Personality trait: различия между версиями

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(→‎Убеждения: синхронизация с переводом русской версии)
Строка 91: Строка 91:
|- style="border-top: 3px solid #aaa"
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! rowspan=7 | {{tt|FRIENDSHIP|дружба}}
! rowspan=7 | {{tt|FRIENDSHIP|дружба}}
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|believes friendship is a key to the ideal life|верит, что дружба - ключ к идеальной жизни}}
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|believes friendship is a key to the ideal life|считает дружбу ключом к идеальной жизни}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|sees friendship as one of the finer things in life|считает дружбу одним из лучших аспектов жизни}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|sees friendship as one of the finer things in life|считает дружбу одним из лучших аспектов жизни}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|thinks friendship is important|думает, что дружба важна}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|thinks friendship is important|считает дружбу важной}}
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|does not care about friendship|не заботится о дружбе}}
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|does not care about friendship|не заботится о дружбе}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|finds friendship burdensome|находит дружбу обременяющей}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|finds friendship burdensome|находит дружбу обременительной}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|is completely put off by the idea of friends|совершенно не заботится об идее дружбы}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|is completely put off by the idea of friends|из тех, кого идея дружбы полностью отталкивает}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|finds the whole idea of friendship disgusting|находит саму идею дружбы отвратительной}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|finds the whole idea of friendship disgusting|находит саму идею дружбы отвратительной}}
Строка 109: Строка 109:
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|believes that the acquisition of power over others is the ideal goal in life and worthy of the highest respect|считает, что получение власти над другими - идеальная цель в жизни и заслуживает высочайшего уважения}}
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|believes that the acquisition of power over others is the ideal goal in life and worthy of the highest respect|считает, что получение власти над другими - идеальная цель в жизни и заслуживает высочайшего уважения}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|sees power over others as something to strive for|считает, что к власти можно стремиться}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|sees power over others as something to strive for|считает, что власть над другими - это то, к чему нужно стремиться}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|respects power|уважает власть}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|respects power|уважает власть}}
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|doesn't find power particularly praiseworthy|не считает, что власть заслуживает похвалы}}
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|doesn't find power particularly praiseworthy|не считает власть чем-то заслуживающим похвалы}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|has a negative view of those who exercise power over others|негативно относится к тем, кто осуществляет власть над другими}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|has a negative view of those who exercise power over others|негативно относится к тем, кто осуществляет власть над другими}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|hates those who wield power over others|ненавидит тех, кто держит власть}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|hates those who wield power over others|ненавидит тех, кто обладает властью над другими}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|finds the acquisition and use of power abhorent and would have all masters toppled|находит идею власти противной и хотел бы свергнуть всех правителей}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|finds the acquisition and use of power abhorent and would have all masters toppled|находит получение и использование власти отвратительным и мечтает свергнуть всех господ}}

|- style="border-top: 3px solid #aaa"
|- style="border-top: 3px solid #aaa"
! rowspan=7 | {{tt|TRUTH|правда}}
! rowspan=7 | {{tt|TRUTH|правда}}
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|believes the truth is inviolable regardless of the cost|считает, что истина неприкосновенна и бесценна}}
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|believes the truth is inviolable regardless of the cost|верит, что истина неприложна вне зависимости от обстоятельств}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|believes that honesty is a high ideal|верит, в высокий идеал честности}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|believes that honesty is a high ideal|верит в высокий идеал честности}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|values honesty|ценит честность}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|values honesty|ценит честность}}
Строка 131: Строка 131:
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|does not particularly value the truth|не особенно ценит правду}}
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|does not particularly value the truth|не особенно ценит правду}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|finds blind honesty foolish|находит слепую веру глупой}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|finds blind honesty foolish|считает слепую честность глупостью}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|sees lying as an important means to an end|считает ложь важный средством достижения цели}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|sees lying as an important means to an end|считает ложь важным средством достижения цели}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|is repelled by the idea of honesty and lies without compunction|не признаёт идею честности и лжет без зазрения совести}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|is repelled by the idea of honesty and lies without compunction|из тех, кому претит сама идея честности, и лжёт без зазрения совести}}

|- style="border-top: 3px solid #aaa"
|- style="border-top: 3px solid #aaa"
! rowspan=7 | {{tt|CUNNING|хитрость}}
! rowspan=7 | {{tt|CUNNING|хитрость}}
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|holds well-laid plans and shrewd deceptions in the highest regard|высоко ценит хорошо продуманные планы и проницательные обманы}}
| +41 — +50 || {{ttr|holds well-laid plans and shrewd deceptions in the highest regard|высочайшего мнения о хорошо продуманных планах и ушлых обманах}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|greatly respects the shrewd and guileful|глубоко уважает хитрость и коварность}}
| +26 — +40 || {{ttr|greatly respects the shrewd and guileful|глубоко уважает хитрость и коварство}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|values cunning|ценит хитрость}}
| +11 — +25 || {{ttr|values cunning|ценит хитрость}}
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|does not really value cunning and guile|не особо ценит хитрость и коварность}}
| −10 — +10 || {{ttr|does not really value cunning and guile|не особо ценит хитрость и коварство}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|sees guile and cunning as indirect and somewhat worthless|считает коварность и хитрость косвенными и несколько бесполезными}}
| −25 — −11 || {{ttr|sees guile and cunning as indirect and somewhat worthless|считает коварство и хитрость нечестными и довольно жалкими}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|holds shrewd and crafty individuals in the lowest esteem|считает хитрых и коварных людей личностями низшего достоинства}}
| −40 — −26 || {{ttr|holds shrewd and crafty individuals in the lowest esteem|презирает ушлых и скользких индивидов}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|is utterly disgusted by guile and cunning|совершенно не признает хитрости и коварства}}
| −50 — −41 || {{ttr|is utterly disgusted by guile and cunning|чувствует полное отвращение к хитрости и коварству}}

|- style="border-top: 3px solid #aaa"
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Версия от 04:39, 24 августа 2014

