing of this moment through the empire. |
PowerGoal 32
IT MUST BE POSSIBLE! | (В будущем) | After piecing together the location of the dragon's lair through the works of several ancient historians, you seek out the seer to ask about the rumor of the dragon's hidden weakness. |
PowerGoal 33
CARAVAN CONSPIRACY | (В будущем) | The outlaws meet in the tavern to plot the robbery of the next caravan. |
PowerGoal 34
BLESS OUR HERO ON THE QUEST | (В будущем) | Peasants gather at the church to pray for you before your quest to rescue the villager from the cyclops. |
PowerGoal 35
LEG BREAKER | (В будущем) | You make your rounds from shopkeeper to shopkeeper, demanding payments for the protection of the prince of thieves. |
PowerGoal 36
NOT WELCOME HERE | (В будущем) | You — "How do I find the capital?" Peasant — (spits on the ground) |
PowerGoal 37
BLOOD IN BLOOD OUT | (В будущем) | All the warriors come together and toast you into their band after you kill one of their compatriots. |
PowerGoal 38
MORNING TEMPERANCE | (В будущем) | You are banished from the town for drinking before noon. |
PowerGoal 39
RESPECTING AUTHORITY | (В будущем) | After the ruler orders you to sweep the stables and you refuse, you are ordered to kill the dragon. |
PowerGoal 40
THE MARKS OF A WARRIOR | (В будущем) | You tattoo yourself with the fresh marks of a warrior in a ceremony before the war season begins. |
PowerGoal 41
THE ARENA | (В будущем) | You read the schedule of the stadium's coming attractions, including wrestling, spear-throwing, full-armored combat and man versus beast. |
PowerGoal 42
THE BLACK CAPS | (В будущем) | The Baron sponspors you to enter the Tacticus league, which culminates in a match against the court favorite. The court favorite is bribed to lose. During the match, you must wear thinking caps, as is customary. |
PowerGoal 43
LET'S HAVE A DRINK! | (В будущем) | You get your opponent drunk the night before a game of Tacticus, crucial for the tournament. |
PowerGoal 44
PATIENT PRIEST | (В будущем) | The ruler convenes a council of the nobles to appoint you the high priest of the nearby towns, but you are forced to wait in an antechamber while they drink. |
PowerGoal 45
MEET THE CYBERFIST | (В будущем) | You use your iron geared prosthetic hand to crush a piece of stone in front of the cowering goblin, and it passes out. |
PowerGoal 46
THE GIANT ASS BOOK | (В будущем) | You go to a dwarf fortress and see a giant unliftable tome filled with maps of the Underworld. You sketch a copy and depart. |
PowerGoal 47
PLEA BARGAIN | (В будущем) | A former tyrant is overthrown, but in exchange for his life he swears an oath never to enter the realm again and is banished. |
PowerGoal 48
ROAD HOUSE | (В будущем) | Onlookers led by you stop a fight, and somebody demands to see the manager. The manager appoints you official bar bouncer. |
PowerGoal 49
SCREAM BALL | (В будущем) | Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other. |
PowerGoal 50
SKULL GAMES | (В будущем) | Trolls stack skulls to see how high the piles can get, bowl with skulls and play catch with skulls. |
PowerGoal 51
BAD GOBLINS | (В будущем) | Goblins play "who can make the prisoner scream the loudest". |
PowerGoal 52
BEAST OF BURDEN | (В будущем) | Captives are forced to pull a cart filled with goblin children. They are whipped to keep the cart running around as the children scream and yell. |
PowerGoal 53
MESSALA | (В будущем) | The evil ruler whips his beak dogs, driving his chariot on, when the elves cast a poisonous net over the dogs, killing them. The ruler tumbles over the chariot and breaks his neck on a tree. |
PowerGoal 54
OFFICIAL CATTLE RUSTLER | (В будущем) | You are appointed the tax collector and given a squad of enforcers. You order them to collect livestock from the peasants. |
PowerGoal 55
THE CORRUPT CAPTAIN | (В будущем) | The captain orders his subordinates to seize the possessions of the wealthy merchant so that he can have them for himself. |
PowerGoal 56
AN UNFORTUNATE DECISION | (В будущем) | The jealous peasant spits on the merchant prince, and the merchant prince orders the bodyguards to seize the peasant, strip him bare, tie a rope around his neck and force him to march behind the wagon. |
PowerGoal 57
NICE AND CLEAN | (В будущем) | The Head Housekeeper urges the other servants to clean and prepare the house so that the visiting diplomat will not think badly of the master. |
PowerGoal 58
WHAT WERE WE THINKING | (В будущем) | You are sent to rescue the prince and princess, who have been captured by the evil wizard. You uncover the sinister and disgusting plot to breed the siblings to form an evil army of mutants. |
PowerGoal 59
FOOLHARDY | (В будущем) | The warriors line up behind the row of rocks with their crossbows as the goblins charge on their beakdogs. You jump up and charge the goblins in turn. The warriors shout, "You're a fool! Don't do it!". Right as the first approaches you, you duck and swing, slicing off the beakdog's legs. |
PowerGoal 60
HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF | (В будущем) | You put on a talisman, turn into a werewolf, and your buddy screams, "take it off!", but you can't understand him with your beast mind and soon fill with rage and kill him. |
PowerGoal 61
