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Городами обычно называют одно из приведённого ниже:

Режим приключений

Приключенцы проводят большую часть свободного времени в городах. Тут они могут купить или продать что-нибудь, поговорить с людьми, знатью, а также священными существами, живущими здесь, и, конечно же, убить тех, кто им когда-то насолил.


Town from Dwarf Fortress Development Blog

In the middle of the town is a walled stronghold held by many soldiers. Inside of the keep can be found a Lady, other high nobility, Men-at-arms willing the follow you into death and well guarded treasure. Under the keep is a dungeon, a dangerous but rewarding place to wander.


Typical Town Thoroughfare

Outside of the Keep is the realm of the bourgeoisie, who usually trade in vast Markets or districts of shops. Many stray domesticated animals roam through the muddy streets. Other buildings of unknown use exist in a town, such as the temple and warehouse. Below is a list of different shops found in a city. Some cities will not have all of the shops, and a player may have to travel to a different city to browse the wares of an Armor Smith.

The shops that are "common" are common because only animal products (meat, bone, leather) and farm products (cloth and food) are currently produced in any significant numbers. Stone, wood, and metal are all extremely rare materials in towns, and because of this, few industries based upon these materials can spring up.

Common shops:

  • Clothiers Imports
  • Woven Clothing Shop
  • Cloth Shop
  • Leather Clothing Shop
  • Leather Shop
  • Bone Carver's Shop
  • Food Imports
  • General Imports

Rare shops:

  • Carpenter's Shop
  • Metal Furniture shop
  • Stone Furniture shop
  • Gem Cutters shop
  • Armorsmiths shop
  • Bowyer's Shop
  • Weaponsmiths shop

In a Market one can find:

  • Imported Goods
  • Imported Food
  • Imported Clothing
  • Meat


Под городом находится канализация, в которую можно попасть либо сверху, либо из каналов. Под храмами расположены катакомбы. И канализация, и катакомбы могут быть связаны с подземельем.

Криминальные организации

В большинстве городов есть Криминальные организации, состоящие из изгоев. Их главарь называется "Босс". Криминальные организации могут занимать подземелья под замками, превращая на первый взгляд гостеприимный город в смертельную ловушку для искателей приключений.

Разрушенные города

Ruins of a town before the gates of an abandoned keep

In time some towns will be brought to ruin. These become desolate wastelands where all of the peasants and merchants still living in the wreckage will attack you, perhaps out of fear, perhaps to stop you from looting the keep, where many fine objects lie unguarded.

Игровой мир
Подземный мир