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Каждый дварф имеет набор персональных черт (черт характера), отличных от атрибутов. Личности дварфов определяются убеждениями, целями и гранями. В общем, личностные черты не оказывают такого ​​же влияния на геймплей, как атрибуты, хотя воздействие многих черт характера пока не известно.

Персональные черты показываются на экране "thoughts and preferences" каждого дварфа, доступного через v->p, z, Enter или меню существ unit -> view, Enter.

Профиль показывает(сверху вниз):

  • недавние мысли
  • религиозные убеждения
  • отношения с окружающими
  • физические свойства
  • особенности характера и личности.


Каждое убеждение имеет диапазон от −50 до 50. Его значение запускает соответствующий отчёт в "Мыслях и предпочтениях", определяемый по тому, в какой из семи уровней оно попадает:

Диапазон значений Очков в диапазоне Вероятность Эффект
+41 — +50 10 0.4% Высочайший
+26 — +40 15 2% Очень высокий
+11 — +25 15 8.5% Высокий
−10 — +10 21 78% Нейтральный
−25 — −11 15 8.5% Низкий
−40 — −26 15 2% Очень низкий
−50 — −41 10 0.4% Наинизший

Убеждения также зависят от культурных ценностей посредством использования токена цивилизации VALUE. Например, у цивилизации дварфов высокое мнение о ремесле, в то время как у гоблинов идеи справедливости и жертвенности - полностью презираемы. Если убеждение отдельного дварфа существенно отличается от убеждений цивилизации, то это убеждение подсвечивается голубым цветом на экране мыслей и личности.

Некоторые убеждения могут конфликтовать с гранями личности — см. ниже.

