Версия игры/
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v50 • v0.40 • v0.34 • v0.31 • v0.28 • v0.23 | |
Версия вышла 13 июля 2008 года.
Комментарии Toady One
Okay, here's the new version. You can do various things with world generation, though not much has changed with the regular game. If you go into the world generation advanced parameters and start designing/drawing your own world, please keep in mind that you'll probably end up getting infinite reject cycles -- you can turn on the reject log in data/init/init.txt to see what's going wrong. Oftentimes you'll be violating biome restrictions (you can just go through any that you find and 'n'ullify them to solve this problem). As usual, let me know if it crashes and how to make it crash if it does -- I suspect there are new problems of all sorts lurking within every part of the game, despite having fixed more than 100 bugs for this version. |
- made preexisting murky pools refill during rains
- gave indication of gender in legends screen
- listed all hist fig relationships to other hist figs/entities/sites explicitly in legends screen
- made murky pools and river sources channelable
- added world gen battles
- did history handling for wars/battles
- handled attack site selection
- handled entity knowledge of site locations
- handled history creation for wars and language additions for war/battle names
- added basic ethical framework to entities
- handled diplomatic biases from ethical matches/mismatches
- did basic calculation for combat strength of historical figure/creature
- removed entity groupings
- got rid of human civ leaders
- changed scouting a bit
- allowed important historical figures to have personalities during world gen
- handled basic evaluation of current attitude based on recent historical events
- added leader evaluation of neighboring entity beliefs based on religion/status as power
- made constructions remove engravings, debris and other objects from their square on placement
- allowed entry into dangerous liquids using careful movement
- allowed dwarves to dig up from ramps provided a ramp wall is in place
- decreased willingness to eat carried mud in adv mode
- increases adv mode store inventory and added ammunition to weapon stores
- added infrastructure for collections of historical events (e.g. wars/battles)
- allowed undead/invaders to fight
- set up infrastructure for world constructions
- added entity tags for a few world constructions
- smoothed out local landscapes
- made heat/cold damage effects for items work faster
- made pregnancies count toward the baby cap
- made freed tombs respect no pet init options
- made carving a fortification unhide adjacent squares
- displayed number of assigned hunting/war beasts during assignment
- gave work dogs and cats names upon adoption
- allowed people to talk about their professions and kills in a basic way
- made civilians take entity appropriate jobs during world gen and gain skills over time
- added more explicit job permissions to entity defs and handled some ramifications of that
- added framework for world gen civilian professions and tracking time spent working
- allowed viewing of kills in adv mode, dwf mode and legends mode
- recorded all kills by historical figures during regular play
- made world gen hunters contest wild beasts and record kills
- added tags to control world gen adventuring behavior of entities
- allowed entities at peace with wildlife to settle in savage areas
- made world generation stopping point depend on era
- let civ adventurers kill mega/semimegabeasts during world generation
- made megabeasts, semimegabeasts and underground feature creatures take on the undead character of their region
- allowed hist figs to hold undead information
- added addition location/state information to certain historical figures and adventurer/followers
- added ability to view historical territory maps from legends
- associated character/front/back color to entity symbols
- made entities claim territory during world generation
- added basic dynamic era naming
Исправления вылетов
- stopped crash from invalid reaction item types (mods)
- fixed reclaim crash
- fixed crash from caused by corruption of tax collection information
- fixed crash caused by notable creatures being destroyed in cages
- stopped v-i from crashing the game after zooming to a cage
- fixed a crash with lots of stone in the stocks screen
- fixed crash from having no items available to bring to the depot
- fixed crash bug related to rain destroying webs in evil forests
Прочие исправления
- made vegetation that grows up in mud over engravings destroy them properly
- stopped improper inclusions from being placed in soil near beaches
- stopped civilizations without craft materials from bringing soil-improved items
- fixed problem with smoothed floor text
- stopped well-meaning dwarves from previous forts from appearing at reclaim sites
- fixed reversed coloration of stone furniture
- fixed problem causing lake shores to have incorrect elevations
- made carving fortifications update flow state near wall
- allowed water to flow once blocking trees are chopped down
- allowed water to drop through raised/retracted bridges
- handled talking to babies in adventure mode
- stopped ocean waves from being generated above waterless squares, e.g. over drained ocean
- allowed miner to dig channel/ramp downward if that is only available direction
- fixed another 16 bit variable blowout in the construction menu, causing late-game items not to list
- stopped work order jobs from registering with high priority non-validated orders first
- fixed error in weapon directional penalty from vision problems
- fixed problem with the meat/fish check on embark starting food creation
- stopped cooks from bringing barrels containing cheese to the kitchen
