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Режим приключений

Священники фигурируют в людских и гоблинских поселениях, даже те, которые захвачены и включены в цивилизациях других рас. Они будут либо поклоняться местному божеству, либо поклоняться нескольким божествам либо сфере.

High Priests are the leaders of the local religious sect and have distinct idiosyncratic yet thematic titles, such as "High Dessert." If no High Priest resides in the settlement, any Priests present, and most citizens, will be members of a neighboring religious sect. High Priests in Goblin fortresses are likely to be goblin even if the rest of the population is supplanted by other races.

If a Temple is in the settlement, there will be a local sect, and a living High Priest at least at the end of worldgen. Priests will be found wandering inside during the day, though in Human towns some may wander to visit a local tavern , Mead hall or Keep, many return to their homes for lunch, and some may work as shopkeepers. In such towns, Priests will also return home to sleep, while in Goblin Fortresses Priests will sleep within the Temple.

Режим крепости

Священники могут быть среди участников засад и осад.