Тема Значение Описание
LAW +41 — +50 является ярым сторонником верховенства закона
+26 — +40 высоко почитает закон
+11 — +25 уважает закон
−10 — +10 не переживает о законе
−25 — −11 не уважает закон
−40 — −26 презирает закон
−50 — −41 считает идею законности отвратительной
LOYALTY +41 — +50 высочайшего мнения о преданности
+26 — +40 высоко ценит преданность
+11 — +25 ценит преданность
−10 — +10 не особенно ценит преданность
−25 — −11 неблагосклонно оценивает преданность
−40 — −26 презирает преданность
−50 — −41 из тех, кому противна сама идея преданности
FAMILY +41 — +50 считает семью одним из самого важного в жизни
+26 — +40 высоко ценит семью
+11 — +25 ценит семью
−10 — +10 так или иначе не заботится о семье
−25 — −11 из тех, кого семья раздражает
−40 — −26 лишён какого-либо уважения к семье
−50 — −41 считает идею семьи омерзительной
FRIENDSHIP +41 — +50 считает дружбу ключом к идеальной жизни
+26 — +40 считает дружбу одним из лучших аспектов жизни
+11 — +25 считает дружбу важной
−10 — +10 не заботится о дружбе
−25 — −11 находит дружбу обременительной
−40 — −26 из тех, кого идея дружбы полностью отталкивает
−50 — −41 находит саму идею дружбы отвратительной
POWER +41 — +50 считает, что получение власти над другими - идеальная цель в жизни и заслуживает высочайшего уважения
+26 — +40 считает, что власть над другими - это то, к чему нужно стремиться
+11 — +25 уважает власть
−10 — +10 не считает власть чем-то заслуживающим похвалы
−25 — −11 негативно относится к тем, кто осуществляет власть над другими
−40 — −26 ненавидит тех, кто обладает властью над другими
−50 — −41 находит получение и использование власти отвратительным и мечтает свергнуть всех господ
TRUTH +41 — +50 верит, что истина неприложна вне зависимости от обстоятельств
+26 — +40 верит в высокий идеал честности
+11 — +25 ценит честность
−10 — +10 не особенно ценит правду
−25 — −11 считает слепую честность глупостью
−40 — −26 считает ложь важным средством достижения цели
−50 — −41 из тех, кому претит сама идея честности, и лжёт без зазрения совести
CUNNING +41 — +50 высочайшего мнения о хорошо продуманных планах и ушлых обманах
+26 — +40 глубоко уважает хитрость и коварство
+11 — +25 ценит хитрость
−10 — +10 не особо ценит хитрость и коварство
−25 — −11 считает коварство и хитрость нечестными и довольно жалкими
−40 — −26 презирает ушлых и скользких индивидов
−50 — −41 чувствует полное отвращение к хитрости и коварству
ELOQUENCE +41 — +50 believes that artful speech and eloquent expression are of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 deeply respects eloquent speakers
+11 — +25 values eloquence
−10 — +10 doesn't value eloquence so much
−25 — −11 finds eloquence and artful speech off-putting
−40 — −26 finds [him/her]self somewhat disgusted with eloquent speakers
−50 — −41 sees artful speech and eloquence as a wasteful form of deliberate deception and treats it as such
FAIRNESS +41 — +50 holds fairness as one of the highest ideals and despises cheating of any kind
+26 — +40 has great respect for fairness
+11 — +25 respects fair-dealing and fair-play
−10 — +10 does not care about fairness
−25 — −11 sees life as unfair and doesn't mind it that way
−40 — −26 finds the idea of fair-dealing foolish and cheats when [he/she] finds it profitable
−50 — −41 is disgusted by the idea of fairness and will freely cheat anybody at any time
DECORUM +41 — +50 views decorum as a high ideal and is deeply offended by those that fail to maintain it
+26 — +40 greatly respects those that observe decorum and maintain their dignity
+11 — +25 values decorum, dignity and proper behavior
−10 — +10 doesn't care very much about decorum
−25 — −11 finds maintaining decorum a silly, fumbling waste of time
−40 — −26 sees those that attempt to maintain dignified and proper behavior as vain and offensive
−50 — −41 is affronted by the whole notion of maintaining decorum and finds so-called dignified people disgusting
TRADITION +41 — +50 holds the maintenance of tradition as one of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 is a firm believer in the value of tradition
+11 — +25 values tradition
−10 — +10 doesn't have any strong feelings about tradition
−25 — −11 disregards tradition
−40 — −26 finds the following of tradition foolish and limiting
−50 — −41 is disgusted by tradition and would flout any [he/she] encounters if given a chance
ARTWORK +41 — +50 believes that the creation and appreciation of artwork is one of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 greatly respects artists and their works
+11 — +25 values artwork
−10 — +10 doesn't care about art one way or another
−25 — −11 finds artwork boring
−40 — −26 sees the whole pursuit of art as silly
−50 — −41 finds art offensive and would have it destroyed whenever possible
COOPERATION +41 — +50 places cooperation as one of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 sees cooperation as very important in life
+11 — +25 values cooperation
−10 — +10 doesn't see cooperation as valuable
−25 — −11 dislikes cooperation
−40 — −26 views cooperation as a low ideal not worthy of any respect
−50 — −41 is thoroughly disgusted by cooperation
INDEPENDENCE +41 — +50 belives that freedom and independence are completely non-negotiable and would fight to defend them
+26 — +40 treasures independence
+11 — +25 values independence
−10 — +10 doesn't really value independence one way or another
−25 — −11 finds the ideas of independence and freedom somewhat foolish
−40 — −26 sees freedom and independence as completely worthless
−50 — −41 hates freedom and would crush the independent spirit wherever it is found
STOICISM +41 — +50 views any show of emotion as offensive
+26 — +40 thinks it is of the utmost importance to present a bold face and never grouse, complain or even show emotion
+11 — +25 believes it is important to conceal emotions and refrain from complaining
−10 — +10 doesn't see much value in being stoic
−25 — −11 sees no value in holding back complaints and concealing emotions
−40 — −26 feels that those who attempt to conceal their emotions are vain and foolish
−50 — −41 sees concealment of emotions as a betrayal and tries [his/her] best never to associate with such secretive fools
INTROSPECTION +41 — +50 feels that introspection and all forms of self-examination are the keys to a good life and worthy of respect
+26 — +40 deeply values introspection
+11 — +25 sees introspection as important
−10 — +10 doesn't really see the value in self-examination
−25 — −11 finds introspection to be a waste of time
−40 — −26 thinks that introspection is valueless and those that waste time in self-examination are deluded fools
−50 — −41 finds the whole idea of introspection completely offensive and contrary to the ideals of a life well-lived
SELF_CONTROL +41 — +50 believes that self-mastery and the denial of impulses are of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 finds moderation and self-control to be very important
+11 — +25 values self-control
−10 — +10 doesn't particularly value self-control