REVERSE COMPOUND FRACTURE | (В будущем) | As you stumble through the tomb, you bump into an ogre chewing on a corpse with a leg bone still in its mouth. The beast bites the bone in half and stabs you in the throat with the jagged edge, gouging it out. |
PowerGoal 62
THE EVIL PLAYER MEETS THE GOBLINS | (В будущем) | You kidnap a child and take it to the goblins. They let you in and seem interested in buying it, but you struggle to speak with them. After a protracted negotiation involving displaying objects and gestures, you seal the deal. |
PowerGoal 63
INEXPERTLY AND REPEATEDLY | (В будущем) | You swing at the goblin, overextending. It kicks you in the stomach and your feet slip out from under you. When you hit the ground, you drop your sword. The goblin holds its giant club over its head, but with the weight of the club, it loses its balance and stumbles. You leap forward up from the ground and rush the goblin but trip on a rock and land in some serpent vines, which entangle you. You struggle to free yourself, but aren't in time as the goblin inexpertly and repeatedly clubs you until you die. |
PowerGoal 64
THE LOCAL SPIRIT | (В будущем) | You take a coin that had been offered at the village shrine. A red deer runs across a nearby field, pausing to stare directly at you for a heartbeat, and then disappears beyond the woodline. You turn into a kobold that night. Your best friend feels compelled to kill you to put you out of your misery. |
PowerGoal 65
KINDA LIKE SNOW WHITE OR SOMETHING | (В будущем) | You are sent to steal another potion from the elves. The beautiful queen is appearing before her lustful and incompetent generals the following day and she must remove the marks of her advancing age. |
PowerGoal 66
IT WAS WORTH THE TIME | (В будущем) | The guards are hunting you because you have a stolen diamond. You dip into a group of mourners that are a viewing a body just as the guards appear. They dare not stop you from slipping into the solemn crowd. You pretend to mourn the body, holding its head in your hand as you hide the diamond in the corpse's mouth. Although you are subsequently apprehended and imprisoned for twenty years, after you are released, you dig up the body and claim the prize. |
PowerGoal 67
THE LOCAL ARENA | (В будущем) | You are in charge of taking the bets for the local arena. Somebody loses all their farm animals on a fight, and you have to collect the debt. |
PowerGoal 68
MAGICAL IDIOT PEEPER | (В будущем) | Hearing of her exotic beauty, the young knave uses a ring to open a portal in the wall of the princess's bedroom, wrenching a small cylinder of stone out of the wall via its magical powers. However, the stories had all been told by Southmen, and she was in fact quite unattractive by the different standards of his culture. |
PowerGoal 69
THE LEGEND OF THE HORAK PART I | (В будущем) | The two princes, friends from childhood, laughed as they rode their horses. They got off and tied them to a tree. Then a giant Horak stepped out of the woods. The princes tried to keep it back with their telescoping knife-poles, but it charged forward and swallowed them whole. |
PowerGoal 70
MUDSLIDE | (В будущем) | You summon the tribal elders to the top of the slope. An army has gathered and is chanting prior to their charge up against your position. The elders perform a dance, it rains heavily, and the resulting mudslide buries the enemy soldiers alive. They all slowly die. |
PowerGoal 71
YOUR PLATFORM | (В будущем) | The slaves carry a giant platform on which you sit above the reserves behind your advancing army. When your army enter a narrow ravine, you are fired upon by kobold archers. |
PowerGoal 72
YEAH! | (В будущем) | The explorers make their way down the cave river, past dangerous stalagmites in the rapids, turn to face each other and do a high-five. |
PowerGoal 73
WHERE'S MY MONEY? | (В будущем) | The money changer shorts you a gold piece, so you declare a quest for vengeance. You and your fellow adventurer sneak into his house three days later. You hold a jagged knife to his neck, and he gasps. You lower your dagger to his coin purse, cut it loose, then take the coin he owes you. |
PowerGoal 74
A PAINFUL MEMORY | (В будущем) | On the toll bridge, you see a man with two locks of hair curled around his ears and the rest of his head shaved. He wields a great club. You twitch and hold your knee where you've been wounded by a club before. As you go to pay the toll, your nervousness causes you to stutter, and he looks at you suspiciously. |
PowerGoal 75
SONG OF DREAD | (В будущем) | The evil spirit of the wood caused the people's hair to turn white. On the day of the sacrifice, the priest sang a song of such dread that many villagers volunteered to die just to free themselves from the memory of its singing. |
PowerGoal 76
THE GENERAL'S RING | (В будущем) | You go to the refugees, and they tell you that the general of the invading army leaves his signet ring in his dresser drawer before he goes to bed. You steal it that night. |
PowerGoal 77
YUCK! | (В будущем) | You lock blades with Snylar the Lizardman. During the contest of strength, you tell it that it is little more than a hatchling. It tells you that your beard is patchy and sparse. You spit a glob of saliva into his eye. He sprays spit at you in return. |
PowerGoal 78
