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Дамбу можно построить на реке или ручье. Она имеет несколько применений:

  • Полная остановка течения реки
  • Модификация русла реки
  • Создание озёр или технических резервуаров
  • Создание ловушек с использованием воды

Река не перельётся через насыпь дамбы выше начального уровня. (Обратите внимание: если выше по течению есть водопад, то этот верхний уровень будет "начальным уровнем"!)

Строительство дамбы

Необходимым шагом будет определение направления течения воды. На самом деле это довольно просто: с одного края река вытекает с карты, и поэтому имеет более низкий уровень воды. Проверьте крайние тайлы на обоих концах реки.

Ледяной метод

Самый простой и быстрый метод возведения дамбы возможен, если ваша карта замёрзла во время зимы. Просто выкопайте узкие отрезки каналов через реку и постройте стену без шлюзов, блокируя путь воде.

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Draining Method

Another way is to drain the river. This can be done by building a tunnel next to the river that dumps into a chasm or deep valley. The dumping tunnel should only be one square wide, with a single floodgate to control it, as long as where the water first enters it has a fairly large number of squares of "Open Space" to move into. The water over Open Space will rapidly force its way down, forcing the rest to flow at warp speed. Be sure the floodgate is operational, as this sort of flow imposes terrible game lag while active. The more edge tiles drained from, the faster the level will go down enough to allow construction.

An alternative method to this is to use a large number of pumps to move more water out of the river than can be replaced by the water flow. For a river with a width of 4 tiles, you will need three on either side four pumps spanning the river pumping it into channels or tunnels, ideally off the map, a waterfall, or somewhere where flooding will not be a concern. While the pumps are operating, it will be drained enough to build the dam. A little more mechanic intensive method is using nine pumps, four to pump where your floodgates will go, four to pump out places for your workers to stand up/downstream, and one to keep a ramp clear to retrieve the dwarves. This method has the advantage on not needing channels/tunnels saving that layer for future construction.

If your dwarves are persistent enough you can also dig out a large chamber under the river at Z-1, channel out holes on both sides at Z0, and cover these holes with walled-in bridges. When you raise the bridges the water drops down; when you lower them it starts flowing again. This avoids the 'infinite hole' bug that can result if you uses collapses to punch holes in the bottom of brooks.

One other possible method of disposing of that water is channeling it to an aquifer lower that the river, it will absorb the pressurized water. The best part of this method is that the aquifer will likely be almost directly under the river, minimizing the needed construction.

You can also smooth and carve fortifications into the very last tile on a z level below surface (if that last tile is rock, and not soil) and water will flow through the fortifications and off the edge of the map.

An example of how to construct a magma dam.

Magma Method

Если у вас есть доступ к источнику магмы, вы можете вылить магму на поток воды. Когда вода и магма столкнуться появится обсидиан — дополнительный бонус, если вы захотите торговать предметами, созданными из обсидиана. Выливайте достаточное количество магмы в реку, до достижения обоих берегов реки на протяжении 3-4 клеток в ширину, для того чтобы дать вашим дварфам достаточное пространство для копания канала (channel) из обсидиана и размещения шлюзов (Floodgate).

Опасайтесь: Если вытекающая магма расположена слишком близко к краю карты, это может навсегда остановить вашу реку! Клетки с обсидианом у края карты не могут быть выкопаны!

Если вы хотите провести магму через ручей, не останавливая его, постройте пол (floor) над ним.

Natural Cave-in

If your river is underground, you can use channeling to collapse a section of rock into it. If this rock was constructed (i.e., you built it as walls or floors), it will revert to its component stones and sink to the bottom, not blocking the river at all. However, if the rock is natural, it will retain its shape and block the flow of water.

Since above-ground rivers normally do not pass beneath natural rock, this strategy is difficult to apply to them. But dwarven ingenuity should never be underestimated.

Ваша дамба

Собственно дамба


After your dam has been completed and looks something like the image, you can expect water to just stop flowing UNLESS there is a waterfall. If that is the case, the water will just flow around it after flooding a fair amount of space around it. If you messed up while making a magma dam and permanently obstructed the edge of the map, you can expect the entire world to flood up to the point where water enters.

Actually Building

Once the river has been drained (which can take a VERY long time), you may have to dig into the riverbed by ordering a channel to be dug in the open space tile above the tile you want to build on. The result of this, however, is that the tile is no longer considered a brook/river and it behaves like any other storage of water. It no longer colored a pretty light-blue and nothing (including dwarves, caravans, goblins, etc) can walk on top of it. This can be very annoying, so be prepared.

However if your dwarves have access to the river bed they can 'mine' the bed out leaving the pretty blue surface (or dull grey surface when there is no water). you should leave some form of access to the bed channel at the farthest downstream point to let wanderers out of the bed if you decide to open your dam

Further Possibilities

  • Most of the above techniques can be used to puncture oceans and lakes, for dikes or random under-water bunkers.
  • You can create a massive flood if you build a dam out of floodgates and open them all at once. Good for traps. Works with magma.
  • Being in control of your local river/brook makes you more of a man dwarf.
FAQ по воде
Как мне закачать воду наверх?
Как остановить подъём воды?
Дварфы могут всплывать к воздуху?
Как долго дварфы и другие существа могут плавать?
Насколько глубоко можно затопить канал или водоём?
Можно ли растопить лёд для получения воды зимой?
Как построить колодец?
Как провести канал для снабжения водой?
Может ли поток воды смыть предметы?
Могу ли я перегородить реку?
Раскопки остановлены с сообщением: Damp stone located
Как выжить на карте без рек? Умрут ли дварфы от жажды?
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