−25 — −11 finds those that deny their impulses somewhat stiff
−40 — −26 sees the denial of impulses as a vain and foolish pursuit
−50 — −41 has abandoned any attempt at self-control and finds the whole concept deeply offensive
TRANQUILITY +41 — +50 views tranquility as one of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 strongly values tranquility and quiet
+11 — +25 values tranquility and a peaceful day
−10 — +10 doesn't have a preference between tranquility and tumult
−25 — −11 prefers a noisy, bustling life to boring days without activity
−40 — −26 is greatly disturbed by quiet and a peaceful existence
−50 — −41 is disgusted by tranquility and would that the world would constantly churn with noise and activity
HARMONY +41 — +50 would have the world operate in complete harmony without the least bit of strife or disorder
+26 — +40 strongly believes that a peaceful and ordered society without dissent is best
+11 — +25 values a harmonious existence
−10 — +10 sees equal parts of harmony and discord as part of life
−25 — −11 doesn't respect a society that has settled into harmony without debate and strife
−40 — −26 can't fathom why anyone would want to live in an orderly and harmonious society
−50 — −41 believes deeply that chaos and disorder are the truest expressions of life and would disrupt harmony wherever it is found
MERRIMENT +41 — +50 believes that little is better in life than a good party
+26 — +40 truly values merrymaking and parties
+11 — +25 finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities
−10 — +10 doesn't really value merrymaking
−25 — −11 sees merrymaking as a waste
−40 — −26 is disgusted by merrymakers
−50 — −41 is appalled by merrymaking, parties and other such worthless activities
CRAFTSMANSHIP +41 — +50 holds crafts[man]ship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks
+26 — +40 has a great deal of respect for worthy crafts[man]ship
+11 — +25 values good crafts[man]ship
−10 — +10 doesn't particularly care about crafts[man]ship
−25 — −11 considers crafts[man]ship to be relatively worthless
−40 — −26 sees the pursuit of good crafts[man]ship as a total waste
−50 — −41 views crafts[man]ship with disgust and would desecrate a so-called masterwork or two if [he/she] could get away with it
MARTIAL_PROWESS +41 — +50 believes that martial prowess defines the good character of an individual
+26 — +40 deeply respects skill at arms
+11 — +25 values martial prowess
−10 — +10 does not really value skills related to fighting
−25 — −11 finds those that develop skill with weapons and fighting distasteful
−40 — −26 thinks that the pursuit of the skills of warfare and fighting is a low pursuit indeed
−50 — −41 abhors those that pursue the mastery of weapons and skill with fighting
SKILL +41 — +50 believes that the mastery of a skill is one of the highest pursuits
+26 — +40 really respects those that take the time to master a skill
+11 — +25 respects the development of skill
−10 — +10 doesn't care if others take the time to master skills
−25 — −11 finds the pursuit of skill mastery off-putting
−40 — −26 believes that the time taken to master a skill is a horrible waste
−50 — −41 sees the whole idea of taking time to master a skill as appalling
HARD_WORK +41 — +50 believes that hard work is one of the highest ideals and a key to the good life
+26 — +40 deeply respects those that work hard at their labors
+11 — +25 values hard work
−10 — +10 doesn't really see the point of working hard
−25 — −11 sees working hard as a foolish waste of time
−40 — −26 thinks working hard is an abject idiocy
−50 — −41 finds the proposition that one should work hard in life utterly abhorent
SACRIFICE +41 — +50 finds sacrifice to be one of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 believes that those who sacrifice for others should be deeply respected
+11 — +25 values sacrifice
−10 — +10 doesn't particularly respect sacrifice as a virtue
−25 — −11 sees sacrifice as wasteful and foolish
−40 — −26 finds sacrifice to be the height of folly
−50 — −41 thinks that the entire concept of sacrifice for others is truly disgusting
COMPETITION +41 — +50 holds the idea of competition among the most important and would encourage it wherever possible
+26 — +40 views competition as a crucial driving force in the world
+11 — +25 sees competition as reasonably important
−10 — +10 doesn't have strong views on competition
−25 — −11 sees competition as wasteful and silly
−40 — −26 deeply dislikes competition
−50 — −41 finds the very idea of competition obscene
PERSEVERENCE +41 — +50 Bug:6743
+26 — +40 greatly respects individuals that persevere through their trials and labors
+11 — +25 Bug:6743
−10 — +10 doesn't think much about the idea of perseverence
−25 — −11 sees perseverence in the face of adversity as bull-headed and foolish
−40 — −26 thinks there is something deeply wrong with people that persevere through adversity
−50 — −41 finds the notion that one would persevere through adversity completely abhorent
LEISURE_TIME +41 — +50 believes that it would be a fine thing if all time were leisure time
+26 — +40 treasures leisure time and thinks it is very important in life
+11 — +25 values leisure time
−10 — +10 doesn't think one way or the other about leisure time
−25 — −11 finds leisure time wasteful
−40 — −26 is offended by leisure time and leisurely living
−50 — −41 believes that those that take leisure time are evil and finds the whole idea disgusting
COMMERCE +41 — +50 sees engaging in commerce as a high ideal in life
+26 — +40 really respects commerce and those that engage in trade
+11 — +25 respects commerce
−10 — +10 doesn't particularly respect commerce
−25 — −11 is somewhat put off by trade and commerce
−40 — −26 finds those that engage in trade and commerce to be fairly disgusting
−50 — −41 holds the view that commerce is a vile obscenity
ROMANCE +41 — +50 sees romance as one of the highest ideals
+26 — +40 thinks romance is very important in life
+11 — +25 values romance
−10 — +10 doesn't care one way or the other about romance
−25 — −11 finds romance distasteful
−40 — −26 is somewhat disgusted by romance
−50 — −41 finds even the abstract idea of romance repellent
NATURE +41 — +50 holds nature to be of greater value than most aspects of civilization
+26 — +40 has a deep respect for animals, plants and the natural world
+11 — +25 values nature
−10 — +10 doesn't care about nature one way or another
−25 — −11 finds nature somewhat disturbing
−40 — −26 has a deep dislike of the natural world
−50 — −41 would just as soon have nature and the great outdoors burned to ashes and converted into a great mining pit
PEACE +41 — +50 believes the idea of war is utterly repellent and would have peace at all costs
+26 — +40 believes that peace is always preferable to war
+11 — +25 values peace over war
−10 — +10 doesn't particularly care between war and peace
−25 — −11 sees war as a useful means to an end
−40 — −26 believes war is preferable to peace in general
−50 — −41 thinks that the world should be engaged in perpetual warfare