WEREWOLF HUNTER | (В будущем) | Dolnar the hunter teaches you how to track the werewolf by its sign and by its call. She recommends a special breed of hunting dog, known for its ability to track down and contest the elusive beasts. |
PowerGoal 79
THE LEGEND OF THE HORAK PART II | (В будущем) | The tribesman have passed down for generations the story that the giant Horak cannot be harmed by blades, so the mighty barbarian traveling with you decides to wrestle the beast and tears it apart with his bare hands. |
PowerGoal 80
BUT HOW DID HE DIE? | (В будущем) | You ask the peasant how the mayor was murdered, and you are told in detail how the mayor was stabbed to death and toppled out of the window landing two stories below. |
PowerGoal 81
JOURNEY TO THE UNDERWORLD | (В будущем) | You consult with the servant of the Lord of the Underworld, and he tells you to follow him. He walks through a black gate in the wall. You try to do the same and bump into the wall, hurting your nose, as mortals are not admitted without an escort. He pokes his head back out and smirks, and then grabs your hand and pulls you through. |
PowerGoal 82
ON KARNAK'S GOOD SIDE | (В будущем) | It is the Holy Day of Karnak. The people gather in their customary place at night in the Baron's orchard for their prayer circle. After the prayer, the player is elevated to one of the positions within the priesthood emphasizing Karnak's association with the sun rather than one emphasizing his association with suffering. |
PowerGoal 83
DENIED ENTRY - THE PROPHECY! | (В будущем) | You are not allowed to enter the province of Zandibar because you have red hair. The prophecy says that if anybody with red hair enters the province of Zandibar, great suffering will follow them. |
PowerGoal 84
KILL THE WITCH! | (В будущем) | The wells are dry in your town because of the evil witch's curse. The bravest townspeople volunteer to come with you to kill the witch. You hear the opening of a creaking gate and the howling of wolves and you go to the top of the ridge. You can see the cold breath of people far away as the witch's servants leave the haunted cemetery. |
PowerGoal 85
RETIRE AS A PEASANT | (В будущем) | You start out shoveling the stables and continuing passing the days by rapidly until you become old, ignoring changes in leadership and the passing of friends, only leaving the job when you are no longer able to perform it. |
PowerGoal 86
THE PROPHET OF AA | (В будущем) | The Church of Aa has become decadent and gifts to the deity have waned, and the priests have been filling their coffers. You appear and claim to be a prophet and say that Aa has abandoned the Church. The priests scoff at you, but you perform a miracle, and there is a schism in the Church and much violence. |
PowerGoal 87
DO NOT MOVE FROM THAT SPOT | (В будущем) | A kobold tries to sneak out of its corner, and you tell it to go back. It does, because it is afraid of being whipped again. |
PowerGoal 88
YOUR NAUGHTY CHILD | (В будущем) | You and your sons follow a train of people from various towns going to see the prophet Shangris. When you arrive, Shangris tells people to overthrow the king. Shangris also says he is parentless -- that he sprang up from a hole in the ground. You leap up from the crowd and claim truthfully to be Shangris's father. Your sons come up and say that they are his brothers. Shangris holds a knife to your neck, screaming that he has no father. Your sons step back. The confusion disorients the crowd, allowing your evil son Shangris to escape. |
PowerGoal 89
DIGESTIVE TRACT LESSON | (В будущем) | You are eaten by the dragon. It chews on you briefly, and you are grieviously wounded, but it swallows you and you survive. The powerful acids in its stomach surround you, but you are protected by your ring. Eventually you are passed into the intestines, where nutrients and water are absorbed, and then you are excreted. |
PowerGoal 90
BY THE POWER OF MOTHRA | (В будущем) | You say a prayer to Mothra in the face of your enemies and are filled with great strength. You rip the heart from the chest of your adversary and eat it in front of his quailing comrades. |
PowerGoal 91
STREET ALTERCATION | (В будущем) | He says "give me your money!". You say "no!". He says "give me your money or you're going to die" and pulls a dagger. You pull a dagger. After a moment you throw a gold coin on the ground and run away. He is distracted and you escape. |
PowerGoal 92
ZOMBIES AND REPERCUSSIONS | (В будущем) | Your evil magic causes those that starve in a besieged town to rise as undead and attack the defenders from within. The villagers burn the bodies of the undead but eventually in their hunger they consume them. Due to the nature of the zombies' corrupted flesh, the villagers gain nightvision and become crazed, foraying out of the town. They kill and eat you. |
PowerGoal 93
IT IS LIKELY A PREDATORY ATTACK; FIGHT BACK VIGOROUSLY | (В будущем) | You are in the forest. You bump into Grendel the black bear. Afraid, you run. That sets Grendel off, and the bear chases you down and knocks you on the ground. Grendel then drags you off by the leg across the ground to his den and eats you alive. |
PowerGoal 94
STICK AROUND! | (В будущем) | The giant lifts you up by your spear and stabs it high up a tall wooden wall, leaving you dangling far above the ground. |
PowerGoal 95
