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Performer это должность. Артисты проводят различные представления в тавернах, храмах или библиотеках (хотя последнее не совсем представление). Представления могут быть трех видов: Музыка, поэзия и танцы.


Существует четыре навыка игры на инструментах: Keyboardist ru, Percussionist ru, Stringed instrumentalist ru и Wind instrumentalist ru. Так же есть один главный навык - Musician ru.

Early examples of musical forms.


There is a poet skill. Toady commenting on poetic forms:

Poetic, musical and dance forms will be generated by culture. There will be both knowledge and skill-based components to this -- so you can't compose a poem of a variety you aren't familiar with, no matter how good you are, but once you learn the rules, the quality will depend on your skills/atts. It'll start with the poet's general skill, and they'll also develop specific skill with the form...

Early examples of poetic forms.


There is a dancer skill. Toady commenting on dancing:

Every dance is associated to a musical form, and the dances respect the rhythm, tempo and some other elements of the music. I didn't reproduce the rhythm patterns below, but it tries to make elements like the number of steps in a basic movement align with the rhythm and so forth. All of the forms below were generated for humanoid forms, but I'm working toward some support for varied creature bodies -- so you'll see stuff below like "left leg" even though that text doesn't appear in the dwarf raws, and you also won't see useful words like "hips" -- it's a work in progress, but it won't necessarily need to progress on that score before the release. There also aren't certain fundamentals like costumes, and I don't expect to get them in for this time. There will be some further restrictions based on entity character that aren't in yet.

Early examples of dance forms.