Некоторые существа мечтают о достижении определённых целей в своей жизни, и предположительно эти цели могут повлиять на их поведение.

Если у существа есть такие мечты, они будут перечислены на странице мыслей и предпочтений.

Токен Описание Влияние на геймплей
START_A_FAMILY dreams of raising a family
RULE_THE_WORLD dreams of ruling the world
CREATE_A_GREAT_WORK_OF_ART dreams of creating a great work of art
CRAFT_A_MASTERWORK dreams of crafting a masterwork someday
BRING_PEACE_TO_THE_WORLD dreams of bringing lasting peace to the world
BECOME_A_LEGENDARY_WARRIOR dreams of becoming a legendary warrior
MASTER_A_SKILL dreams of mastering a skill
FALL_IN_LOVE dreams of falling in love
SEE_THE_GREAT_NATURAL_SITES dreams of seeing the great natural places of the world
IMMORTALITY Leads to necromancy

Если указанная цель действительно была достигнута, то к описанию прибавится "и эта мечта исполнилась".


Каждая грань характера имеет значение от 0 до 100, которое запускает соответствующий отчёт в "Мыслях и предпочтениях", определяемый по тому, в какой из семи уровней оно попадает:

Диапазон значений Очков в диапазоне Вероятность Эффект
91 — 100 10 0.4% Высочайший
76 — 90 15 2% Очень высокий
61 — 75 15 8.5% Высокий
40 — 60 21 78% Нейтральный
25 — 39 15 8.5% Низкий
10 — 24 15 2% Очень низкий
0 — 9 10 0.4% Наинизший

Диапазон 40−60 не отображается в отчёте.

Грани также зависят от биологического вида посредством использования токена существа PERSONALITY. Например, у дварфов жадность в целом чуть выше среднего (в среднем 55 для этой черты), тогда как гоблины не склонны помогать другим - их среднее значение альтруизма равно лишь 25 и ограниченно 50.

Грани также влияют на то, какие социальные навыки будут развиваться в процессе социального взаимодействия, а также определять, будут ли некоторые действия вызывать плохие или хорошие мысли. Грани могут вызывать другие, более тонкие эффекты на поведение существ, которые пока толком не изучены.

Некоторые грани способны конфликтовать с убеждениями дварфа. Это влияние ещё не известно.

