Peregrine falcon: различия между версиями

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{{creaturedesc|A small bird of prey that is capable of great speed. They dive on unsuspecting vermin.}}

'''Peregrine falcons''' встречаются практически в любом биоме, excluding oceans, glaciers, and tropical rain forests. They take great delight in killing as many [[vermin]] as they can; it would be wise to [[Standing orders|order]] your dwarves not to collect outside vermin, unless you don’t mind your [[refuse stockpile]]s being filled with [[remains]]. While females are simply referred to as peregrine falcons, males are known as tiercel peregrines.
{{creaturedesc|Маленькая хищная птичка, достигающая больших скоростей. Она пикирует на ничего не подозревающих вредителей.}}

Once [[tame]]d and domesticated, peregrine falcons make for a great [[cat]] replacement. They hunt [[vermin]], fly, don’t adopt owners and their births are easier to manage through [[egg]]s and [[nest box]]es. As a bonus, the eggs can be [[cook]]ed and consumed by dwarves.
'''Peregrine falcons''' встречаются практически в любом биоме, за исключением океанов, ледников и тропических сырых лесов. Они приносят огромную пользу уничтожая множество [[vermin|вредителей]]; it would be wise to будет не лишним [[Standing orders|order]] вашим дварфам не собирать вредителей снаружи, иначе вы не заметите как ваши [[refuse stockpile]] будут заполнены [[remains|останками]]. Женские особи известны как peregrine falcons, мужские - tiercel peregrines.
Будучи [[tame|прирученной]] и одомашненной, peregrine falcons является лучшей заменой [[cat|котов]]. Она охотится на  [[vermin|вредителей]], летает, не может становится питомцем и ее рождаемость легко контролируется с помощью [[egg|яиц]] и [[nest box| гнездовий]]. И, как бонус, ее яйца могут быть [[cook|приготовлены]] и съедены дварфами.

[[en:Peregrine falcon]]

Версия от 20:11, 7 марта 2013

Peregrine falcon

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Peregrine falcon - Peregrine falcon man - Giant peregrine falcon


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A small bird of prey that is capable of great speed. They dive on unsuspecting vermin.

Peregrine falcons встречаются практически в любом биоме, за исключением океанов, ледников и тропических сырых лесов. Они приносят огромную пользу уничтожая множество вредителей; it would be wise to будет не лишним order вашим дварфам не собирать вредителей снаружи, иначе вы не заметите как ваши refuse stockpile будут заполнены останками. Женские особи известны как peregrine falcons, мужские - tiercel peregrines.

Будучи прирученной и одомашненной, peregrine falcons является лучшей заменой котов. Она охотится на вредителей, летает, не может становится питомцем и ее рождаемость легко контролируется с помощью яиц и гнездовий. И, как бонус, ее яйца могут быть приготовлены и съедены дварфами.

