Версия игры/51.01
v50 • v0.40 • v0.34 • v0.31 • v0.28 • v0.23 | |
Версия 51.01 обновлялась с 17 апреля 2024 года по 22 января 2025 года и существовала только как бета-ветка тестирования режима приключений. Многие вещи, которые были применимы не только к режиму приключений, также попадали в обновления 50.xx, выходившие параллельно бета-ветке. Обновления ветки были доступны только в Steam.
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Данная статья помечена как не оконченная. Вы можете прочитать эту статью на английском или помочь проекту её переводом. |
Бета 11
Версия 51.01-beta11 вышла 17 апреля 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
It’s time to venture outside your fortress!
— комментарий в Steam |
- Adventurer mode is now playable, though missing several features at this state.
- New soundtrack and audio.
- Fixed region map scrolling crash.
- Crash fix related to multithreading.
- Portrait graphics (included in 50.13).
Бета 12
Версия 51.01-beta12 вышла 18 апреля 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists! |
— комментарий в Steam |
Основные исправления
- Fixed region map scrolling crash
- Crash fix related to multithreading
Бета 13
Версия 51.01-beta13 вышла 22 апреля 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists! |
— комментарий в Steam |
- right click menu has option to move more than one tile
- npc sheets no longer give away their names unless you know them
Основные исправления
- cleaned up an intermittent crash from playing multiple adventure worlds
- fixed crash from some old adventurers
Прочие изменения/исправления
- stopped lockpicking menu from popping up until that's ready
- fixed cave adaptation
- optimization for loading speed with regards to flow events
- restricted some actions like bookkeeping from happening outside fort mode
- centered display of some wide-bodied creatures (some bears, anaconda, python, some animal people
Бета 14
Версия 51.01-beta14 вышла 5 июня 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists! |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Added the trade/barter/demand conversation menu
- Sites without tables in their stockpile get emergency tables for their shops for now
- Printed tabletop items on tables, and stopped many other building items from printing on top of creatures
- Sound off init option should work in adventure mode now
- Adventurers are no longer unaware of their own name
- Adventurers should no longer be sprinting/walking/etc forever when retired into a fort
- Fixes that linux crash on the trainer menu again
- Makes liquids/powders not spill out of containers on unretire
Бета 15
Версия 51.01-beta15 вышла 17 июня 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Happy summer, Urists!
We'll be back with more patches as soon as we can! P.S. If you were curious what Tarn was consulting on, Kitfox announced Streets of Fortuna last weekend, and continues to answer questions about that. But that's the last we'll mention it until there's more concrete news. Thanks to those who watched the PC Gaming Showcase! |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Abilities menu! Raise the dead if you learn the secrets, pet animals, spit, breathe fire and use other special powers in mods or as an arena-controlled creature/undead
- Left click to move to distant tiles
- Interaction-given syndrome tracking/timing improved
- NPCs should run and sleep again
Бета 18
Версия 51.01-beta18 вышла 26 июня 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Urists, get ready to eat meat. |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Added butcher/create menu
Бета 19
Версия 51.01-beta19 вышла 17 июля 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists! |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Composing poems, music, dances, and writing things down is back in
- Wrestle button now handles wrestling
- Encumbrance is visible in inventory screen and there are a few alert levels for being over-encumbered
- Speed is visible in the movement options
- Indicators for ongoing movement, attacks, and dodges during player's turn in combat
Основные исправления
- Throwing/shooting crash fixed
- Fixed input/display issues in kitchen menu
- Handled several issues with gifting pets
- Certain goblin torsos weren't being displayed
Бета 20
Версия 51.01-beta20 вышла 14 августа 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hello Urists! |
— комментарий в Steam |
New graphics and fortress mode changes from this patch were included in 50.14.
- Quest log and information screen in adventure mode
- Child and baby pictures for dwarves
- Many new fruit, flower, leaf pictures
- Updated dwarf clothing images
Основные исправления
- Made good/bad thoughts about tombs work
- Fixed error with experiment portrait mandibles
Бета 21
Версия 51.01-beta21 вышла 28 августа 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists, |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Your adventurer can u ride and push minecarts, use levers, bash down locked doors and hatches, topple statues
- You can now use wells in towns
- Adventure music plays based on context
- Full personality customization available in adventurer mode character creation
Основные исправления
- A few Linux audio crashes fixed
Бета 22
Версия 51.01-beta22 вышла 4 сентября 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists, |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Visible soldiers/groups on world map in adventure mode
- Adventure mode sound indicators in unseen areas
- Ability to assume identity in adventure mode
- Can view wounds in dwarf mode arena without diagnosis
- Palettized unit graphics (included in 50.14)
Основные исправления
- Fix for recent audio crash
Бета 23
Версия 51.01-beta23 вышла 30 сентября 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
комментарий в Steam |
- Update to bin/barrel container graphics so they show their contents in more detail (included in 50.15)
- Added tracking symbols (
K for now)
- Added classic glyphs (still need to work on screen layout)
- Better respected caste population ratios
- Added more information to crash logs
Основные исправления
- Audio crash fixed
- Fixed Linux crash-on-exit
- Fixed command line world generation
Бета 24
Версия 51.01-beta24 вышла 23 октября 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists, |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Started adding Adventurer mode tutorial (camera, movement, menu options, popups for many menus)
- Menu sounds during character creation and the adventure log
- Can click on portrait for status
Основные исправления
- Hive no longer looks like clothing
- Improved river and campfire audio loops
- Fixed modding crash involving creature variations
- Made threading more stable
- Made string display more compatible with fan translations
Бета 25
Версия 51.01-beta25 вышла 24 октября 2024 года.