THE CROWN IS MINE! | (В будущем) | The five year old prince is going to be crowned that very moment, but you, his uncle, step forward and push the young boy aside and seize the crown for yourself. The high priest who had been holding the crown is disoriented by the disturbance of the elaborate routine. |
PowerGoal 96
BODY SHIELD | (В будущем) | You stab the goblin through the ribs simultaneously with two daggers and wheel the dying creature around to block incoming arrows. |
PowerGoal 97
THE ROYAL CURSE | (В будущем) | You are assigned to take the royal scepter from town to town to warn the subjects that the king that night will undergo the yearly transformation into the Night Beast and go on an evening's rampage. The curse is passed down the royal line. |
PowerGoal 98
THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN | (В будущем) | You meet the victorious enemy general on the field each surrounded by banners and attendants. You tell your servant to fetch the peace offering, but the general tells you to do it yourself. |
PowerGoal 99
IMPENDING JAIL BREAK | (В будущем) | The assassin visits you in jail, pulls out the knife, covered with blood, and tells you that the job has been done. The assassin cleans the knife and hands it to you between the bars. Dousing the torch on the wall, the assassin slips away. You hide the knife and wait for the jailer to come. |
PowerGoal 100
THE DEATH PIT | (В будущем) | Fleeing from the goblins, you leap over a giant pile of skulls. As you slide down the far side, spears thud against the pile. You hit the ground and twist your ankle. Finding yourself in a sea of bones, you grope around in the darkness, unable to find a foothold to climb out of the expansive pitch-black death pit. |
PowerGoal 101
SHAVED EVIL | (В будущем) | Venturing to the evil town of Blackport on the Sea of Annihilation, you call forth the Lord of Darkness. You have his pet ratman, which you have shaved. The ratman takes a few steps and turns to you. You hold up your knife. The ratman holds its hands over its head and scampers to its master. |
PowerGoal 102
SAVE MY DOG | (В будущем) | A sniveling wretch left you for dead, but you weren't dead and after many hardships you return to his town a mighty and imposing warrior. He recognizes you immediately and rather than facing agonizing drawn-out justice at your hand, he ingests a poison, calling out "who will look after my dog?" before he dies. You look after it. |
PowerGoal 103
THE LEGEND OF THE HORAK PART II (ALTERNATE) | (В будущем) | You enter the cave of the giant Horak from an airshaft high above. You descend down a rope. The rope isn't long enough and you hang in the air. Eventually the giant Horak sees you and it snarls salivating dripping venom. You swing from the rope and leap atop the beast, kill it, shave off its skin and wear its hide. |
PowerGoal 104
WHERE IS THE OBJECT?! | (В будущем) | You restrain the goblin with a knife, telling it to find the object. The goblin refuses and you cut it. It bleeds out all over its armor and your knife. The goblin decides to comply, sniffing out the object from a distance. |
PowerGoal 105
MONUMENT TO DESTRUCTION | (В будущем) | You kill the evil god Wolfram and take his hand from which he had pulled the life's blood of the earth and put it on the top of a scepter. You build a pyramid next to the great city which he had destroyed as a monument to the disaster. Each day, the pyramid casts a shadow on the ruins of the city on the hour of its destruction. The pyramid contains the scepter. |
PowerGoal 106
BOOK LEARNIN' | (В будущем) | Your master doesn't have time for you and has you read his book instead. You misunderstand the book and think the book is easy when it is actually advanced, and you tell your master you have learned what the book has to teach. Your master is upset and orders you to perform various menial tasks. |
PowerGoal 107
ZOMBIE JUICE | (В будущем) | The cultists go to the crossroads at night and collect dried blood from the outlaws that had been lynched. They cook it over a candle until they get addictive zombie juice, which eventually turns them into undead fiends. Once exposed, a cultist must drink the juice regularly or risk death. |
PowerGoal 108
ATTACK OF THE VERMIN | (В будущем) | You are born with the ability to talk to animals. Siding with the trapped rabbits, you stage an attack of rabbits on the farmer's field. You are cast out of the town. |
PowerGoal 109
LOVE OR WAR? | (В будущем) | You take a wife and break your vow of celibacy to Markad, the god of war. Sulan, the god of the sea and fertility, sides with you and saves you from ultimate destruction, but Markad makes your hair turn white through the excruciating process of being in his angered presence. |
PowerGoal 110
LEGENDARY LIAR | (В будущем) | You lie to your companions and tell them the castle is abandoned, when in fact you have knowledge that it is inhabited by a giant beast that you wish to kill. They come with you seeking treasure. Somebody else asks where you are going later, and you say "to the castle to kill the beast!" Your companions abandon you and your reputation as a liar is secured for all time in the history books. |
PowerGoal 111
OFF TO THE LARDER | (В будущем) | The goblins pull an obese child out from under the bed and insult him, saying he isn't fit to a work in the mines before carting him off to the larder. |
PowerGoal 112