Dwarf • Elf • Goblin • Human • Kobold
Albatross (man, giant) • Barn owl (man, giant) • Bluejay (man, giant) • Bushtit (man, giant) • Cardinal (man, giant) • Cassowary (man, giant) • Cockatiel (man, giant) • Crow (man, giant) • Eagle (man, giant) • Emu (man, giant) • Grackle (man, giant) • Great horned owl (man, giant) • Grey parrot (man, giant) • Hornbill (man, giant) • Kakapo (man, giant) • Kea (man, giant) • Kestrel (man, giant) • Kiwi (man, giant) • Loon (man, giant) • Lorikeet (man, giant) • Magpie (man, giant) • Masked lovebird (man, giant) • Oriole (man, giant) • Osprey (man, giant) • Ostrich (man, giant) • Parakeet (man, giant) • Peach-faced lovebird (man, giant) • Penguin (little, emperor, man, giant) • Peregrine falcon (man, giant) • Puffin (man, giant) • Raven (man, giant) • Red-winged blackbird (man, giant) • Snowy owl (man, giant) • Sparrow (man, giant) • Swan (man, giant) • White stork (man, giant) • Wren (man, giant)
Bark scorpion (man, giant) • Beetle (man, giant) • Brown recluse spider (man, giant) • Damselfly (man, giant) • Dragonfly (man, giant) • Firefly (man, giant) • Fly (man, giant) • Grasshopper (man, giant) • Jumping spider (man, giant) • Louse (man, giant) • Mantis (man, giant) • Monarch butterfly (man, giant) • Moon snail (man, giant) • Mosquito (man, giant) • Moth (man, giant) • Roach (man, giant) • Slug (man, giant) • Snail (man, giant) • Thrips (man, giant) • Tick (man, giant)
Desert tortoise (man, giant) • Gila monster (man, giant) • Leopard gecko (man, giant)
AlpacaBlue peafowlCatCavyChickenCowDogDonkeyDuckGoatGooseGuineafowlHorseLlamaMulePigRabbitReindeerSheepTurkeyWater buffaloYak
AngelsharkBasking sharkBlacktip reef sharkBlue sharkBluefin tunaBluefishBull sharkCodCoelacanthCommon skateConger eelCrab (man, giant) • Cuttlefish (man, giant) • Elephant seal (man, giant) • Frill sharkGiant grouperGreat barracudaGreat white sharkHalibutHammerhead sharkHarp seal (man, giant) • Horseshoe crab (man, giant) • Leopard seal (man, giant) • Longfin mako sharkManta rayMarlinMilkfishNarwhal (man, giant) • Nautilus (man, giant) • Nurse sharkOcean sunfishOctopus (man, giant) • OpahOrca (man, giant) • Sea lampreyShortfin mako sharkSperm whale (man, giant) • Spiny dogfishSponge (man, giant) • Spotted wobbegong • Squid (man, giant) • StingraySturgeonSwordfishTiger sharkWalrus (man, giant) • Whale sharkWhitetip reef shark
Axolotl (man, giant) • Beaver (man, giant) • CarpHippo (man, giant) • Leech (man, giant) • Longnose garMink (man, giant) • Otter (river, sea, man, giant) • PikePlatypus (man, giant) • Pond turtle (man, giant) • Snapping turtle (common, alligator, man, giant) • Tigerfish
Умеренный климат
Adder (man, giant) • Alligator (man, giant) • Badger (man, giant) • Black bear (man, giant) • Bobcat (man, giant) • Buzzard (man, giant) • Capybara (man, giant) • Coati (man, giant) • Copperhead snake (man, giant) • Cougar (man, giant) • Coyote (man, giant) • Deer (man, giant) • Dingo (man, giant) • Echidna (man, giant) • Fox (man, giant) • Gray langur (man, giant) • Green tree frog (man, giant) • Grizzly bear (man, giant) • Groundhog (man, giant) • Hare (man, giant) • Ibex (man, giant) • Kangaroo (man, giant) • Kingsnake (man, giant) • Koala (man, giant) • Moose (man, giant) • Opossum (man, giant) • Panda (man, giant) • Porcupine (man, giant) • Raccoon (man, giant) • Rattlesnake (man, giant) • Red panda (man, giant) • Rhesus macaque (man, giant) • Skunk (man, giant) • Weasel (man, giant) • Wild boar (man, giant) • Wolf (man, giant) • Wombat (man, giant)
Aardvark (man, giant) • Anaconda (man, giant) • Armadillo (man, giant) • Aye-aye (man, giant) • BilouBlack mamba (man, giant) • Black-crested gibbonBlack-handed gibbonBonoboBushmaster (man, giant) • Capuchin (man, giant) • Cheetah (man, giant) • ChimpanzeeElephant (man, giant) • Gazelle (man, giant) • Giant desert scorpionGiant tortoise (man, giant) • Giraffe (man, giant) • GorillaGray gibbonHoney badger (man, giant)• Hyena (man, giant) • Impala (man, giant) • Jackal (man, giant) • Jaguar (man, giant) • King cobra (man, giant) • Leopard (man, giant) • Lion (man, giant) • Lion tamarin (man, giant) • Mandrill (man, giant) • Mongoose (man, giant) • Monitor lizard (man, giant) • Ocelot (man, giant) • One-humped camel (man, giant) • OrangutanPangolin (man, giant) • Pileated gibbonPython (man, giant) • Rhinoceros (man, giant) • Saltwater crocodile (man, giant) • SiamangSilvery gibbonSloth (man, giant) • Sloth bear (man, giant) • Spider monkey (man, giant) • Tapir (man, giant) • Tiger (man, giant) • Two-humped camel (man, giant) • Vulture (man, giant) • Warthog (man, giant) • White-browed gibbonWhite-handed gibbon
Elk (man, giant) • Lynx (man, giant) • Muskox (man, giant) • Polar bear (man, giant) • Stoat (man, giant)
Chipmunk (man, giant) • Flying squirrel (man, giant) • Gray squirrel (man, giant) • Hamster (man, giant) • Hedgehog (man, giant) • Rat (man) • Red squirrel (man, giant)
Anole (man, giant) • Chameleon (man, giant) • Iguana (man, giant) • Lizard (man, giant) • Skink (man, giant)
Toad (man, giant) • Wagon • Worm (man)
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