Giant opossum

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Giant opossum
Giant opossum sprite.png



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Opossum - Opossum man - Giant opossum

Окружение: Дикое

· Редкое ездовое

Свойства питомца
Ценность 500☼

· Редкий питомец · Разводимое

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Детёныш: 22 104 см3
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Взрослый: 221 040 см3

Взрослый: 1
Максимальный: 2-4
Результат разделки

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Мясо 12-13
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Сырье и материалы

Кости 12-18
Череп 1
Шкура Кожа
A huge monster in the shape of an opossum.

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Giant opossums are larger versions of the standard opossum. They can be somewhat dangerous to an unarmed dwarf, though they should pose little threat to even a fledgling military.

Giant opossums can be tamed as pets, or bred as livestock for a meat industry, though their lifespan of 2-4 years significantly limits their usefulness. They provide a medium amount of meat, but other, larger "giant" animals provide better butchering returns. Therefore, giant opossums are little more than pests to most fortresses, but they can be useful as wild hunting targets.

Some dwarves like giant opossums for their ability to play dead.

D4Dwarf.png Этой статье присвоена категория «Д» — значит «Дварфы». Это значит, что в ней встречаются смешные шутки, не очень смешные шутки, совсем не смешные шутки, всякие внутриигровые приколы и ссылки на форум Bay12. Не верьте всему, что тут понаписали, и не расстраивайтесь, если чего-то не поняли.

Some dwarven scholars consider these creatures to be a probable origin of the elven worship of nature, postulating that, due to the peculiar appearance of these animals, they might have mistaken the opossums for moving walls powered by divine will.

