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<includeonly>Pre-Magic Improvement Candidates
Dwarf army improvements
New missions
Pillaging vs. raids
Razing sites
Demanding tribute
Seizing position-holders as prisoners (see below)
Assassinations of position-holders
Taking over sites and administrators
Getting an off-site holding can jump a fort to barony status
Emphasize holdings on the map
Attracting hill dwarves to become a baron peacefully
Basic hill dwarf / administered site interactions
Request migrants, send fort dwarves out to hills
Shows all your off-site armies, send a squad or messenger to activate them
Defensive off-site armies, ability to stall and report on incoming sieges
Army-army battles, offensive orders for off-site armies (see Army Improvements below)
Portions of Improved Sieges (below) are on the table
Also: prisoners from attacking soldiers surrendering/yielding
Prisoner trades, executions, release
Adventure overview improvements
Prioritize important information
Show personal relationships, latest people met, global reputations
Show site relations and entity positions, map holdings
Improved character creation
Mounts and pets
Equipment selection
Adventurer party support
Adventurer military improvements
Gaining civ-level entity positions (e.g. baron) by reputation or intrigue
Basic command of large armies on travel-scale map
Giving local combat orders to companions (see Your Followers below)
Tactical party controls
Medical improvements
Better quest handling
Better reputation and proximity checks
Can ask about specific opportunities
Changing how reputation titles work
Ability to ask after artifacts
Villainous plots
Work existing mechanics into conspiracy chains
Bandit groups raid and pillage the hill dwarves and extort from the fortress
Steal/demand artifacts
Thieves stealing items
Assassination of position-holding dwarves and meddling adventurers
Prisoner interrogations (both modes)
Receiving tips and rumors (both modes)
Sending out dwarven agents/investigators
Improve fort/adv rumor displays to highlight known plot elements
Hideouts and strongholds
Better alerts and identity checks
Includes bandit forts, return of castles, better necromancer towers
Creation Myths and Magic Systems
Creation myth generation
Magic settings: From none to ubiquitous
Non-magical worlds will still have (possibly multiple) creation myths
Randomness settings: From Earth-like world to standard fantasy to completely random
Hostility settings: No death or violence to regular settings to bleak and horrifying
Detailed chronology of creation
Creative actions taken by gods and ancient races, cosmic eggs and primordial chaos, resulting in humans, dwarves, the land, and every other in-game object
Generated explanations for death, the afterlife and the origins of magic fully integrated into the myth
Magical landforms generalizing and/or replacing good-evil regions and the underworld
Can be closely tied in to new magic systems
Shape/materials related to the creation myth
Deities, angels, demons, forces and spirits further integrated into the world
New generated race categories: primordial giants/titans, fairies
Mythic artifacts and expanded artifact framework
New sources: divine, natural, ancient races
Connections to the world (magical regions, etc.)
Intelligent and semi-intelligent artifacts
Automatons and magical prostheses
Update world generation screen to display myth information
Editors for fixed worlds
Maps, sites, entities, historical figures, artifacts, myths, etc.
Recorded history
Bridge myth and recorded history by converting myth output to world generation start map
Wider variety of magical historical figures with new actions and powers, respecting myth
New wizards beyond necromancers: by race, by skill, by object, by corruption, by deal with another power
Wizards that wander
Wizards that live in isolation
Wizards that form groups (councils, covens, etc.), must have rationale (group magic, mutual protection, research, etc.)
Wizards that involve themselves with civilization
Further involvement of deity-level beings and their servants in mortal affairs
Basic divine law as a precursor to law framework
Manifestation and even integration with civilizations in high-magic settings
Conflicts between deities or the confused/imperfect agents of a single deity
Magical powers given to civilized creatures and other races in myths must be respected
Respect any magical weather, landforms, reagents, materials etc. from myths
One-way portals bringing creatures or material into the world (two-way will have to wait)
High-magic worlds can have many minor magical objects, usable in play
Allow permanent changes to occur to myth-level landforms, magic, gods, etc. during regular world gen
Bringing back lost deities/titans
Removing or reawakening magic in the world
Closing/opening new one-way portals
In-play world changes and new activities
Broad expansion of interaction system to support generated magic
New effect types
Interactions can require costs (reagents, rituals, blood, energy, etc.)