Токен Значение Описание Эффекты
Конфликтует с ROMANCE
91 — 100 всегда в кого-то влюблён и легко развивает тёплые чувства
76 — 90 очень легко влюбляется и развивает тёплые чувства
61 — 75 может легко влюбиться или развить тёплые чувства
25 — 39 с трудом влюбляется и редко развивает тёплые отношения
10 — 24 не из тех, кто влюбляется и испытывает тёплые чувства
0 — 9 никогда не влюбляется и ни к чему не испытывает тёплые чувства
HATE_PROPENSITY 91 — 100 is often inflamed by hatred and easily develops hatred toward things
76 — 90 is prone to hatreds and often develops negative feelings
61 — 75 is quick to form negative views about things
25 — 39 does not easily hate or develop negative feelings
10 — 24 very rarely develops negative feelings toward things
0 — 9 never feels hatred toward anyone or anything
ENVY_PROPENSITY 91 — 100 is consumed by overpowering feelings of jealousy
76 — 90 is prone to strong feelings of jealousy
61 — 75 often feels envious of others
25 — 39 doesn't often feel envious of others
10 — 24 is rarely jealous
0 — 9 never envies others their status, situation or possessions
Конфликтует с MERRIMENT
91 — 100 often feels filled with joy
76 — 90 can be very happy and optimistic
61 — 75 is often cheerful
25 — 39 is rarely happy or enthusiastic
10 — 24 is dour as a rule
0 — 9 is never the slightest bit cheerful about anything
DEPRESSION_PROPENSITY 91 — 100 is frequently depressed More likely to be stricken by melancholy.
76 — 90 is often sad and dejected
61 — 75 often feels discouraged
25 — 39 rarely feels discouraged
10 — 24 almost never feels discouraged
0 — 9 never feels discouraged
ANGER_PROPENSITY 91 — 100 is in a constant state of internal rage More likely to go berserk.
76 — 90 is very quick to anger
61 — 75 is quick to anger
25 — 39 is slow to anger
10 — 24 is very slow to anger
0 — 9 never becomes angry
ANXIETY_PROPENSITY 91 — 100 is a nervous wreck More likely to go stark raving mad.
76 — 90 is always tense and jittery
61 — 75 is often nervous
25 — 39 has a calm demeanor
10 — 24 has a very calm demeanor
0 — 9 has an incredibly calm demeanor
LUST_PROPENSITY 91 — 100 is constantly ablaze with feelings of lust
76 — 90 is prone to strong feelings of lust
61 — 75 often feels lustful
25 — 39 does not often feel lustful
10 — 24 rarely looks on others with lust
0 — 9 never feels lustful passions
STRESS_VULNERABILITY 91 — 100 becomes completely helpless in stressful situations
76 — 90 cracks easily under pressure
61 — 75 doesn't handle stress well
25 — 39 can handle stress
10 — 24 is confident under pressure
0 — 9 is impervious to the effects of stress
GREED 91 — 100 is as avaricious as they come, obsessed with acquiring wealth
76 — 90 is very greedy
61 — 75 has a greedy streak
25 — 39 doesn't focus on material goods
10 — 24 desires little for [him/her]self in the way of possessions
0 — 9 often neglects [his/her] own wellbeing, having no interest in material goods
Конфликтует с SELF_CONTROL
91 — 100 is ruled by irresistible cravings and urges
76 — 90 feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards
61 — 75 occasionally overindulges
25 — 39 doesn't often experience strong cravings or urges
10 — 24 only rarely feels strong cravings or urges
0 — 9 never feels tempted to overindulge in anything
Конфликтует с TRANQUILITY
91 — 100 is given to rough-and-tumble brawling, even to the point of starting fights for no reason
76 — 90 would never pass up a chance for a good fistfight
61 — 75 likes to brawl
25 — 39 tends to avoid any physical confrontations
10 — 24 does not enjoy participating in physical confrontations
0 — 9 would flee even the most necessary battle to avoid any form of physical confrontation
Конфликтует с PERSEVERENCE
91 — 100 is unbelievably stubborn and will stick with even the most futile action once [his/her] mind is made up
76 — 90 is very stubborn
61 — 75 is stubborn
25 — 39 has a noticeable lack of perseverence
10 — 24 doesn't stick with things if even minor difficulties arise
0 — 9 drops any activity at the slightest hint of difficulty or even the suggestion of effort being required
WASTEFULNESS 91 — 100 is completely careless with resources when completing projects and invariable wastes a lot of time and effort
76 — 90 is not careful with resources when working on projects and often spends unnecessary effort
61 — 75 tends to be a little wasteful when working on projects
25 — 39 tends to be a little tight with resources when working on projects
10 — 24 is stingy with resources on projects and refuses to expend any extra effort
0 — 9 cuts any corners possible when working on a project, regardless of the consequences, rather than wasting effort or resources
Конфликтует с HARMONY
91 — 100 revels in chaos and discord, and [he/she] encourages it whenever possible
76 — 90 finds a chaotic mess preferable to the boredom of harmonious living
61 — 75 doesn't mind a little tumult and discord in day-to-day living
25 — 39 prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible
10 — 24 feels best when everyone gets along without any strife or contention
0 — 9 would be deeply satisfied if everyone could live as one in complete harmony
Конфликтует с HARMONY
91 — 100 is quite a bold flatterer, extremely friendly but just a little insufferable
76 — 90 is very friendly and always tries to say nice things to others
61 — 75 is a friendly individual
25 — 39 is somewhat quarrelsome
10 — 24 is unfriendly and disagreeable
0 — 9 is a dyed-in-the-wool quarreler, never missing a chance to lash out in verbal hostility
Конфликтует с DECORUM
91 — 100 exhibits a refined politeness and is determined to keep the guiding rules of etiquette and decorum as if life itself depended on it
76 — 90 is very polite and observes appropriate rules of decorum when possible
61 — 75 is quite polite
25 — 39 could be considered rude
10 — 24 is very impolite and inconsiderate of propriety
0 — 9 is a vulgar being who does not care a lick for even the most basic rules of civilized living
DISDAIN_ADVICE 91 — 100 пренебрегает даже лучшими советами товарищей и семьи, полагаясь исключительно на собственного юриста
76 — 90 не любит получать советы, предпочитая держать собственного юриста
61 — 75 предпочитает действовать в одиночку, без учёта советов окружающих
25 — 39 предпочитает просить других помочь со сложными решениями
10 — 24 полагается на советы окружающих во время принятия решений
0 — 9 не в состоянии принимать решения без кучи рекомендаций от окружающих