Dwarf • Elf • Goblin • Human • Kobold
Albatross (man, giant) • Barn owl (man, giant) • Bluejay (man, giant) • Bushtit (man, giant) • Cardinal (man, giant) • Cassowary (man, giant) • Cockatiel (man, giant) • Crow (man, giant) • Eagle (man, giant) • Emu (man, giant) • Grackle (man, giant) • Great horned owl (man, giant) • Grey parrot (man, giant) • Hornbill (man, giant) • Kakapo (man, giant) • Kea (man, giant) • Kestrel (man, giant) • Kiwi (man, giant) • Loon (man, giant) • Lorikeet (man, giant) • Magpie (man, giant) • Masked lovebird (man, giant) • Oriole (man, giant) • Osprey (man, giant) • Ostrich (man, giant) • Parakeet (man, giant) • Peach-faced lovebird (man, giant) • Penguin (little, emperor, man, giant) • Peregrine falcon (man, giant) • Puffin (man, giant) • Raven (man, giant) • Red-winged blackbird (man, giant) • Snowy owl (man, giant) • Sparrow (man, giant) • Swan (man, giant) • White stork (man, giant) • Wren (man, giant)
Bark scorpion (man, giant) • Beetle (man, giant) • Brown recluse spider (man, giant) • Damselfly (man, giant) • Dragonfly (man, giant) • Firefly (man, giant) • Fly (man, giant) • Grasshopper (man, giant) • Jumping spider (man, giant) • Louse (man, giant) • Mantis (man, giant) • Monarch butterfly (man, giant) • Moon snail (man, giant) • Mosquito (man, giant) • Moth (man, giant) • Roach (man, giant) • Slug (man, giant) • Snail (man, giant) • Thrips (man, giant) • Tick (man, giant)
Desert tortoise (man, giant) • Gila monster (man, giant) • Leopard gecko (man, giant)
AlpacaBlue peafowlCatCavyChickenCowDogDonkeyDuckGoatGooseGuineafowlHorseLlamaMulePigRabbitReindeerSheepTurkeyWater buffaloYak
AngelsharkBasking sharkBlacktip reef sharkBlue sharkBluefin tunaBluefishBull sharkCodCoelacanthCommon skateConger eelCrab (man, giant) • Cuttlefish (man, giant) • Elephant seal (man, giant) • Frill sharkGiant grouperGreat barracudaGreat white sharkHalibutHammerhead sharkHarp seal (man, giant) • Horseshoe crab (man, giant) • Leopard seal (man, giant) • Longfin mako sharkManta rayMarlinMilkfishNarwhal (man, giant) • Nautilus (man, giant) • Nurse sharkOcean sunfishOctopus (man, giant) • OpahOrca (man, giant) • Sea lampreyShortfin mako sharkSperm whale (man, giant) • Spiny dogfishSponge (man, giant) • Spotted wobbegong • Squid (man, giant) • StingraySturgeonSwordfishTiger sharkWalrus (man, giant) • Whale sharkWhitetip reef shark
Axolotl (man, giant) • Beaver (man, giant) • CarpHippo (man, giant) • Leech (man, giant) • Longnose garMink (man, giant) • Otter (river, sea, man, giant) • PikePlatypus (man, giant) • Pond turtle (man, giant) • Snapping turtle (common, alligator, man, giant) • Tigerfish
Умеренный климат
Adder (man, giant) • Alligator (man, giant) • Badger (man, giant) • Black bear (man, giant) • Bobcat (man, giant) • Buzzard (man, giant) • Capybara (man, giant) • Coati (man, giant) • Copperhead snake (man, giant) • Cougar (man, giant) • Coyote (man, giant) • Deer (man, giant) • Dingo (man, giant) • Echidna (man, giant) • Fox (man, giant) • Gray langur (man, giant) • Green tree frog (man, giant) • Grizzly bear (man, giant) • Groundhog (man, giant) • Hare (man, giant) • Ibex (man, giant) • Kangaroo (man, giant) • Kingsnake (man, giant) • Koala (man, giant) • Moose (man, giant) • Opossum (man, giant) • Panda (man, giant) • Porcupine (man, giant) • Raccoon (man, giant) • Rattlesnake (man, giant) • Red panda (man, giant) • Rhesus macaque (man, giant) • Skunk (man, giant) • Weasel (man, giant) • Wild boar (man, giant) • Wolf (man, giant) • Wombat (man, giant)
Aardvark (man, giant) • Anaconda (man, giant) • Armadillo (man, giant) • Aye-aye (man, giant) • BilouBlack mamba (man, giant) • Black-crested gibbonBlack-handed gibbonBonoboBushmaster (man, giant) • Capuchin (man, giant) • Cheetah (man, giant) • ChimpanzeeElephant (man, giant) • Gazelle (man, giant) • Giant desert scorpionGiant tortoise (man, giant) • Giraffe (man, giant) • GorillaGray gibbonHoney badger (man, giant)• Hyena (man, giant) • Impala (man, giant) • Jackal (man, giant) • Jaguar (man, giant) • King cobra (man, giant) • Leopard (man, giant) • Lion (man, giant) • Lion tamarin (man, giant) • Mandrill (man, giant) • Mongoose (man, giant) • Monitor lizard (man, giant) • Ocelot (man, giant) • One-humped camel (man, giant) • OrangutanPangolin (man, giant) • Pileated gibbonPython (man, giant) • Rhinoceros (man, giant) • Saltwater crocodile (man, giant) • SiamangSilvery gibbonSloth (man, giant) • Sloth bear (man, giant) • Spider monkey (man, giant) • Tapir (man, giant) • Tiger (man, giant) • Two-humped camel (man, giant) • Vulture (man, giant) • Warthog (man, giant) • White-browed gibbonWhite-handed gibbon
Elk (man, giant) • Lynx (man, giant) • Muskox (man, giant) • Polar bear (man, giant) • Stoat (man, giant)
Chipmunk (man, giant) • Flying squirrel (man, giant) • Gray squirrel (man, giant) • Hamster (man, giant) • Hedgehog (man, giant) • Rat (man) • Red squirrel (man, giant)
Anole (man, giant) • Chameleon (man, giant) • Iguana (man, giant) • Lizard (man, giant) • Skink (man, giant)
Toad (man, giant) • Wagon • Worm (man)
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