THE LOCAL BREW | (В будущем) | You are an elf and visit the human mead hall for a drink, but the local brew is more than what you are used to. You are henceforth referred to as "Spittoondrinker" whenever you come back to visit. |
PowerGoal 113
DIVINE INTERVENTION | (В будущем) | You are playing goblin ball in the arena when your son yells "dad! dad! goal! goal!". Your son had been praying all day just so that you would win. Your kick is short, but the god Markad manifests and finishes the kick. |
PowerGoal 114
IS THAT A POWER GOAL? | (В будущем) | The hermit is cursed to extinguish all flames but is mortally terrified of darkness, so he lives in a cave with light generating fungus so he can be surrounded by light at all times. |
PowerGoal 115
THE DEATH DRIVE | (В будущем) | The goblin prisoners tow your carriage through the pass. Whipping them doesn't seem to work after a time and you get snowed in. Running low on food, you decide to cook and eat the old goblins and keep the fresh ones. |
PowerGoal 116
THE MIGHTY WYRM | (В будущем) | Ensnared by a net trap that lifts and suspends you in the air, you cut yourself free only to fall down into a muck-filled spiky pit. The slime covers your wounds and you catch a parasitic disease. The worm grows in your liver and eventually chews its way free, ending your life. |
PowerGoal 117
ROW TO FREEDOM! | (В будущем) | Your ferry is the only safe passage as rebels have taken the bridges. You accept some nobles on your ferry, with rebels in pursuit. As you untie the ferry from the post, arrows stick into it. You push away and an arrow sticks into the oar! Arrows stick into the ferry boat! Arrows stick into the nobles! |
PowerGoal 118
THE TREE OF LIFE | (В будущем) | As the head of the cult of Narnin, you bribe the Baron to give you a deed to the land on which the Tree of Life, revered by the locals, is planted. Financing the temple with their ill-gotten gains, the cultists coerces the locals to build the temple over the uprooted Tree. |
PowerGoal 119
WINE FOR VICTORY | (В будущем) | You want to marry into the royal family, and the monarch says, "We're out of booze, go get some." You respond, "We know the elves have wine." The monarch declares, "You'll need an army!" You are given an army. |
PowerGoal 120
ENTRANCE DENIED | (В будущем) | You -- "You know I'm the hero of Askabar. Come on, let me in the castle." Guard -- "You aren't the hero of Askabar. You're widely known as a low-life." You -- "Come on, I'll give you 3 copper coins." The guard spits on the ground. |
PowerGoal 121
GET THE COW | (В будущем) | Two cattle rustlers are sitting there and one of them says, "if you go get me that cow, I'll give you 2 copper now and 2 copper when you bring the cow." The other agrees, puts some hay over himself and sneaks toward the cow while it is grazing. |
PowerGoal 122
KILLER CURSE | (В будущем) | Cursed by the dying breath of your nemesis, you are fated to kill one person a week or die yourself. After standing in a line of people waiting to pay their tithes, you confess to a church official. After receiving your payment, he says a few words and claims that your curse is removed. While the official is off buying fine whiskey and an expensive candelabrum, you find that you are still afflicted. |
PowerGoal 123
THE EVIL PLAYER AND THE TWILIGHT OF THE GNOMES | (В будущем) | You are ordered to go clean up the city, because the king hates the lifestyle of the street gnomes. You find a tent city. You throw your torch into it and set it on fire. The gnomes scatter, but one approaches you and pleads, "please let us go." You stick him and he holds you saying, "please, no, no." You cannot move with him clinging on you, so you brain him with the hilt of your sword. |
PowerGoal 124
A BAD REPUTATION | (В будущем) | The disguised prince goes on a drunken spree and abuses the populace. You have a reputation for drunken sprees and are blamed by the prince's handler for these various foul acts. A gang of angry townspeople beat you. Before they can hang you, you escape and are chased deep into the wilds. |
PowerGoal 125
SPEAR OF THE GODS | (В будущем) | The gods of life and death have been at war since the beginning of time. The regions of the world are set in opposition, and creatures are occasionally born with affinity for one force or the other. You are born as a servant of death and claim the great barbed spear from the highest peak where it had sprung forth from the mutual hatred of the gods. |
PowerGoal 126
CAN I SPEAK TO THE OWNER? | (В будущем) | You are upset about your uncooked meal and demand to see the owner of the establishment. Not satisfied with his equivocations, you challenge him to a hatchet fight to the death and win easily. You are arrested, but you claim that the fight was sanctioned and produce a witness, the horrified waiter who served you the meal. |
PowerGoal 127
TREE SAVIOR | (В будущем) | Amidst the battle, the knight and the elf are fighting for their lives. They see the horned helm of Offrox the Devastator. The elf yells, "Don't, Offrox is too strong!" The knight and Offrox meet on the field and Offrox guts the knight. The elf manages to rescue him, but the wound festers. The elf says the Charm of the Trees and the tree they are hiding under engulfs the knight, putting him into stasis. |
PowerGoal 128