New situational and other restrictions on interaction use
Integration with the generated myth's deities, forces and planes
Magical objects beyond artifacts, such as wands, potions, ointments, runestones, etc.
Exposure effects (corruption, etc.)
Various learning methods from innate powers to difficult research
Generated skills and attributes to support diverse magic systems
Ongoing supernatural involvement with sites
Site afflicted with curse
Might be lifted through player action
Nested conspiracies and disasters might require an investigation or difficult decision
Seeking guidance from the wise
Artifact can cause or cure curses/effects by existence or position or ritual etc.
Site living in harmony with nature spirits, fairies, ancestral ghosts, angels, etc.
The player or others might disrupt this situation
Elves more strongly linked to fairies/nature spirits, related conflicts and quests
Bogeyman, night trolls and others generalized, respecting myths
Various ways to get supernatural companions as an adventurer
Magical beings infiltrating and corrupting society, beyond vampires
Countering this with inquisitions etc.
Stored artifacts with powers can come into use (incl. heirlooms, holy relics, etc.)
Incorporate new mythic artifacts into existing artifact quest framework
Continue to respect any magical weather, landforms, reagents, materials etc. from myths
Base, generalizing necromancer towers (if applicable)
Site with appropriate chambers (laboratory, library, ritual, summoning, etc.)
Apprentices and servants
Conflict or cooperation with locals
Develop powers which can change the world
Discover nested structure of the inner secrets of magic and the universe
Glimpses of the unknown, mysteries which can slowly become more clear
Player or NPC activities as right hand or apprentice
Benefits: magical augmentation, equipment, special companions
Quests and tasks and duties
Defeat opposition
Steal artifacts/books
Collect dangerous reagents for rituals
Treat with rivals
Guard master during long rituals or out-of-body periods
Sacrificed as vessel for demons
Smooth over problems from out-of-control summonings
Remove an artifact from an area so a wizard can act there
Move object from one stronghold to another
Help/hinder bloodlines (especially if bloodline magic is present)
Magic in the fortress
Artifact powers that matter for the fort
Generalize artifact moods, respecting myths
Various magic types available in fort mode in high-magic worlds
Invasions by magical beings beyond necromancers, creating new challenges
Diplomacy with magical beings
Expanded elf/nature spirit diplomacy
Long-term magical residents and other sorts of integration
Send a dwarf off as a wizard's apprentice
Magical research incorporated into library system
Fortresses meaningfully built around magical landforms
Impact of simple divine law and other deity/religion interaction
Fortress Starting Scenarios
Expand framework of law, custom, rights, property and status as needed to provide a variety of scenarios
Foundation of laws, both natural and supernatural
Explicit standing of different citizens vs. civilization authorities
Possible expansion of religious and family concepts to provide sufficient scenarios
Starting scenarios
Various possiblities that guide or govern fortress activity: frontier settlement, religious site, prison colony, mining company, military citadel, roadside inn, secondary/future palace of the monarch
Drastic changes to migrants based on starting scenario
Caravans/diplomatic relationships based on starting scenario
Reclaim mechanics should be folded into this
Generalize starting scenario relationships to every site foundation
Hill/deep dwarves
Ability to bring extra dwarves appropriate to the starting scenario
Further formalize populations surrounding your fortress, in appropriate environments both above and below ground
Relationship with surrounding dwarves
Ability to trade/demand food in depot or similar place with surrounding dwarves
Development Lists
Below are the things we'll be working on after the ordered list has been handled. The idea for the much-neglected adventure mode is to focus on facilitating some specific roles that should be fun by themselves but especially when taken together. The named roles are for planning purposes only, not for use in the game explicitly. Dwarf mode will see a round of fan-suggested improvements as well as interaction with the upcoming adventure mode villains, raiders, etc. The lists below are unordered.