BRAVERY 91 — 100 is utterly fearless when confronted with danger, to the point of lacking common sense
76 — 90 is incredibly brave in the face of looming danger, perhaps a bit foolhardy
61 — 75 is brave in the face of imminent danger
25 — 39 is somewhat fearful in the face of imminent danger
10 — 24 has great trouble mastering fear when confronted by danger
0 — 9 is a coward, completely overwhelmed by fear when confronted with danger
CONFIDENCE 91 — 100 presupposes success in any venture requiring [his/her] skills with what could be called blind overconfidence
76 — 90 is extremely confident of [him/her]self in situations requiring [his/her] skills
61 — 75 is generally quite confident of [his/her] abilities when undertaking specific ventures
25 — 39 sometimes acts with little determination and confidence
10 — 24 lacks confidence in [his/her] abilities
0 — 9 has no confidence at all in [his/her] talent and abilities
VANITY 91 — 100 is completely wrapped up in [his/her] own appearance, abilities and other personal matters
76 — 90 is greatly pleased by [his/her] own looks and accomplishments
61 — 75 is pleased by [his/her] own appearance and talents
25 — 39 is not inherently proud of [his/her] talents and accomplishments
10 — 24 takes no pleasure in [his/her] talents and appearance
0 — 9 could not care less about [his/her] appearance, talents or other personal vanities
AMBITION 91 — 100 has a relentless drive, completely consumed by ambition
76 — 90 is very ambitious, always looking for a way to better [his/her] situation
61 — 75 is quite ambitious
25 — 39 isn't particularly ambitious
10 — 24 is not driven and rarely feels the need to pursue even a modest success
0 — 9 has no ambition whatsoever
GRATITUDE 91 — 100 unerringly returns favors and has a profound sense of gratitude for the kind actions of others
76 — 90 feels a strong need to reciprocate any favor done for [him/her]
61 — 75 is grateful when others help [him/her] out and tries to return favors
25 — 39 takes offered help and gifts without feeling particularly grateful
10 — 24 accepts favors without developing a sense of obligation, preferring to act as the current situation demands
0 — 9 does not feel the slightest need to reciprocate favors that others do for [him/her], no matter how major the help or how much [he/she] needed it
IMMODESTY 91 — 100 always presents [him/her]self as extravagantly as possible, displaying a magnificent image to the world
76 — 90 likes to present [him/her]self boldly, even if it would offend an average sense of modesty
61 — 75 doesn't mind wearing something special now and again
25 — 39 prefers to present [him/her]self modestly
10 — 24 presents [him/her]self modestly and frowns on any flashy accoutrements
0 — 9 cleaves to an austere lifestyle, disdaining even minor immodesties in appearance
HUMOR 91 — 100 finds something humorous in everything, no matter how serious or inappropriate
76 — 90 finds the humor in most situations
61 — 75 has an active sense of humor
25 — 39 has little interest in joking around
10 — 24 does not find most jokes humorous
0 — 9 is utterly humorless
VENGEFUL 91 — 100 is vengeful and never forgets or forgives past grievances
76 — 90 has little time for forgiveness and will generally seek retribution
61 — 75 tends to hang on to grievances
25 — 39 doesn't tend to hold on to grievances
10 — 24 does not generally seek retribution for past wrongs
0 — 9 has no sense of vengeance or retribution
PRIDE 91 — 100 is absorbed in delusions of self-importance
76 — 90 has an overinflated sense of self-worth
61 — 75 thinks [he/she] is fairly important in the grand scheme of things
25 — 39 is very humble
10 — 24 has a low sense of self-esteem
0 — 9 is completely convinced of [his/her] own worthlessness
Конфликтует с POWER
91 — 100 is deliberately cruel to those unfortunate enough to be subject to [his/her] sadism
76 — 90 is sometimes cruel
61 — 75 generally acts impartially and is rarely moved to mercy
25 — 39 often acts with compassion
10 — 24 is easily moved to mercy
0 — 9 always acts with mercy and compassion at the forefront of [his/her] considerations
SINGLEMINDED 91 — 100 pursues matters with a single-minded focus, often overlooking other matters
76 — 90 can be very single-minded
61 — 75 generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity
25 — 39 can occasionally lose focus on the matter at hand
10 — 24 is somewhat scatterbrained
0 — 9 is a complete scatterbrain, unable to focus on a single matter for more than a passing moment
HOPEFUL 91 — 100 has such a developed sense of optimism that [he/she] always assumes the best outcome will eventually occur, no matter what
76 — 90 is an optimist
61 — 75 generally finds [him/her]self quite hopeful about the future
25 — 39 tends to assume the worst of two outcomes will be the one that comes to pass
10 — 24 is a pessimist
0 — 9 despairs of anything positive happening in the future and lives without feelings of hope
CURIOUS 91 — 100 is implacably curious, without any respect for propriety or privacy
76 — 90 is very curious, sometimes to [his/her] detriment
61 — 75 is curious and eager to learn
25 — 39 isn't particulary curious about the world
10 — 24 is very rarely moved by curiosity
0 — 9 is incurious and never seeks out knowledge or information to satisfy [him/her]self
BASHFUL 91 — 100 is gripped by a crippling shyness
76 — 90 is bashful
61 — 75 tends to consider what others think of [him/her]
25 — 39 is not particularly interested in what others think of [him/her]
10 — 24 is generally unhindered by the thoughts of others concerning [his/her] actions
0 — 9 is shameless, absolutely unfazed by the thoughts of others
Конфликтует с STOICISM
91 — 100 shares intimate details oflife without sparing a thought to repercussions or propriety
76 — 90 is not a private person and freely shares details of [his/her] life
61 — 75 tends to share [his/her] own experiences and thoughts with others
25 — 39 tends not to reveal personal information
10 — 24 has a strong tendency toward privacy
0 — 9 is private to the point of paranoia, unwilling to reveal even basic information about [him/her]self
PERFECTIONIST 91 — 100 is obsessed with details and will often take a great deal of extra time to make sure things are done the right way
76 — 90 is a perfectionist
61 — 75 tries to do things correctly each time
25 — 39 doesn't try to get things done perfectly
10 — 24 is inattentive to detail in [his/her] own work