WAND OF THE WIZARD | (В будущем) | You and your henchman assail the wily old wizard Dargus. The wizard dramatically reveals a wand, claiming that it can release a stream of fire when the user is in need, and he offers it to you in exchange for his life. Later that night, your greedy henchman attacks you and attempts to pry the wand from your grasp. When you refuse to let go, he breaks your elbow and seizes the object for himself. Attempting to finish the job, he turns the wand on you, but it turns him into a block of ice. |
PowerGoal 129
DAGGER DELIVERY | (В будущем) | The elf swings through the trees with the Dagger of Galanthiar in his mouth. The elf climbs up the rope ladders to the top of the home tree. After delivering the Dagger, the elf rappels down the tree to a shady home in the dense foliage and rests. |
PowerGoal 130
YOU ARE THE MOST INCOMPETENT | (В будущем) | The march is too long, the pay is too little, the food is too meager, the enemy is too powerful, the officers are too incompetent and the cause seems hopelessly lost. Your soldiers desert you. |
PowerGoal 131
THE INTRIGUING PLAYER | (В будущем) | You begin to talk to a peasant, and he listens to your story. He shouts at another peasant, "Hey, come listen!" Soon a crowd gathers and your story-telling becomes even more enthusiastic. One of the listeners suggests you move to the forum, and you all walk down there, where the story continues. |
PowerGoal 132
EVERYTHING IN ITS PROPER PLACE | (В будущем) | You sheathe your sword in the scabbard that hangs from your belt. |
PowerGoal 133
PERSONALIZED ACCESORIES | (В будущем) | "That's my sword!" "No it's not. It's mine." "But your initials aren't P.W.! Look at the blade!" |
PowerGoal 134
AND WHEN YOU FIND IT, WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH IT? | (В будущем) | The scribe Arcania writes down the last known location of the sacred skull of Aa on a map which is torn in two pieces and hidden in widely-separated regions of the world. |
PowerGoal 135
JUST IN CASE | (В будущем) | You kill a deer in order to survive, but realize that you have strayed into the Forgotten Forest. You quickly say a prayer to the spirit of the forest and hope that the spirit does not alert the elves to your transgression. |
PowerGoal 136
PEOPLE SAY I LOOK LIKE A CRIMINAL | (В будущем) | After a bandit murders several people outside the village, patrols increase along the road. You are walking down the same road with your sword drawn. Seeing your weapon, a patrol assumes you are the bandit and attacks you. |
PowerGoal 137
YOUR CASTLE WAS EASY TO FIND | (В будущем) | You walk down the road, crossing a bridge. Arriving at a crossroads, you follow the directions on a sign and eventually arrive at the castle gate, where a guard stands. |
PowerGoal 138
THEY MADE FUN OF HIS NAME | (В будущем) | The Goblin King Gorlomomilguraguraga signals for his bodyguard to wait while he goes to talk to his lieutenant. "Down below, there is a village. I want you to kill everyone living there." The lieutenant smiles, knowing that there will be carnage at last. |
PowerGoal 139
A BATTERY OF AA MECHANICS | (В будущем) | You receive the holy relic of Aa from a manifestation of the deity. You bring it to the Temple of Aa and set it on the altar. People dance as you chant the prayer of Aa. Word spreads quickly that a prophet of Aa has arisen, and the religion of Aa sweeps throughout the land. |
PowerGoal 140
I JOINED THE TEAM WITH THE BEST UNIFORM | (В будущем) | You put on your tunic and government-issue skull shoulder guards. Your commander raises his blade, signalling your unit to scream the imperial battle cry. Seeing your master's sword sweep forward, you charge with the rest of the soldiers. |
PowerGoal 141
BROTHER BATTLE | (В будущем) | The younger brother strives to take control of the Holy Office of Emperor of the World. His supporters are arrayed in giant battlelines against the emperor's forces, and he challenges his older brother to single combat on the field. As the would-be usurper rides out, the righteousness and splendor of his brother's office in its rightful place causes the younger brother's horse to rear back and throw him to the ground, where he is brained on a rock. The younger brother spends the rest of his life in the dungeon suffering from severe personality disorders due to his injury. |
PowerGoal 142
GO KING GO! | (В будущем) | At the victory celebration, the king dedicated the newly built monument to the victory and the gods. The balladeer sang to the crowd, recounting how the king had stood strong in the face of many foes, inspiring his retreating army to return to the field. |
PowerGoal 143
HARD TIMES FOR THE DARTOKS | (В будущем) | The site at which the evil overlords were vanquished was decorated with their bodies to remember it for all time as the place of liberation of our people. The newly subjugated Dartoks must bow every time we pass, knowing that if they do not, their corpses shall join those on the highways. If ever they choose to rise up against us, there shall be no quarter. |
PowerGoal 144
"THE GREEDY BARON" | (В будущем) | The greedy baron raises an army, pressing the poorest peasants into service. The new army is driven on a forced march to the field of battle. There they engage the goblins, where they are routed. The peasants flee into the woods. |
PowerGoal 145
