Graphics set repository

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Про пользовательские тайлсеты см. Tileset repository.
MOD На этой странице описывается модификация игры. Изменение внутренних настроек искажает оригинальный ход игры, а в некоторых случаях приводит к её неработоспособности. Используйте на свой страх и риск.

Графический сет используется для изменения внешнего вида существ в игре. Обычно они выпускаются вместе с определенным тайлсетами и предназначены для совместной с ними работы. Они могут существенно менять внешний вид игры и облегчать игрокам понимание того, что происходит на экране. Эта страница служит хранилищем графических сетов, созданных сообществом.

32×32 квадратные


Screenshot of game using the Vettlingr Graphics Pack
Vet intro.png
Скачать: Official Forum Thread or [1]
Автор: vettlingr
Размер тайлов: 32×32
Разрешение: 1920×600
Текущая версия: 1.6
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: November 12, 2021. This is a Dwarf Fortress tileset for 32x32. Featuring over 10000 unique sprites for most creatures, professions and job titles, as well as environments, furniture, items and more. All or most made by a single author!

If you like your dwarves big-nosed and stunty, with a hint of Anglo-Saxon or Nordic design. Perhaps you like gothic horror or a darker style for your dwarven dungeon paired with a beautiful consistent design. Fret not, thy tileset pack is here!

Meph Tileset

Скачать: No longer available
Автор: Meph
Размер тайлов: 32×32
Разрешение: Variable
Текущая версия:
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: N/A
Retired Nov 14, 2021, due to copyright concerns (see forum thread for more info)

Last updated: Mar 11, 2020. The Meph tileset was the first graphical 32x32 tileset for Dwarf Fortress. ”It was born from my research about tilesets, finding old, abandoned 24x and 32x sprites by Dibujor and Obsidian Soul, both inactive since 2015. I thought that their sprites are too good to waste and started with them as a basis for a new tileset.”

The Meph tileset used Dfhack and TWBT.

24×24 квадратные


Screenshot of game using the Gemset Graphics Pack
Gemset Logo.png
Скачать: [2] or [3]
Автор: DragonDePlatino
Размер тайлов: 24×24 / 48×48
Разрешение: 1920×600
Текущая версия: 1.41
Версия игры: 0.42.04
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: Jan 15, 2016. The DFgraphics github version is currently the only one actively maintained.

The first complete 24×24 graphics set for Dwarf Fortress, GemSet provides the aesthetics of ASCII and convenience of graphics.

Drawn natively in a 24×24 resolution for 1080p and 4K displays, GemSet uses a bright 32-color palette with the intention of keeping everything crystal-clear on even the highest-resolution displays. All profession graphics are color-coded according to their ASCII counterparts and black has been kept as the dominant color of the graphics set.

All creature graphics are finished and TWBT support is currently in-development.

Dungeon Set

Screenshot of game using the Dungeon Set Graphics Pack
Скачать: Official Forum Thread
Автор: utkonos
Размер тайлов: 24×24
Разрешение: 1920×600
Текущая версия: 1.03
Версия игры: 0.43.03
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: June 28, 2016.

A TWBT compatible graphics set drawn in a realistic style.

18×18 квадратные

CLA's ASCII-like Graphics Set

Screenshot of game using CLA's ASCII-like Graphics Set
Скачать: Official Forum Thread, Github
Автор: CLA
Размер тайлов: 18×18
Разрешение: 1440×450
Текущая версия:
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Last updated: Feb 4, 2020

ASCII-Like, uses stylized letters to show what the creature is while still allowing it to look like the letter. Tileset based on Haowan with opaque ground tiles

Bitlands 18x18 Unofficial

Screenshot of game using Bitlands 18x18 Graphics Set
Bitlands 18x18 sample.png
Скачать: 0.47.05 Forum Post
Автор: DragonDePlatino / Wokko
Размер тайлов: 18×18
Разрешение: 1440×450
Текущая версия:
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: See forum thread
Last updated March 20, 2021

Unofficial 18×18 conversion of DragonDePlatino's Bitlands set. Original conversion done by Wokko. Latest update posted by jecowa.

Ironhand and Wormslayer's Graphics Pack

Screenshot of game using Ironhand and Wormslayer's Graphics Pack
Скачать: Official Forum Thread (and DFFD for v0.44), Github
Автор: Ironhand and Wormslayer
Размер тайлов: 18×18 / unofficial 16×16 version (Ironhand16 for 0.40.09)
Разрешение: 1440×450
Текущая версия: 47.04A
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Available pre-installed or as a patch
Last updated: Mar 1, 2020.

16×16 квадратные

Geoduck's 16×16 Graphics Set

Screenshot of game using Geoduck's Graphics Set and Shizzle's ASCII tileset
Geoduck logo.png
Скачать: Geoduck's Dwarf Fortress 16x16 page
Автор: Geoduck
Размер тайлов: 16×16
Разрешение: 1024×768 or higher
Текущая версия: 2.0
Версия игры: 0.43.03
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: May 29, 2016

Set for Dwaves/Goblins/Humans/Elves/Kobolds which attempts to combine compactness with greater simplicity, clarity and ease of viewing. Designed for Fortress mode play, but includes Adventurer tiles. Created from scratch, but originally inspired in part by PTTG's graphics set for .40d.

Rally Ho! Graphics Set

Скачать: Rydel's Forum Thread, Github
Автор: Rydel
Размер тайлов: 16×16
Разрешение: 1024×768 or higher
Текущая версия: 47.04
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Instructions in readme
Last updated: March 1, 2020. The DFgraphics github version is currently the only one actively maintained.

