Descriptor shape token

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Эти токены описывают различные внутриигровые формы. Все существующие в оригинальной игре формы находятся в файле descriptor_shape_standard.txt.

Токен Аргументы Использование Описание
ADJ строка An adjective to be paired with the name. Can be used multiple times, allowing for variants of the same shape e.g. "thin cross", "tall cross".
CATEGORYv0.47.01 название категории A category the shape belongs to, which can be used by the tool token SHAPE_CATEGORY. Vanilla categories are SIMPLE, PLATONIC, and DICE, but any arbitrary category name is allowed.
SIDESv0.47.01 число кость The amount of sides of the dice.
GEMS_USE_ADJ самоцветы Makes gems in this shape use the syntax 'ADJ + material' e.g. "conglomerate gizzard stone". This, GEMS_USE_NOUN or GEMS_USE_ADJ_NOUN must be used for the name of a gem in this shape to show up.
GEMS_USE_ADJ_NOUN самоцветы Makes gems in this shape use the syntax 'ADJ + material + NAME' e.g. "smooth conglomerate cabochon". This, GEMS_USE_ADJ or GEMS_USE_ADJ_NOUN must be used for the name of a gem in this shape to show up.
GEMS_USE_NOUN самоцветы Makes gems in this shape use the syntax 'material + NAME' e.g. "point cut conglomerate". This, GEMS_USE_ADJ or GEMS_USE_ADJ_NOUN must be used for the name of a gem in this shape to show up.
NAME единственное:множественное Необходимый The name of the shape. Is not always strictly used, see GEMS_USE_ADJ.
TILE 'символ' или номер тайла Необходимый The tile the shape uses, as an engraving or as an item (gem, die).
WORD слово Действие неизвестно