ULOK ONLY CONSUMES THE SPIRITUAL PORTION OF THE OFFERING | (В будущем) | You get captured by the goblins. They throw you in a pot of water. The high priest asks their demon god Ulok to accept the sacrifice before slitting your throat. You are then boiled and eaten. |
PowerGoal 146
WALKING INTO THE WRONG BAR | (В будущем) | Wearing a pendant of Imi the Owl of Hell, you enter a mead hall frequented by worshippers of Vutu the Playful Ooze of Midnight. They tie you to a post and break your fingers one by one. |
PowerGoal 147
READY ON THE FIRING LINE! | (В будущем) | You are part an army of the civilized peoples. Your commander tells the crossbowmen to hold position as the wild enemy charges, firing many bolts into their ranks. The enemies flee in disarray, and your commander gives thanks to the god of victory. |
PowerGoal 148
THE FOOD RIOT | (В будущем) | The feudal lord taxes his peasants' food in order to feed his growing army. The peasants, facing starvation, turn against their betters and riot in the streets. The guards fence them away from the palace and let them run amok for awhile before eventually moving in to crush the rebellion. |
PowerGoal 149
GERBIS, A HERO'S TALE | (В будущем) | You are outside the dragon's cave with your henchman Gerbis, an amateur thief who overestimates his worth. You — "You are a great rogue and your prowess is known throughout the land! Many famous burglars have tried to steal it from the beast but none so great as yourself." Your naive apprentice is calmed by your words. "Do you think you have what it takes to steal the dragon's egg?" Gerbis braces up and enters the cave. |
PowerGoal 150
I SAW A BRIGHT LIGHT, THEN EVERYTHING WENT DARK | (В будущем) | You stand before your opponent, blocking the sun. You jerk to the side, blinding him with the sun's rays before headbutting him in the teeth. |
PowerGoal 151
HE FELL FOR IT | (В будущем) | As you bow before the king, a guard sees that you have a dagger in your belt. This is not allowed in the royal chamber. As the guard approaches, you yell, "Look, over there!" and when the guard looks, you run. |
PowerGoal 152
HUFFING DARKNESS | (В будущем) | You are standing outside the castle gate. You pretend to be drinking from a flask when in reality you are inhaling the gaseous form of the evil demon. Donning a cloak, you sneak through shadows and through the open gate. Safely passed the Underworld-sensitive sentinel dogs, you exhale your master into the courtyard. |
PowerGoal 153
THE CRACKS OF DOOM | (В будущем) | You flee into the sewer with the baron's ring, but sliding in the muck, you drop it. Try as you might, you cannot locate the precious object in the town's filth. |
PowerGoal 154
AMONG THE BARBARIANS | (В будущем) | The newly appointed diplomat arrives in the northlands. He is shocked when the barbarian takes him by the hand and shakes it, a base ritual practiced only by the lowliest peasants in his country. Then he is taken to a hut, no different than the huts of the other barbarians. |
PowerGoal 155
SHINING ARMOR IS IMPORTANT | (В будущем) | The dirt and blood-covered knight corners the villian as the crowd shrinks away from his gruesome appearance. The villian begs for his life before the knight strikes him down, completing the king's mission. |
PowerGoal 156
ANNOYING RELATIVES | (В будущем) | While visiting another town during the Autumn celebration, your distant cousin swings his club at you, barely missing, and laughs at you. |
PowerGoal 157
A GOBLIN'S DEPTH-FIRST SEARCH AT LEVEL FOUR | (В будущем) | You try again and again to hack at the troll with your sword, but the beast keeps you at bay with a long spear. The troll stabs you through the chest and raises you into the air, after which a goblin climbs up on the troll and cuts a valuable necklace from your neck before the others can get it. |
PowerGoal 158
NEVER THE SAME FOREVER AFTER | (В будущем) | The goblin and the troll have fun in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other. The troll puts a rock in one of his snowballs and hits the goblin in the side of the head. For the rest of his days, the goblin can only speak from the left side of his mouth, and he is no longer able to relate to his goblin friends as the brain damage has robbed him of his taste for blood and violence. |
PowerGoal 159
THAT SHIT'LL KILL YOU | (В будущем) | The desert warrior is under the influence of camalah berries. In his cloudy stupor he misjudges where the safe rocks are and stumbles to the side, where he is swallowed up by the treacherous sands. |
PowerGoal 160
SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME | (В будущем) | The Night King calls upon his vassal nation to join forces with his great army in order to cleanse the land once and for all of the brutal filth that worship the sun god. |
PowerGoal 161
BUT WHY WAS THE LEADER POINTING THERE? | (В будущем) | The peasants dance around the campfire playing lutes as the village leader points to the sky at the Heavenly Lady, as the constellation was called, into whose bosom it was said the dead were wont to flutter. |
PowerGoal 162
SPARED THE DETAILS | (В будущем) | The Order of Dread, whose royal charter is kept in the Hall of Records in a secret tome, is charged with spying on the nobility and blackmailing them to keep them in line, using their own sick night-lives against them. |