- allowed cooks to bring spice bags to kitchen instead of taking out individual leaves
- fixed demand time initialization
- stopped chunks from rotting as fast as vermin
- fixed problem that allowed adv sneaking in line of sight of enemies as long as you weren't targeted
- stopped dead trees from being marked as subterranean
- made caravans bring gloves/shoes in pairs
- made items stuck on top of doors/floodgates/bridges fall if structure is opened/lowered
- stopped active soldiers from running in elections
- stopped king/consort/advisor from doing actual hauling jobs after they arrive
- stopped clipping of body part names in unit view unless some status text is attained
- stopped problem causing lowering of tree cap from 100 after discussion even with good skill rolls
- stopped designation of downward staircases on other downward staircases
- made insane dwarves and babies disregard stay inside orders
- stopped no-exert creatures from becoming tired on screw pumps
- updated player/follower travel link for adv mode
- stopped people from getting food altruism thoughts from feeding animals during taming jobs
- added additional check for stranded meetings
- fixed display of macabre/brooding mood item request text
- stopped manager from placing jobs in unpowered buildings
- made the citizens trigger option work
- stopped looping dwarves from constantly trying out gloves and boots when they should just pick one and go
- fixed obscure world gen loop erase error
- made historical figures out of victorious hunted beasts
- moved world gen adventurers over to army battle system for their beast duels
- stopped mayor from ignoring labor list
- fixed some inconsistencies with child name capitalization
- made snow-covered dyer's workshop in different construction states distinguishable
- stopped blood from hanging in the air
- stopped aerial births
- stopped placing container in one of its contained containers from locking up the game
- stopped snow from being generated at the bottom of the ocean
- stopped smoothing under roads
- made unconscious diplomats/traders trigger traps
- made sleeping mesh with unconsciousness effects better
- stopped channeled walls above constructions from leaving rocks inside the construction
- hid more wall connections in adventure mode
- stopped "large " items with blank names from appearing (one instance of it anyway)
- fixed problem that would introduce a space at the beginning of some lines of conversation text
- made rain/snow shift locations with rest of objects on map shift
- fixed problem with world map display size on chargen/embark
- allowed "grounded" fliers to continue flight
- stopped adv mode sleeping for air-breathing swimming and drowning creatures
- made children grow up anyway if they somehow miss their exact coming of age date
- made forbidden/on fire state of items respected in a few extra places
- gave immigrant woodcutters proper soldier settings
- changed how diplomacy states are stored
- stopped roads/tunnels from tracing previous routes and handled junctions
- various other transport network tweaks
- stopped debris on the ground from coloring flashing ramps
- fixed problem with recursive body glosses
- fixed display problem with text viewer scroll bar
- hid adventure mode site compass if not in regular mode
- allowed wagons to go through ashes
- stopped dwarves continuing training if the building becomes forbidden
- stopped dungeon master from constantly putting on cloaks
- stopped ocean waves from pushing merchant and horses free from wagons
- stopped construction removal from leaving open spaces in ice
- stopped constructions and frozen liquids from floating at the bottom of the chasm
- fixed up problems with continued designation job selection
- made digging out ramp walls update connectivity properly
- made vegetation removal behavior based on entity tags rather than site type
- made cage occupant list scroll before reaching instructions
- stopped item names from spilling under point values in embark item list
- fixed problem with blank thoughts from old caves
- placed silk cloth in the correct item category during embark
- stopped selected embark area from changing when civ is changed
- made smoothed walls display correctly when designated for dig
- fixed problem with wagons not unloading at the depot if you have more than one
- fixed problem with the king coming early and not actually showing up
- improved accessibility checks for various jobs
- fixed problem with slaughter job spamming over inaccessible creatures
- fixed problem leading to extra ghost towns
- added more variability to selected colors for territory symbols
- cleaned up the era/maps view in legends a bit
- added very small territories around sites in old saves
- handled various era odds and ends
- fixed item contaminant adjective spacing and duplicates
- handled eras in legend mode
- added some additional checks for well completion for well jobs
- handled an issue with job persistence when a dwarf joins the guard
- stopped journey friendships from influencing leadership selection on embark
- made soldiers lose inappropriate jobs like training when their squad is put on duty
- stopped export restriction mandates from being violated by trader goods (no dwarves were punished, but noble becomes upset by this)
- fixed a problem that would allow continued designation jobs to mess with other designations
- fixed a few problems with adding/deleting world gen parameter sets
- fixed problem with infinite rejections in world gen that came from loading custom parameters
- fixed gender swap in legends/relationships display of deities
- fixed problem causing low baby caps to affect population cap
- stopped natural creatures from ambushing adventurers that are at peace with wildlife
- made at peace with wildlife tag apply only to natural creatures, and updated some of those tags