Civilization and World Info

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Пример скриншота меню "Информация о цивилизациях/мире"

Информационное меню Цивилизаций/Мира является вашим окном в мир за пределами вашей крепости.

Доступное в режиме крепости с помощью shift-Y, оно отображает информацию о цивилизациях и их поселениях, предоставляет доступ к новостям и слухам (делимся с посланником крепости и гостями) и позволяет создавать и управлять заданиями для ваших отрядов.


Full view of the Civilizations and World Info screen's map.

The Civilization/World Info menu has six main submenus; world, missions, news and rumors, people, artifacts and civilizations. It also has an overlay that can be toggled to display holdings and tribute (instead of geographical features).

A world on the Holdings and Tribute tab


The World menu shows known information about the cursor's location on the map.

You can create a new mission to raid a highlighted site that doesn't belong to your civilization by pressing r. This brings up the mission planning screen where you set the mission details and assign squads to carry out the mission.

When one of your own holdings is highlighted, you can dispatch a messenger to request specific citizens travel to your fortress. Note that a messenger must be assigned to your fortress from the locations screen, similar to assigning someone the role of a performer or scholar.

Holdings and Tribute

When this overlay is toggled on, each site will be flagged with the civilization symbol and highlighted with a color to indicate its relationship with your fortress.

Your own site will be highlighted cyan. Your home civilization will be highlighted blue.

If you are at war with a civilization, its sites will be highlighted red.

Sites with which you're at peace will be highlighted green.

Your own holdings will be highlighted magenta. Holdings are acquired both by conquest and by economic success. You can send your own citizens away to inhabit your holdings (from the view preference menu, hit e) and request workers to come from the holdings to your main fortress.


Основная статья: mission

The Mission menu allows you to view any raids or other missions that you've set up.

Missions are created from the World, Artifact, and People modes, but can be viewed and managed from this menu.

News and Rumors

As the name suggests, this menu shows known rumors. Outpost liaisons and visitors to the fortress will share rumors; an active tavern can facilitate rumor acquisition.

In this mode, colored letters will appear overlaid on certain sites to indicate what recent rumors pertain to the site. The map will also display animated red lines indicating rumors of army movements.

  • A: Abduction - A person has been kidnapped from the site
  • A: Artifact - An artifact was known to be in the site
  • A: Army movement - An army was marching on the site
  • O: Occupation - A site was conquered and is now under military occupation
  • R: Refugees - A group of refugees fled from the site before a military raid or invasion
  • P: Change in leadership - A leadership role was assumed or changed persons
  • C: Site reclaimed - An abandoned ruin was reclaimed


The People screen allows you to create missions to recover any citizens who've been kidnapped.


This menu contains a list of all known offsite artifacts and their locations.

You can create a mission to retrieve a specific artifact from this menu, but your squad will need some sort of rumor to get started, or they won't know where to go. If you believe you know where an artifact is located and are willing to use force to retrieve it, you can also use the World screen to send a squad to raid that site and hope that they bring it back as loot.


This menu shows all known civilizations within range of your fortress, any known people of interest, any trade agreements, import and export summaries, and any diplomatic agreements (such as tree-felling quotas, to appease elves).