Adventurer Role: Hero
Your followers
List of followers and ability to look at their information
Being able to take along aggrieved people for a time if you are seeking justice for them
Reputation with entity (see below) allowing for easier followers
Being able to issue orders to attack targets
It should depend, but orders to kill civilians, especially people they know, should result in various negative reactions, possibly including hostility and violence -- your behavior should cause these reactions as well
Being able to issue orders to distract and lead off targets
Being able to issue orders to stay at a site for general purposes (defense, caring for livestock, etc.)
Depending on loyalty, they should not follow unreasonable orders for long (like guarding a random wilderness location)
Expansion of personality system to support more value-judgment-based properties such as bravery vs. cowardice/apathy/recklessness
Better morale failures
Having your own entity name for your group if you have a high enough profile (or before that, but nobody will care)
Capturing people alive and interrogations
Non-lethal fights, AI understanding the difference and the possible escalation to actual combat
Ability to disarm opponents
Ability to hold somebody and immobilize them
Ability to attempt to knock somebody out without killing them
Surrendering in the face of impossible odds, death or death threat coupled with inability to escape or win
Being able to ask people for the specific location of another person or place
Allowing people to lie
Ability to offer quick deaths to mortally wounded people to get them to talk
Being able to force a prisoner to guide you somewhere
Other interrogation stuff
Making sure tracking works to the point that you could follow a released prisoner or other group back to a hideout
Breaking into fortified locations
Having locations alerted, being able to yell for help
Disguises and impersonation through use of entity uniforms
Closed doors and passwords
Sneaking mechanics
Making hiding impossible in wide open areas (at least in adv mode)
Vision arcs for patrolling guards
Gagging people and tying them up
Allowing constructions to burn, use of kindling/hay/etc. where reasonable
Responding properly to personal fire issues (all modes)
Fleeing burning buildings
Fighting fire (all modes)
Designation to set item or tile on fire in dwarf mode
Reputation with entity populations, site governments, families and individuals
Increases with heroic acts but can rise out of stranger status just by going to markets etc.
Townspeople fractured among various overlapping allegiances to lords/villains/etc.
People offering free goods to heroes
Being called out by others if you are famous or a stranger in town
Revenge from villains/relatives/superiors of people you have killed or troubled (likely through tracking you down, see Thief role)
Combat flow
Aimed attacks
Random "opportunities" that increase/decrease the efficacy of all aimed/specific moves as combat progresses
Reaction moments and controllable counter-strikes/movement chances
Notion of stance/guard, with varying bonuses/penalties
Ability to jump up on and ride opponents if they are large enough (can happen to you too of course)
Not being able to hit a giant in the head, hitting a dragon in the head as a reaction when it attempts to bite
Notion of overall wrestling position (who is on top of or controlling whom, etc.)
Combat styles
Combat styles involving weapons or natural attacks with associated stances and moves
Ability to learn moves, etc. from others with whom you have a high enough reputation
Certain moves may only be available as specific counters, while others might just be regular attacks
Ability to create new moves/styles when highly skilled
Better megabeasts
Variety and randomization within constraints (e.g. various dragons)
Share any intelligent/diplomacy behavior that other hist figs have when appropriate
Adventurer Role: Thief
Valuables and mansions
Towns with large entity populations should have sections/quarters with varying residence quality etc.