0 — 9 is frustratingly sloppy and careless with every task [he/she] sets to carry out
CLOSEMINDED 91 — 100 is completely closed-minded and never changes [his/her] mind after forming an initial idea
76 — 90 is intellectually stubborn, rarely changing [his/her] mind during a debate regardless of the merits
61 — 75 tends to be a bit stubborn in changing [his/her] mind about things
25 — 39 doesn't cling tightly to ideas and is open to changing [his/her] mind
10 — 24 often finds [him/her]self changing [his/her] mind to agree with somebody else
0 — 9 easily changes [his/her] mind and will generally go with the prevailing view on anything
TOLERANT 91 — 100 is not bothered in the slightest by deviations from the norm or even extreme differences in lifestyle or appearance
76 — 90 is very comfortable around others that are different from [him/her]
61 — 75 is quite comfortable with others that have a different appearance or culture
25 — 39 is somewhat uncomfortable around those that appear unusual or live differently from [him/her]
10 — 24 is made deeply uncomfortable by differences in culture or appearance
0 — 9 cannot tolerate differences in culture, lifestyle or appearance
EMOTIONALLY_OBSESSIVE 91 — 100 is emotionally obsessive, forming life-long attachments even if they aren't reciprocated
76 — 90 forms strong emotional bonds with others, at times to [his/her] detriment
61 — 75 has a tendency toward forming deep emotional bonds with others
25 — 39 tends to form only tenuous emotional bonds with others
10 — 24 forms only fleeting and rare emotional bonds with others
0 — 9 does not have feelings of emotional attachment and has never felt even a moment's connection with another being
SWAYED_BY_EMOTIONS 91 — 100 is buffetted by others' emotions and can't help but to respond to them
76 — 90 is swayed by emotional appeals
61 — 75 tends to be swayed by the emotions of others
25 — 39 tends not to be swayed by emotional appeals
10 — 24 does not generally respond to emotional appeals
0 — 9 is never moved by the emotions of others
Конфликтует с SACRIFICE
91 — 100 is truly fulfilled by assisting those in need
76 — 90 finds helping others very emotionally rewarding
61 — 75 finds helping others emotionally rewarding
25 — 39 does not go out of [his/her] way to help others
10 — 24 dislikes helping others
0 — 9 feels helping others is an imposition on [his/her] time
Конфликтует с LAW,
91 — 100 has a profound sense of duty and obligation
76 — 90 has a strong sense of duty
61 — 75 has a sense of duty
25 — 39 finds obligations confining
10 — 24 dislikes obligations and will try to avoid being bound by them
0 — 9 hates vows, obligations, promises and other binding elements that could restrict [him/her]
THOUGHTLESSNESS 91 — 100 never deliberates before acting, to the point of being considered thoughtless
76 — 90 doesn't generally think before acting
61 — 75 can sometimes act without deliberation
25 — 39 tends to think before acting
10 — 24 can get caught up in internal deliberations when action is necessary
0 — 9 never acts without prolonged deliberation, even to [his/her] own detriment and the harm of those around [him/her]
ORDERLINESS 91 — 100 is obsessed with order and structure in [his/her] own life, with everything kept in its proper place
76 — 90 lives an orderly life, organized and neat
61 — 75 tries to keep [his/her] things orderly
25 — 39 tends to make a small mess with [his/her] own possessions
10 — 24 is sloppy with [his/her] living space
0 — 9 is completely oblivious to any conception of neatness and will just leave things strewn about without a care
TRUST 91 — 100 is naturally trustful of everybody
76 — 90 is very trusting
61 — 75 is trusting
25 — 39 is slow to trust others
10 — 24 does not trust others
0 — 9 sees others as selfish and conniving
GREGARIOUSNESS 91 — 100 truly treasures the company of others
76 — 90 enjoys being in crowds
61 — 75 enjoys the company of others
25 — 39 tends to avoid crowds
10 — 24 prefers to be alone
0 — 9 considers spending time alone much more important than associating with others
ASSERTIVENESS 91 — 100 is assertive to the point of aggression, unwilling to let others get a word in edgewise when [he/she] has something to say
76 — 90 has an overbearing personality
61 — 75 is assertive
25 — 39 tends to be passive in discussions
10 — 24 only rarely tries to assert [him/her]self in conversation
0 — 9 would never under any circumstances speak up or otherwise put forth [his/her] point of view in a discussion
ACTIVITY_LEVEL 91 — 100 is driven by a bouncing frenetic energy
76 — 90 lives at a high-energy kinetic pace
61 — 75 lives a fast-paced life
25 — 39 likes to take it easy
10 — 24 lives at a slow-going and leisurely pace
0 — 9 has an utterly languid pace of easy living, calm and slow
Конфликтует с TRANQUILITY
91 — 100 never fails to seek out the most stressful and even dangerous situations
76 — 90 seeks out exciting and adventurous situations
61 — 75 likes a little excitement now and then
25 — 39 doesn't seek out excitement
10 — 24 actively avoids exciting or stressful situations
0 — 9 does everything in [his/her] power to avoid excitement and stress
IMAGINATION 91 — 100 is bored by reality and would rather disappear utterly and forever into a world of made-up fantasy
76 — 90 is given to flights of fancy to the point of distraction
61 — 75 has an active imagination
25 — 39 isn't given to flights of fancy
10 — 24 is grounded in reality
0 — 9 is interested only in facts and the real world
ABSTRACT_INCLINED 91 — 100 eschews practical concerns for philosophical discussion, puzzles, riddles and the world of ideas
76 — 90 strongly prefers discussions of ideas and abstract concepts over handling specific practical issues
61 — 75 has a tendency to consider ideas and abstractions over practical applications
25 — 39 likes to keep things practical, without delving too deeply into the abstract
10 — 24 dislikes abstract discussions and would much rather focus on practical examples
0 — 9 is concerned only with matters practical to the situation at hand, with absolutely no inclination toward abstract discussion
Конфликтует с ARTWORK
91 — 100 can easily become absorbed in art and the beauty of the natural world
76 — 90 greatly moved by art and natural beauty
61 — 75 is moved by art and natural beauty
25 — 39 does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity
10 — 24 is not readily moved by art or natural beauty
0 — 9 is completely unmoved by art or the beauty of nature