Основные исправления
- Fixed crash involving river audio polling
Бета 26
Версия 51.01-beta26 вышла 27 ноября 2024 года.
Комментарии разработчика
Hey Urists, |
— комментарий в Steam |
- Added some mythical dungeons, materials, and related temple quests
- Added a few magical items
- Added initial god quest for chosen mode
- Added mythical healing substances in mythical sites
- Added messages for healing effects
- Chosen/hero get bonus reputation for the purpose of gaining followers
- Environmental display in top right (weather, light, temp, etc.)
- Quest journal outline on right side of main screen
- Vampire blood sense markers
- Memory map
- Stealth vision cones
- Goblin/kobold glowing eyes in the dark
- Added liquid/ramp arrow toggles to adv mode
- Announced when somebody pushes past you and cancels your action
- Added shared items to wrestling interface so you can struggle for possession without using inventory screen
- Added buttons so ramps can be used with hatches
Основные исправления
- Made people stop moving when you talk to them (if they aren't fighting)
- Fixed audio for snow/mud footsteps
- Separated adv/fort volume settings
- Fixed jump tooltip
- Stopped adventurers from starting in pits if other sites are available
- Stopped ``rbut`` from quitting out of character creation
- Removed adventure mode feature discovery announcements
- Updated more classic tiles and brought back cursors
Прочие изменения/исправления
These changes are also included in 50.15
- Dye vs profession coloration toggleable in both modes
- Stopped migrant families with negative age younger siblings in young worlds
- Removed case sensitivity from unit filters
- Fixed a crash from subtabbing to certain buildings
- Made help close button act consistently when help is minimized
- Fixed bug where syndrome would target too few tissues
- Fixed issue with occasional infinite loop on population placement
- Fixed bug where many priests would move to different homes after world generation
Бета 27
Версия 51.01-beta27 вышла 2 декабря 2024 года.
Основные исправления
- Fixes an audio crash
- Kobs/gobs shouldn't steal mythic artifacts
- Undead shouldn't take over mythic sites near to market towns
- Mythical sites shouldn't be placed over rivers as frequently
Бета 28
Версия 51.01-beta28 вышла 8 января 2025 года.
Комментарии разработчика
It's almost time! |
— комментарий в Steam |
Графические нововведения
- Child portraits!
- Baby portraits!
- Pebble floors are differentiated from stone floors
- Primordial remnant images by sphere
- Fixed broken human hair palettes
- Fixed missing hoods for cloaks in portraits
- Fixed coin palettes and pile size images
- Fixed off-center mythical dungeon map images
Новое в режиме крепости
- Tame vermin can be made available as pets in fort mode!
- Added adventure soundtrack to Fortress mode
- Added adventure mode music track credits
- Improved initial loading speed
Изменения создания персонажа
- Changed description and added tip if chosen destiny is disabled
- Correct destiny name shown on character sheet in creation
- Difficulty tooltips
- Creature description tooltips on character creation
- Civilization description tooltips on character creation
- Home site description tooltips on character creation
- Ordered adventurer start sites by population
- Belief description tooltips on character creation
- Tweaked spacing in background paragraph in character creation
- Added character archetypes to character creation for attributes and skills
- Skill/attribute tooltips in character creation
- Made some additional skills available in character creation
- Made character creator choose better starting materials if some points can be spared
- Changed item category order
- Highlighted item categories in character creation that are for fortress mode
- Item quality button explanation in character creation
Новое в режиме приключений
- Added mythical animal populations to mythical sites
- Made mythical populations wear less armor and decreased leader skills somewhat
- Added more protection against unintended infighting at mythical sites, though goblins can still argue
- Compass for retrieve artifact quest
- Improved adventure shopkeeper placement and table handling
- Stopped chosen from starting in towns with ruined temples
- Added handling of player that has been knocked out or unable to act for a long time
- Made reputation visible for people and groups in adv log in chosen/hero modes
- Improved adventurer log map display somewhat
- Added more information about where companions are located in companion list
- Right click allows drinking from tiles
- Right click on self has view option
- Right click on hatch gives option to go below
- Made adventurer NPCs tend toward taverns instead of castles
- Made priests start in their temples more correctly
- Hover info for sounds, vampire senses, memory map
- Fixed problem where enemy healing liquids healed you instead
- Added more chosen god popups
- Added some adventure mode help guides
- Made stop travel button flash if travel is impossible
- Clarified wording of surrounding obstacles message
- Clarified wording in talk button tutorial window
- Added announcement button to menu overview
- Improved travel restrictions check
- Added highlight for travel restrictions
- Made divine intervention stronger
- Fixed divine intervention crash against projectiles
- Cleaned up quest display between games
- Added more combat audio layers
- Changed songs less often in adventure mode
- Fixed audio crash related to ambiance
Прочие изменения/исправления
- Fixed broken medium taupe coloration for nightmare sphere screaming mouths fabric