Mansions/villas out of the way as well
Many high quality dwarf mode style items in these places
Guards, servants and watch animals/pets associated to the owner wandering the premises
Inns associated to roads and entity pop sprawl where you can stay and get information about the surroundings
Overhearing conversations as you move about town
Selling stolen property
Unscrupulous people in markets and others willing to take stolen goods
Sneaking and disguise portions of the Hero role above are required
Bounties and being hunted
No automatic recognition that you have stolen an item
People should notice when items are missing and raise an alert
Strangers found around town when crime is suspected should be stopped and searched
Your identity/appearance should be remembered for a time if you are seen in an area
If your identity/appearance is associated to an alert over a crime, somebody responsible in the entity should put a bounty on you if appropriate for the entity
You should leave tracking information and it should keep track of the last many people you have talked to
Entity warriors and other adventurers should follow your tracking information
Villains/raiders/etc. from the Hero role should also receive bounties that you can fulfill
Surrender to those seeking you
You have to follow orders to remain in surrendered state (generally to go to a location or drop your weapon)
When you make a command that follows an order, there should be an option to skip ahead to stages of the journey (such as to a dungeon or halfway through the journey back if you want to attempt to escape from your captor)
If you leave the surrendered state, you should be attacked until you surrender again, though force should not necessarily be lethal immediately
Initial beatings
Cutting off some small body part
Branding (requires wounds to support art image from crafts)
Stocks, buried to neck, tied to post
Caned, whipped, hammered
Imprisonment (until there are ways to escape, might as well retire the character, at which point rescue might be possible by a subsequent character)
Concealing your identity
Being able to assume a different name
Changing your clothes should affect the appearance tracking
Covering your face/hair with hoods, masks, etc. should affect appearance tracking
Skills for changing voice and mannerisms convincingly
If you screw up, you can be regarded as a suspicious stranger, which is worse than being a regular stranger
Adventurer Role: Treasure Hunter
Adventure sites
Non-town sites need to created and used for various purposes in world generation (prisons, tombs, temples, mines, castles, etc.)
These places should often fall into disuse (or not be active entity pop locations, as with a tomb)
Old abandoned structures can be partially buried in available soil layers
Sites should contain any appropriate items to their (possibly former) purpose
World gen should utilize defunct sites and get them new inhabitants
Underground monsters
Villains/bandits/etc. hideouts
Outdoor creatures
Night creatures (see below)
Regular entity sprawl/migrants near surface
Existing town-style sites should be updated as possible (dwarf fortresses, etc.)
Improved swimming (holding breath, currents, etc.)
Ability to climb in adv mode
Ability to jump in adv mode
Proper environmental lighting
Construction and use of torches
Whatever comes out of mechanics (below) should occur in the sites you explore to the extent that the traps can be detected and surpassed
Phrase storage and grammar updates
Have books around that can contain maps/locations/names/traps/purpose/artifacts of older sites
Sometimes you might just have a name and know an artifact is there, and then be able to cross-reference that in the next source you find until you feel you are prepared
Some sites might contain additional tomes/tablets/inscriptions that lead to more information
Adventurer Role: Slayer of Night Creatures
Night creatures and the undead
Replace skeletons and zombies with generalized generated types of creature corruption/undeath etc.
Causes -- existing from the beginning, death circumstances, being cursed, focusing on specific historical figures at first
Goals, if any, as individuals, even if it is murdering or mutilating wayfarers in the woods
Weaknesses, restrictions on movement, other limitations
Nicknames for them that are used by the villagers
Torment the living
Night creatures must act out their goals during play
Villagers should react using the same systems as with villains or player thieves, so that you can overhear conversations or use bounty-type systems
Some victims can end up drained as subvillains or slaves in the same way a bandit leader has subordinates
Stranger/thief tracking systems could be used to generate some paranoia surrounding night creatures with a human/etc. appearance or that utilize human/etc. slaves
Diseases/plagues could be included as indirect torments, as well as famine once site resources can be assailed
Hunting them down
Sometimes they are trackable through methods above, sometimes there are special signs
Killing them might ultimately require burying or burning a body, etc.
Religious or other groups might be able to tell you how to defeat or protect yourself from a night creature and support you with supplies if you can provide reports of its activity/victims etc.