Rally Ho! is a 16×16 graphics set based on graphics from the Final Fantasy series of video games, especially the NES, SNES, GB, and GBA games.

Mayday's Graphic Set

Screenshot of game using Mayday's Graphic Set
Скачать: Mayday's site or GitHub
Автор: Mikemayday
Размер тайлов: 16×16
Разрешение: 1280 horizontal
Текущая версия: 47.04
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Available as a pre-installed copy.
Last updated: 29 February 2020. The DFgraphics github version is currently the only one actively maintained.

Combined with a customized main tileset. Credits go to Beefmo, Sphr, DR, Tocky, Herrbdog, Bane18, Dragon Warrior games and me (although I did much more organizing and editing than actually creating).

Obsidian Graphics Set

Screenshot of game using the Obsidian Graphics Set
Obsidian Graphics Set.png
Скачать: Official Forum Page or GitHub
Автор: Obsidian Soul
Размер тайлов: 16×16
Разрешение: 1024×768 or higher
Текущая версия: 47.04a
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: Apr 6, 2020. The DFgraphics github version is currently the only one actively maintained. Click here for a full sprite sheet!

A graphics set that focuses on consistency and stylized realism to harmonize the different tiles and give a more "medieval" atmosphere to the game. Unlike other tilesets, this also specifically sets aside different tiles for grass with modifications to their graphics raws. This makes it easier to distinguish pasturable areas from bare rock and sand, tell apart different biomes, as well as letting you plan green (or blue, if you're going with cave moss) gardens along your entrance halls. Just make sure to forbid traffic on it to avoid trampling them to bare ground.

Phoebus' Graphics Set

Screenshot of game using Phoebus' Graphics Pack
Phoebus 16x16.png
Скачать: GitHub repository
Автор: Phoebus
Размер тайлов: 16×16
Разрешение: 1280×400
Текущая версия: 47.04a
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Available pre-installed or as a patch
Phoebus quit supporting it but community tries to keep it up to date, see github repo

Spacefox Graphics Set

Screenshot of game using the Spacefox Graphics Set
Скачать: GitHub repository
Автор: Spacefox
Размер тайлов: 16×16
Разрешение: 1280×400
Текущая версия: 47.04
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Instructions at download site

A tile and graphic set created with a simple, clean look as a goal. Inspired by Jolly Bastion and referenced from tile sets that have come before. This graphic and tileset is still very much a WIP. It should be completely playable as it is based off Phoebus' Tileset and comes with all of it's graphical assets.

Tergel Graphics Set

Скачать: Forum thread, Github
Автор: CowThing
Размер тайлов: 12×12 or 16×16
Разрешение: 1024×768
Текущая версия: 47.01
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: Feb 3, 2020. The DFgraphics github version is currently the only one actively maintained.

Tergel is an ASCII tileset combined with simple pixel art. CowThing wanted to enhance the ASCII feel, while keeping the game readable, and give the game a happier feel. This tileset was derived from Simple Mood by Rogue Yun. Also inspired by Taffer, Jolly Bastion, Quale's "scroll-o-sprites", and many others.

15×15 неквадратные

Duerer 15×15 Graphics Set

Screenshot of game using the Duerer graphics set.
Скачать: Forum thread
Автор: HaterSkater
Размер тайлов: 15×15
Разрешение: 1280×400
Текущая версия: 0.6.A
Версия игры: 0.42.02
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: December 6, 2015. No longer maintained.

That's it. Engraved Dwarf Fortress. The idea of this set arose after a series of experiments including noise application to other tilesets, and, in other hand, after 4 year study of art history. Resulting tileset looks like hand drawn graphics and engravings made in XV-XVI century or maps of same epoch.

10×10 квадратные

Taffer's Tilesets & Graphics

Screenshot of game using Taffer's Tileset & Graphics
Скачать: Github
Автор: Taffer
Размер тайлов: 10×10, 20×20
Разрешение: Any
Текущая версия: 6.6.0 (Github: 47.04)
Версия игры: 0.47.05
Установка: Unzip over DF install
Last updated: Apr 4, 2020

Sharp looking, vanilla styled tilesets that strive to strike a good balance between nice, attractive graphics, while avoiding odd graphical oddities. I have positioned many tiles carefully and put a lot of thought into each one, often obsessively so. I find the cumulative differences from the ASCII add quite a bit to the game. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and the update log attests to that, but the result is pleasing and well-polished. Alternate walls are included, as is the color set and racial graphics for dwarves, humans, elves, goblins, and kobolds.

12x18 неквадратные


Screenshot of game using the Bitlands graphics set.
Bitlands logo cropped.png
Скачать: Forum thread
Автор: DragonDePlatino
Размер тайлов: 12×18 (unofficial 18×18)
Текущая версия: 1.0.0
Версия игры: 0.44.12
Установка: Instructions at download site
Last updated: November 16, 2018

An graphics set made to be authentic to older PC games, with thousands of monochrome overrides for all creatures, tiles, items, plants, minerals and buildings of vanilla Dwarf Fortress. There is an unofficial version that supports 0.47.xx, as well as adds a 18×18 tile width option.

Bitlands uses Dfhack and TWBT.

16×24 неквадратные

Anon's Tileset and Creature Graphics

Screenshot of a worldgen fortress, as seen using Anon's Tileset and Creature Graphics.
Anontileset screen1.PNG
Скачать: [4]
Автор: TilesetAnon
Размер тайлов: 16×24
Текущая версия: 1.01
Версия игры: 0.43.05
Установка: Available as a patch
Last updated: July 10, 2017

A clean and simple tileset with creature graphics, intended to give a comfy NES-era RPG feel.