PowerGoal 163
"OH, BY THE WAY..." | (В будущем) | The family is feasting with a seat left open for the son that died while making a bridge for the king. With them is a con artist who mentions during the meal that he has a potion that can bring the dead back to life. |
PowerGoal 164
IT DIDN'T HELP MUCH | (В будущем) | Your enemy holds up his hand to shield his face as you bring your axe down upon him. |
PowerGoal 165
"IT WAS A DESPERATE BATTLE..." | (В будущем) | You are cursed with the ability to regenerate your limbs overnight. The King of Yondor has set on a bounty on the bandits and will give three gold pieces for every arm that is brought in with the bandits' characteristic tattoos. After adding the necessary marks yourself, you repeatedly cut off your own arm to give to the king, waiting each time for the body part to rot somewhat so as to avoid suspicion. |
PowerGoal 166
GRACE IN VICTORY | (В будущем) | After your rival bests you in a duel, he mockingly offer to help you out of the muddy puddle into which you fell. |
PowerGoal 167
THE EVIL SWAMP | (В будущем) | Unable to deal with the cold damp weather of the evil swamp, you, after first suffering from skin rashes and a wracking cough from wading through the filth, eventually contract the Blue Death, a wasting disease of a mysterious nature. When it runs its course, you are transformed into a salamander. |
PowerGoal 168
CONTEMPLATION, CONCERN, CONFUSION AND CONSTERNATION | (В будущем) | He sits with his hand on his chin in a pose of deep thought, slowly shaking his head while he ponders the troubling events of the night before. |
PowerGoal 169
MAN-BRANDED | (В будущем) | The boy, named To-Be-A-Man like the others, must be branded with the mark of adulthood. He will not truly be a man if he screams in pain. |
PowerGoal 170
AS LONG AS THEY DON'T DO IT TOO OFTEN | (В будущем) | With a foot atop the slain alligator, the barbarian warrior cries "I name you Dragon Sword!" at his raised blade. |
PowerGoal 171
THE MIGHTY ROCKNOR | (В будущем) | The mighty Rocknor summons up his warrior's training, using the Ogre-Lion method to simultaneously strike his opponent in the head with his club and the neck with his foot, causing internal bleeding to his opponent's artery. The unconscious opponent goes into shock. |
PowerGoal 172
WHAT ARE YOU DOING AFTER WORK? | (В будущем) | The guards placed their weapons on the weapon racks and stripped off their tunics before leaving for the tavern to spend their money on wenches and wench-men. |
PowerGoal 173
THEY ARE SENSITIVE CREATURES | (В будущем) | The goblin child taunts the troll child on account of the troll child's large and lardy appearance. The vicious jibes continue until the troll begins to cry, but the goblin child is still not satisfied and continues poking fun. The troll child is eventually driven to anger and hurls the goblin child against a wall, breaking both the wall and the goblin. |
PowerGoal 174
IT'S A BAD PLACE | (В будущем) | A shallow-buried corpse is unearthed by a shadow jaguar, who takes the body back to its den. The discarded bones are possessed by an evil spirit of the gloomy forest. |
PowerGoal 175
THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP | (В будущем) | The dwarf stumbles out of the whiskey stockpile and falls flat on his face. Finding him there, his companions haul him to bed. |
PowerGoal 176
NOT SO STEALTHY THIS TIME! | (В будущем) | A twig snaps and the adventurer bolts upright from his bedroll, reaching for his sword, knowing that the kobolds were close. |
PowerGoal 177
VERY FOUL | (В будущем) | The foul vapors of the sewer cause the corpse of a discarded murder victim to arise. The zombie wanders back home. When the zombie sees her husband, her dead eyes flash in recognition, and she attacks, for it was he that murdered her! |
PowerGoal 178
WHY DO YOU HANG OUT WITH THOSE GUYS? | (В будущем) | Your friends drag your sleeping drunken body under a low table. Later they wake you and you jump up, hitting your head hard on the wood. |
PowerGoal 179
A STRONG LEADER | (В будущем) | You tell the soldiers that if they do not fight, they are cowards, and they become red-faced with shame, yet they still refuse to charge. You put your hand on your horse-whip and stare them down. Unable to stand further abuse, Twensly shouts, "Whip yourself, for you are the true coward!" |
PowerGoal 180
BATTLE BUFFET | (В будущем) | The troll pokes at the bodies, feeling them for meat. Eventually it drags off the choicest specimen. After a moment, a kobold emerges from the shadows and picks through the bodies looking for shiny trinkets. |
PowerGoal 181
I MAKE ALL MY OWN CLOTHES | (В будущем) | You follow the stench of death to the corpse of a corpulent goblin. You flay it and wear its foul skin as a jumpsuit. |
PowerGoal 182
PLAY DEAD. IF THE ATTACK CONTINUES, IT IS LIKELY PREDATORY. FIGHT BACK VIGOROUSLY. | (В будущем) | The great wolf folds its ears back and growls, ready to pounce on the hapless adventurer. |
PowerGoal 183
JUST A LITTLE MORE! | (В будущем) | You are running through the woods when you get shot in the gut by a barbed arrow. The bowel is knicked, and the wound goes septic. You dig desperately at the wound but it only ends up getting more dirty and infected. Eventually your digging becomes so vigorous that your guts pop out through the hole. |