Curses and exposure
Can be cursed by night creatures when you put them down
The slaves of night creatures could have extreme effects from proximity that also affect you if you make a business of hunting them
Adventurer Role: Explorer
Mapping and obstacles
It should be possible to optionally hide sections of the map during world generation
Store region names by entity, not all places would have names, ability to give names to the regions/rivers/peaks etc. that you discover
Should not be able to cross every river square from travel map unless there's a bridge
Fording rivers
Ports and boats (even if they are just used to teleport to other ports at first)
Lands and beastiary
More overland map features and local variations
Scrap good/evil lands for lands with more variety
Randomized critters in other categories (vermin, roaming creatures, soil critters, plants, etc.), naming them
Being able to look at a list of all known creatures you've seen and where
First contact
If you are exotic enough, leader might be interested in speaking to you even if you are a stranger
Might be able to exchange gifts between civ leaders and accept and give gifts yourself
Animal people and other protectors
Being tracked and hunted if you kill creatures in places you shouldn't
Scouting and rewards
Tracking information about new locations and being able to share it with civ leaders
Adventurer Role: Trader
Site resources
Track resources in quantity instead of just by type
Should depend on trade/tribute relationships as well as available professions and sprawl sites
Villager/farmer schedules/activities
Work with 3D mineral veins, mine maps and other industrial sites
World economy
Supply/demand based on current available entity resources etc.
Expand on trade/tribute relationships formed in world generation
Realize trade/tribute relationships with actual caravans moving on the map
Ability to get some supply/demand information about nearby locations from travelers and others
Ability to get that information yourself and trade it to merchants, especially as explorer
Replace dwarf mode generated caravans with actual caravans
Improved dwarf mode trade agreements incorporating all the world gen/supply/demand/merchant info etc.
Ability to lead a trade caravan
Ability to load stuff onto pack mules
Ability to hire bodyguards
Wagon/wagon teams (might do some teleportation travel with them to avoid annoyances for now)
Being able to trade from wagons, large markets might have people to move objects more quickly
Mansions for sale
Renting/buying cottages and other properties
Might have to get information about struggling nobles
Attaining a certain level of wealth and property should help with access to powerful people, though we have yet to decide what if anything this will grant you in the short term
Basic Adventure Mode Skills
Some survival skills
Ability to butcher corpses with an appropriate tool
Ability to make clothing and some other objects from hides
Ability to obtain a sharp (or at least non-smooth) edge on a rock
Extend adv mode starvation/dehydration times to appropriate number of days
Wood use
Ground debris/sticks/underbrush
Ability to chop down tree using appropriate tool
Ability to make simple wooden weapons and ammunition
Ability to use logs to make constructions
Site recognition for saving adventurer-made sites
Ability to name site
Digging and stone constructions
Ability to dig out soil tiles
Buried boulders in some soils
Ability to pull up surface boulders
Ability to make rough stone constructions
Hunting/tracking animals
Everybody leaving trails of information that can be tracked with the appropriate skill
Trails generated for offscreen animals
Ability for animals to flee into offloaded areas and have some information maintained briefly
Ability to track blood from wounded partially offloaded animals
Ability to find bodies of wounded partially offloaded animals, which could also be slowed by wounds
Ability to search for trail information from travel mode
Having it point out animals you happen upon and perhaps some auto-sneak settings for those events
Make sneak status clear to player
Better overall wilderness population tracking and regeneration
Entity populations
Track larger entity populations during world generation
Update site storage to account for a variety of sprawl
Growing crops
Ability to till tile (faster with tool)
Ability to plant seeds
Ability to pass time quickly (unlike current sleep command)
Ability to harvest plants
Ability to make a quern from a boulder
Ability to grind grindable plants (designating any proper container for products)
Ability to cook and appropriate tools for this
Raising livestock
Farms associated to entity population sprawl
Ability to buy a livestock animal and lead it around
Keep track of your animals as with hunted animals so they are not easily and permanently lost
Ability to build fences (more than one fence tile per tree used, as opposed to wall)
Ability to perform decisive attacks on unsuspecting or heavily injured opponent (a cow being slaughtered, for instance)
Tracking livestock breeding/pregnancy information
Grazing and drinking for livestock
Eggs, chickens and associated objects
Small markets associated to entity population villages
Markets need to replenish goods and manage ownership changes
Hauling Improvements
Being able to haul multiple objects
Having multiple dwarves involved with item hauling for a job
Wooden, stone-carved and metal tracks
Can be filled like stockpiles and moved between destinations
Work animals to tow carts and haul objects
Improved Mechanics
Better traps
Stone traps should require the stone be placed above the tile that is targeted
Stones should be able to roll (perhaps if they are started from or land on a ramp tile)
Weapon traps should be multi-tile and require a spring or other potential energy source -- automatic resetting should require some explicit establishment of a feasible mechanism
Large pipe sections -- walk on them or crawl inside them, allow passage for fluids
Moving fortress sections (lifts, crushing traps, etc.)
