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Версия от 12:36, 14 апреля 2012; ArexBot (обсуждение | вклад) (Замена текста — « - это » на « — это »)
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"Когда я впервые прибыл сюда, здесь было одно болото. Все говорили, что глупо строить замок на болоте, но я тем не менее я построил, только чтобы доказать им. Замок утонул в болоте. Поэтому я построил второй. И этот утонул в болоте. Поэтому я построил третий. Этот замок полностью выгорел, обвалился, и лишь затем утонул в болоте. Но четвёртый остался на поверхности. И он достанется тебе, сын, самый укреплённый замок во всей Англии."

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Заболоченная местность — это тип биома, затопленный постоянно или лишь периодически. Generally they have an abundance of foliage, including heavy, specialized tree-growth and a vast ecosystem. The landscape is very flat, with only occasional, small gradients. Ponds are abundant. Wetlands tend to form around oceanic coastlines, especially where rivers meet the ocean.

They generally have a high water table, meaning that an accessible aquifer is only a few tiles below the surface (and in occasionally unlucky circumstances, directly beneath the surface). It can be incredibly difficult to nigh-impossible to extract stones from these areas, making the long-term feasibility of a fort doubtful; it is recommend that an additional, non-saturated biome be selected as well. The stratification is often hard to ascertain, as it is difficult to penetrate the aquifer. Generally there are a few layers of clay and loam followed, eventually, by stone and rock beneath.

Wetlands with saltwater make habitability more precarious, as the aquifer and surrounding ponds are not drinkable. The water first has to be desalinated.

Отдельными типами заболоченной местности являются марши и болота. Разновидности заболоченной местности, которые вы встретите в игре:

  • Temperate freshwater marsh
  • Temperate saltwater marsh
  • Tropical freshwater marsh
  • Tropical saltwater marsh
  • Temperate freshwater swamp
  • Temperate saltwater swamp
  • Tropical freshwater swamp
  • Tropical saltwater swamp
    • Mangrove swamp

Temperate marshes

(both freshwater and saltwater)



In temperate marshes appear:

In savage temperate marshes appear:

In evil temperate marshes appear:


In temperate marshes appear:

Tropical marshes

(both freshwater and saltwater)



In tropical marshes appear:

In savage tropical marshes appear:

In evil tropical marshes appear:

Temperate swamps

(both freshwater and saltwater)



In temperate swamps appear:

In savage temperate swamps appear:

In evil temperate swamps appear:

Tropical swamps

(freshwater and saltwater, as well as mangrove swamps)

A tropical freshwater swamp with some gorillas wandering along the brook.



In tropical swamps appear:

In savage tropical swamps appear:

In evil tropical swamps appear:

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