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Support preview.png

Опорные колонны или просто опоры are pillars built to prevent or control cave-ins. Supports connect to the tile above, the four tiles orthogonal to that tile, the four tiles orthogonal to the support itself, the tile below the support, and the four tiles orthogonal to that tile. Supports transfer support from any of their "connection" tiles to all other connection tiles. A completely unsupported support will cave in. Multiple supports can be chained together to transfer support over a long distance without creating climbing/jumping paths.

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Support chains (side view)

Unlike constructed walls, supports do not create a floor tile on the Z-level above. Nonetheless, the square above a support acts like a floor in that it will hold up adjacent (not diagonal) floor squares. Supports do not block movement, fluids or missile fire. Supports made of wood are vulnerable to fire and certain building destroyers.

Building a support

Supports are built through the build menu (b-S) and require one stone, log, block or bar of any type. Construction is done by a carpenter (for wood), metalsmith (for metals), or mason (for all other materials, such as stone, glass, or soap).

Supports must be built on solid surfaces, but do not require that the floor remains after construction is complete. "Hanging" supports can be constructed by building them atop constructed walls, then removing the walls, allowing chains of supports without any walkable tiles.

Collapsing a support

Supports can be linked to mechanisms and collapse when triggered, causing a cave-in if the support was the only thing preventing it. This can be used as an offensive weapon or as a useful tool for breaking through layers or damming underground pools. See cave-in for more information on using the rock itself as a tool.

Предметы обстановки
Animal trapAnvilArmor standBedBlocksBox (chest • coffer) • BucketCabinetCage (aquarium • terrarium) • Coffin (casket • sarcophagus) • RestraintSlabStatueTableThrone (chair) • Weapon rack
AltarBookcaseDisplay (display case • pedestal) • HiveNest box

Контроль проходов
BarsBridgeDoor (portal) • FloodgateGrateHatchRoadWindow
Машины и части ловушек

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