Waterproof axles through some mechanism
Rock grinders? Fans? We'll do some other machines around this time -- whichever feasible ones are the most entertaining for dwarves and treasure hunters
Farming Improvements
Soil moisture tracking and ability to moisten soil (buckets or other irrigation)
Soil nutrient requirements for plants and nutrient tracking to the extent the farming interface can provide decent feedback for you, fertilizers can reflect this
Harvestable flowers and fruit growing on plants, ability to plant trees
More pests
Fortress Subgroups
Skilled dwarves should form guilds
Dwarves with similar religious views should formally associate at times
Guilds and sects should be able to make demands for meeting halls, temples, specific furniture or the resources and time to prepare their own furniture, statues of specific gods throughout the fortress, etc.
Dwarves that have grudges or personal altercations should be able to drag their groups into it
Removal of guild dwarves from their professions should result in trouble between the guild and the currently appointed manager/leader
Various benefits to having a well developed guild or sect are under consideration
Army improvements
Make armies/beasts that attack fortress come from actual groups moving on world map
Ability to fight other armies with your dwarven armies
Larger armies should spread over multiple mid-level map squares
Ability to create fortifications/lines/etc. instead of spreading haphazardly
There are complications to be worked out if you can zoom in to battles and control them at the local level, concerning what happens to your fortress
If you can zoom in, situations like being surrounded need to be respected and have the desired results regardless of what area is zoomed in on
Allow villains to attempt to demand tribute from you
Improved sieges
Eliminate remaining edge-of-map exploits
More highly trained attacking soldiers when appropriate
Many trap exploits are handled above by requiring more to produce a trap, things like cage traps should make more sense vs. large creatures etc. (respect strength/ability vs. material, large cages might be separate object)
Coming up with a plan to overcome pathing obstacles to reach fortress innards
Ability to dig (optionally, default on)
Ability to build bridges/ramps
Ability to use grappling hooks/ladders/climb
Learning from mistakes if first attempted assault plan fails badly
For instance, if many siegers are killed, caged, etc. in a given hallway, they shouldn't generally go that way again, even if that means building/climbing/digging
Siege engine improvements depend on state of boats, lifts/moving fortress sections, since these should all use the same framework
Inns, taverns, temples and libraries
In the Fortress
Lay out the basic rooms/furniture in several associated zones
Fortress guests include merchants, diplomats, adventurers, mercenaries, bandits, travelers, etc.
Your dwarves can also visit
Extra interactions with certain guests, including the ability to hire them
Musical instrument use, dancing, storytelling, etc.
Dwarves perform related jobs, serving and otherwise entertaining guests
Set prices/activities
Recipes/drink quality
Dwarves can gamble with outsiders
Ability to play games directly if a dwarf is involved
Rooms rentable to outsiders
Fortress's reputation as inn/tavern tracked
Tie-ins with fortress justice if things go badly
Detailed art forms (poetry, music, dancing)
Randomly generated musical instruments
Innovation system for discoveries
Books and scrolls
Temple locations with prayer activities
Adventure mode
Update town taverns to the new layout
Inns in some towns and on roads, with rooms available for the player
Food and drink service for the player and others
New fort activities like songs and dancing in adv mode taverns
Games to play and player gambling
Improvements to Artifacts
World generation preliminaries
Worldgen fortress artifacts
Worldgen named weapons/armor for heroes
Worldgen holy relics
Various claims and ownership types for artifacts (heirloom, entity symbol, etc.)
Conflict over competing artifact claims
Conflict can be resolved/ties deepened with artifact gifts
Worldgen invaders loot artifacts
Worldgen thieves directed toward new artifacts
Some worldgen megabeasts seize new artifacts
Background changes
Site maps vs. artifacts
All sites should understand how artifacts can be stored
Based on entity, balance desire to display with guards/traps/etc.
Handle kobold site maps
Some buildings/items used to display artifacts (all modes)
Knowledge/rumors for artifact locations/possessors
Artifact quests and agents
Quest to retrieve, steal or otherwise obtain artifact for somebody
Quests can be taken by player adventurer or other characters
Support for the journey
Ability to present artifact (quest or not)
Recognition of where artifact is placed by player and others
Artifacts as rewards for quests
Fortress artifact interactions
Player's fort mode artifacts can be the target of artifact quests
Invaders can demand artifacts and leave with them
Ability to send a squad off the map to fetch a stolen artifact
Handle the squad's tale upon return or rumors if the squad is delayed or doesn't survive</includeonly>

Версия от 15:15, 17 декабря 2020

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И прочие глобальные цели: Перевести всё полотно о жабкиных планах. Затем стоило бы заняться обновлением уже порядком обветшавших гайдов, в первую очередь статьями, на которые можно попасть прямо с главной страницы. Немного обветшали длинные статьи-агрегаторы, которые описывают класс вещей и приводят списки. Обновить и дополнить обзорные статьи по модам и утилитам. В целом в теории можно ещё заняться созданием статьи про базовые скрипты и команды DFHack.

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Заметки по правкам

Мелкие заметки по правкам на вики, которые могут быть неочевидны новым пользователям.

  • Ссылка на конкретный раздел ставится через [[Статья#Раздел]], работает в том числе с ссылками внутри статьи. Разделом статьи считается любой текст, заключённый в некоторое число == знаков равенства ==. Ссылки и шаблоны разметки, вроде {{tt||}}, при проставлении ссылки на раздел можно игнорировать. (То есть можно сделать ссылку Map legend#Дварфийские поселения, несмотря на то, что в названии раздела стоит ссылка === [[Dwarf|Дварфийские]] поселения ===.) Но не рекомендую злоупотреблять разметкой в заголовках, во-первых не гарантирую, что ссылки будут работать корректно во всех случаях, а во-вторых это просто перегружает текст визуально.

  • Регистр учитывается в названии статей! То есть "Название статьи" и "Название Статьи" — это разные страницы. Будьте внимательны при проставлении ссылок и особенно при создании статей. Также на стоит проверять названия статьей во множественном и единственном числе. Неоднократно встречал одинаковые статьи, авторы которых упустили этот момент и не проверили наличие уже существующих переводов.

  • На Википедию и англовики можно ссылаться без характерного значка внешней ссылки: для Википедии это wikipedia:Main_Page через [[wikipedia:Название страницы]], для ру-Википедии wikipedia:ru:Заглавная_страница через [[wikipedia:ru:Название страницы]] и для англовики en:Main_Page через [[:en:Название страницы]] (как интервики, только с дополнительным двоеточием).

  • Описание изменений нужно не столько для того, чтобы админ мог прочитать ваш комментарий на свежих правках, сколько затем, чтобы через какие-нибудь пару лет в истории статьи было проще отследить что-кем-когда и почему было добавлено.